Timestamp: Winter 38, 513
Tudav was bundled on her horse with her great nephew guiding the mount back to the pavilion and Issy following silently behind them. The pavilion elder had caught a bit of a cold and had they were returning from one of the healers with some medicine for the old webber. With Corsal and Cotice and the other men in the family off on the bison excursion, Issy had actually had some time to heal...and grow.
Most of the morning sickness had finally left her and there was now a discernable bump in her belly where the Ankal's babe now grew. Those in the family that talked to her in Common called it the rabbit hole, referring to its small growth right now and that, in time, it would be bigger; but Issy was as far from accepting of it as she could get. Her maternal instincts kept her from doing anything rash, of course, but the kelvic remained unwelcome of the tiny life if only because of where it had come from.
Around her shoulders, Issy wore a wool shawl as she shuffled behind Tudav and her horse, head down, and ears red with the cold. It was cold enough to make her lips tremble and condensed air fog from them with each exhale. The only reason Issy was not with Dastina working on the various knitting projects she had been given was because the Drykas seamstress' own pavilion had moved ahead on the Run that morning whereas Autumnrun and the Opal's they had gone to visit had not.
This bothered her for she would have even slept among Dastina's family if she'd been allowed, but each day she worked, Tudav would return to retrieve her and bring her home, signing to the seamstress her thanks. At least Cotice was not around right now to bother the shifter.
Issy coughed into the back of her hand and winced, her other hand sliding to her left ribs and rubbing at them. The other bruises and nicks had begun to fade in the Ankal's absence, but the more serious attacks had yet to fade. Just before the hunt, he had caught her after a shift, a vicious kick in the side scaring her out of the warmer shape of her feline form and back into the human one, a set of bruised ribs left from the attack. His anger still had not been diffused and all she could do was try to make it through each day, hoping for the best that a solution could be found. The man had gone mad and his locked tight hold on the kelvic, alongside what Oryani had informed her of last season, had left the shifter's opinion of Drykas extremely jaded.
But something good began to float from the sky, its cool tickle caressing her cheek when it landed and melted.
The woman turned her head up to the heavy clouds above, haunted eyes brightening a little before another flake made her blink and rub at the lid with a knuckle after lowering her head. Afterwards, Issy gave a delighted cry and hurried ahead of Tudav and her great nephew to return to the pavilions and get changed.
It took less than a chime to reach the pavilion and even less for the woman to reach the sleeping tent where she shed the hand knit shawl, pulling her clothes off madly, and let her form dissolve in a bright flash of color and light. As soon as her paws touched the ground, Issy bounded back out of the pavilion and through the aisles of tents that clustered together, running full spring as the tickle of snow began to fall more and more, lifting the bruised and battered cats spirits even more and dusting her tawny and spotted coat in white. She was heading for the conglomerate of tents edge, wanting to be out in the open before she gave in to her longing to play.
Tudav was bundled on her horse with her great nephew guiding the mount back to the pavilion and Issy following silently behind them. The pavilion elder had caught a bit of a cold and had they were returning from one of the healers with some medicine for the old webber. With Corsal and Cotice and the other men in the family off on the bison excursion, Issy had actually had some time to heal...and grow.
Most of the morning sickness had finally left her and there was now a discernable bump in her belly where the Ankal's babe now grew. Those in the family that talked to her in Common called it the rabbit hole, referring to its small growth right now and that, in time, it would be bigger; but Issy was as far from accepting of it as she could get. Her maternal instincts kept her from doing anything rash, of course, but the kelvic remained unwelcome of the tiny life if only because of where it had come from.
Around her shoulders, Issy wore a wool shawl as she shuffled behind Tudav and her horse, head down, and ears red with the cold. It was cold enough to make her lips tremble and condensed air fog from them with each exhale. The only reason Issy was not with Dastina working on the various knitting projects she had been given was because the Drykas seamstress' own pavilion had moved ahead on the Run that morning whereas Autumnrun and the Opal's they had gone to visit had not.
This bothered her for she would have even slept among Dastina's family if she'd been allowed, but each day she worked, Tudav would return to retrieve her and bring her home, signing to the seamstress her thanks. At least Cotice was not around right now to bother the shifter.
Issy coughed into the back of her hand and winced, her other hand sliding to her left ribs and rubbing at them. The other bruises and nicks had begun to fade in the Ankal's absence, but the more serious attacks had yet to fade. Just before the hunt, he had caught her after a shift, a vicious kick in the side scaring her out of the warmer shape of her feline form and back into the human one, a set of bruised ribs left from the attack. His anger still had not been diffused and all she could do was try to make it through each day, hoping for the best that a solution could be found. The man had gone mad and his locked tight hold on the kelvic, alongside what Oryani had informed her of last season, had left the shifter's opinion of Drykas extremely jaded.
But something good began to float from the sky, its cool tickle caressing her cheek when it landed and melted.
The woman turned her head up to the heavy clouds above, haunted eyes brightening a little before another flake made her blink and rub at the lid with a knuckle after lowering her head. Afterwards, Issy gave a delighted cry and hurried ahead of Tudav and her great nephew to return to the pavilions and get changed.
It took less than a chime to reach the pavilion and even less for the woman to reach the sleeping tent where she shed the hand knit shawl, pulling her clothes off madly, and let her form dissolve in a bright flash of color and light. As soon as her paws touched the ground, Issy bounded back out of the pavilion and through the aisles of tents that clustered together, running full spring as the tickle of snow began to fall more and more, lifting the bruised and battered cats spirits even more and dusting her tawny and spotted coat in white. She was heading for the conglomerate of tents edge, wanting to be out in the open before she gave in to her longing to play.