[Bronze Woods] Red Headed Horror (Sami)

The Horror.....

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Bronze Woods] Red Headed Horror (Sami)

Postby Kreig Messer on December 8th, 2013, 3:03 pm


2nd of winter 513th A.V. 13th Bell 9th Chime

The weather was quite cold now...yes...quite cold indeed 'As expected of the winter season' Kreig thought as he placed a hand against one of the trees. He couldn't help but remember the long days of travel from Sunberth to Syliras...long and hard those were, but they were enjoyable 'Never a dull moment that was' Kreig chuckled. The brawler was dressed in his usual attire; a black long sleeved shirt, white breeches, a wide brimmed hat covering his head and brown leather boots. Over that he wore a breastplate, steel studded gauntlets on his fists, a pair armlets for his...well...arms and a pair of grieves for his legs.

By his waist hung his longsword snuggled comfortably in its sheath, on his back hung his crossbow while its bolts rested inside the quiver hanging from the back of his waist. He couldn't help but feel nostalgic during this weather, thus he spun some tale to his patron that he wished to patrol the bronze woods in hopes to gain some experience. He held a certain fondness for the Winter season, cold as it may be and of course most people would rather stay inside away from the cold, which didn't leave so many people at the fighter's pit at time.

It was so serene this moment 'Hope a pack of wolves or bandits don't jump out of nowhere' He bit his tongue at that thought, then butted his head lightly against the bark of the tree. That brought back memories he didn't need at the moment 'Fallon...' She went so suddenly, left without warning....bah, he knew it had to be those two so called 'disciples of Wren' He still very much doubted one of them wasn't the bastard but he had no way to prove that 'Should have seen that coming' He thought bitterly, he never even got a goodbye from her...not even a bloody note ' I would've followed her to the bloody ends of the earth' He'd have also bloody knocked one of the those 'Wren' students out and caused a scene but he pushed that delightful thought behind the back of his mind.

He sighed as he pushed himself away from the tree, his hand placed gently against its bark 'Sleeping soundly I hope?' Then again he wasn't sure if Trees slept during the winter....He'd have to ask someone about that. He moved away from the tree and continued to make his way through the forest, unaware of what horrors he might encounter in this forest.

Feeel thy wrath!!!!

"You gents best be careful, I'm feelin' mighty rabid right now... and your the only ones around to bite"
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[Bronze Woods] Red Headed Horror (Sami)

Postby Sami on December 9th, 2013, 7:54 am

Day two of being in a city she knew next to nothing about commenced in the early morning. Wishing to further understand her unfortunate predicament – or burn off steam depending on your preference – the Inarta sent herself storming on through the gates and out into the strange land beyond the stone wall. She already seemed put out by the alien stillness of it all, and then the lack of slopping gradients that would make up mountains and valleys. Nose wrinkling she shirked into her cloak, before inevitably pulling the cloak tightly around her frame. With the shortbow and arrows held close to her frame however, the red head sent her way through the strange world of trees and flat.

For a while she simply destroyed time by raising the bow and drawing the string back, attempting to practice her form where possible – she knew she was rusty, she knew she had little chance in being able to actually shoot something, but she tried anyway. Drawing the short bow back she held it there for a while, fletching tickling her cheek her eyes burning at some insulting log. Her chest rose, the break in her cloak revealing herself and the more unusual clothing before inevitably she released it into her target.

It hit with a dull thunk, the arrow shaft vibrating angrily in the wood. For a while she simply stared after it, distaste across her face before she waded after it through the dormant undergrowth. There was firm hard yank, a long, scrutinizing look to the arrow point before once more she trampled on through the still dead land of winter. She hated it here, it was cold, the people were well, people. She had a hard time understanding the language too, and it was due to her height there was the continuous treating manner that she was some incapable child. A child!

There was an angry snort, a heavy stomp up through the undergrowth, the quick clambering up onto the ridge as she stared on out across the woodland. Drawing in a deep breath she notched the arrow, holding the fletchings firmly between her fingers. Her feet shuffled about, her eyes narrowing down onto a tree this time. Shoulders rolled, her feet spreading but remaining at a right angle, her bow arm straightening out before her. Eyes burned the creak of wood resting in her ears. And, it was for a while she continued to stare, before promptly flinching the moment she heard something. The arrow shot off into the undergrowth, whistling past a walker before the loud twang as it impaled itself into the wood nearby. She piped up, a full wince upon her face, “Sorry old man!”

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[Bronze Woods] Red Headed Horror (Sami)

Postby Kreig Messer on December 9th, 2013, 9:50 am


It was becoming too quiet for his liking right now, usually that either meant trouble...and simetimes he liked that, it meant there was something to fight ' But quite frankly, this dogs appetite is not quite up for a meal ' He thought, and if it wasn't up for a meal then that usually meant it was the kind of trouble he would have issues solving.

As if to answer this superstitious feeling the Brawler, some time adter trudging through the winter snow he began to hear the familiar sound of an arrow or bolt striking wood 'Where's it coming from?" That was the main issue currently, with the snow about most of the sound was being absorbed by the snow 'Still....If I can hear it, then I must be quite close' He silently told himself as he continied to trudge through the slewping forest, each step the the thunking sound growing louder and louder ' I must be getting quite cl-' Suddenly as arrow whizzed mere inches past his face, just before embedding itself into some undergrowth '...-ose now' He gulped as even in this accursed weather he felt a sweat drop from his brow, the shock of almost instantly meeting his end nearly overcoming him.

" Sorry old man" Slowly he turned his head toward the direction of the young voice, a look of ' WATCH WHERE YOU'RE AIMING THAT THING!!' Itched on his face, but softened considerably as he saw the young lass before him, a look of regret on her face.

'...Wait, did she just called me old?' He raised a brow but then saved that thought for later ' No time to concern about your vanity Kreig, you should be wondering why a young girl suxh as herself is the woods by her lonesome' Kreig nodded mentally at that, then gavr the young lass a gentle, if albeit shaken, smile.

"Um...Don't worry yourself little miss, you've no way of knowing I was walking past" Indeed, now that he thought about it, he just came out to her path out of the blue 'Can't hold her responsible for that.... my own bloody fault for being so careless'

" So if you don't mind me adking young miss, what brings you to this part of the woods? A tad far away from the city, isn't it?" Aaannnnnd he felt creepy saying that.
Feeel thy wrath!!!!

"You gents best be careful, I'm feelin' mighty rabid right now... and your the only ones around to bite"
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[Bronze Woods] Red Headed Horror (Sami)

Postby Sami on December 14th, 2013, 12:49 pm

Sami stared long and hard, a fiery glare in response to his scowl and then to his forced if not strained smile. Already she felt her hairs rise, the piercing blue glaring down upon him in annoyance. Perhaps that was why she was already fumbling for another arrow from her quiver. He was too smiley and nice for her liking, and whilst he was trying to play on the more gentle approach, she could not help but feel her skin writhe. Even more so when his question came her way. Back straightened, eyes wincing a judging point of the arrow tip at this stranger.

”What it to you?” she demanded in a rough tone. She took her position of safety a good distance away, the bow string being pulled back sharply. There was a menacing glare, the strain of the string quivering beneath her fingers, the gentle groan of wood in her ears. And whilst she stared him down her heckles having risen and several prejudice thoughts having already sprung to her mind, did the firm defensive wall lock itself in place. What a creep. She gave a snort, ”So what if tad far? What you want old man?”

The string promptly pulled tighter, the cord straining against her fingers. Gone was the apologetic girl who accidentally almost fired an arrow, and out came the spiteful side within a heartbeat. She gave a glare to the scruffy looking man, and then snapped once more the Inartan tone ringing out truly, ”Hands where I see! No funny move creep man!” She was not taking any chances, not yet at least. Her left foot gave a gentle tap behind her, serving almost as a guide and a spring to launch herself from to escape with speed if need be, ”My reason be my own. Not to share!”

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[Bronze Woods] Red Headed Horror (Sami)

Postby Kreig Messer on December 14th, 2013, 2:33 pm


Oh dear....I've spooked her Kreig thought worryingly as he now had a young lass with red hair pointing a bow at him and his hands raised up. He sighed internally at the situation he found himself in, he was rather certain her arrows can't pierce his breastplate, but if she aimed anywhere else he would be in quite the dillema The distance between us is quite short too, she'd have to be the worse shot in the world to miss No choice but to be diplomatic about it, not that he wanted to hurt her in anyway.

Still, one thing was confirmed from all of this; the lass wasn't a local, her grammar horrendous and would have his own mother rising from the grave to give her a talking too. Wherever she was from it wasn't Syliras or even Sunberth Safe guess is that she's from the neighboring regions Now if he only knew about the neighboring regions he could guess. He never met a girl of her kind, plenty of the others but likely not her particular people.

"Now Lass, I don't mean any harm" Kreig Said, to show her that he'd have to disarm himself. Slowly he reached for the strap of his weapons harness, loosening the straps slowly and clearly for her to see. Connected to harness was his longsword which rested comfortably within its sheath, he gently tossed a distance behind him into some bushes. Slowly, he began to do the same to his studded guantlets here's hoping she understands I truly mean no such thing.

She was a young thing, easily agitated She's not from here...her nerves are definitely agitated? Did she have a bad experience coming here? Or was it from inside the city? He resumed raising his hands in the air and looked at her "Do I have to take off my armor as well to prove I am no foe? I mean you no harm and certainly only concerned for your well fare little miss"

Feeel thy wrath!!!!

"You gents best be careful, I'm feelin' mighty rabid right now... and your the only ones around to bite"
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[Bronze Woods] Red Headed Horror (Sami)

Postby Sami on December 21st, 2013, 5:08 pm

Sami kept the point trained on him, her eyes however betrayed her as they glanced to where he had thrown the long sword. For a while she held it, and then returned back to the creep that was talking to her. There was only a nod as he held his hands high, but still she held the string taught despite the slight lowering of the tip. Eyes jolted down to his gauntlets and then further to the ground as he once more speak in reassurance.

"You must be stupid man to throw aside weapon without looking where it fall," she snorted. And then she promptly glared, "Who you call little? I am NOT little! Or tiny! Stupid old man!" The Inarta released a huff, her foot stamping down as if to exclaim her point that she was not at all short. Besides, size was not everything - even she knew that. Shaking her head she continued her back away - smaller steps this time as she weighed up her chances against the tin man. And then promptly she lowered the bow to give a point, "That metal thing you carry. That is armour?"

It would be incorrect to say that she was alien to what armour was - she was not oblivious to the leather and steel products - but such words when it came to common were far beyond her. Her head cocked to one side, a bemused expression upon her face. Caution was thrown to the wind as she trampled towards him, arrow being tucked away and the bow pulled across her torso. With her hands firmly on her hips she stared at the reflection in the polish metal, the burning red hair catching her eye first. A gloved hand rubbed at her jaw, before she tapped the surface with her knuckle. It was most certainly hard.

The Inarta gave it a scrutinizing look before shaking her head in disapproval, Bah. You Tin Men and your fancy body mirrors. Bet heavy when fall in water."

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[Bronze Woods] Red Headed Horror (Sami)

Postby Kreig Messer on December 21st, 2013, 6:48 pm


I'm sure you need to get your eyes checked along with that brain of yours little girl Thought the cre- Brawler as he raised his brows at the girl who simply marched forward towards him, the fiery child was certainly lacking in manners.... If she were from Sunberth he wouldn't be surprised, but she certainly wasn't with that thick accent of hers and her broken common Well, at least I'm out of one danger zone.... Yet he was obviously in another bit of trouble....

As she examined his armor, Kreig shifted uncomfortably, annoyed by the fact he was being somewhat used him as a living mirror then knocked on his Breastplate, testing its hardness then she gave him that blasted comment about it being likely too heavy to swim in...which really he didn't find annoying at all, just didn't need the obvious pointed out to him.

He sighed as he already felt his energy being sapped by this brat before him "Yes, indeed it is quite heavy, but at least if I get struck by a sword I'll likely won't get hurt" He told her, she likely had a retort in her head about that but regardless, he felt this was a good oppertunity to ask her a question "Now, may I ask why are you alone? You do know you could have encountered.....oh I dunno, wolves, yukmen, wild boars, heck a strange magical creature that can literally kill you in one swoop...bandits....red headed children with no manners" He added that last part intentionally "...and other things that could be out there that we don't know about"

He then poked the lass' forehead "So...since I should be polite, I'll give you my name. Kreig Messer, squire of the Syliran Knight's, one of the 'tin men' as you so eloquently put "

Feeel thy wrath!!!!

"You gents best be careful, I'm feelin' mighty rabid right now... and your the only ones around to bite"
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[Bronze Woods] Red Headed Horror (Sami)

Postby Sami on December 29th, 2013, 4:00 pm

"Do not protect your head to legs though," she gave a snort, "Or if you push down hill." And then his comment came. It was a good thing looks could not kill.

The little Inarta glared at him, eyes pinching into a long, slow burn. Her brow rose gradually, her form rising up onto her toes. To begin with her lips fell into a straight line, unflinching and unmoving, and then promptly began to curl upwards into that of a sneer. Teeth grinded together, a rough exhale as she continued to look upon him. Lips parted, a firm, steady tone escaping from her, "What did you just call me?"

Not that her question was answered before the angry poke pressed against her forehead. There was a snap in recoil, teeth gnashing at the air the moment he pulled away. A mixture of rage and fluster took her. Small hands clenched into fists, a wild shake of her form as that sudden burst of energy flooded her. And for a tick there was a look of defiance at him, her expression twisting as all that impulsive rage came to a point. She kicked at him, in the groin. A shout erupted from, slicing the tense air, "Who you calling child! Stupid old man!"

She huffed, pulling away, her arms folding into a line as she scowled at him. She forced on a fierce persona, her form breaking into that of a pout, " I alone because I choose to be! Who you think you are? You not my guard. What it to you old man? My name is mine too. Not for share with creepy, weak men who ask girl odd questions!" A wicked grin however did break itself upon her lips, "You armour save you lots there. Stupid opposite man of day."

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[Bronze Woods] Red Headed Horror (Sami)

Postby Kreig Messer on January 5th, 2014, 2:14 pm


Kreig....did not enjoy that.... he felt a pain surge throughout his body as she hit him right in the happy parts. He wanted to scream but couldn't, instead letting out a sound that was like a cat screeching really really quietly. His eyes felt like bulging out of their sockets and quite frankly...amongst all that bloody pain... he knew he should have felt intense anger at this brat before. The problem was....he didn't, angry at her maybe, too high degrees? No.

He breathed deeply, trying to regain some of that damn composure. He glared at that damn brat, not with anger but more like a parent trying to scold his child, he doubt it was working..." Fine then lass, if you want to play hard. I can too, as a squire of the Syliran Knights, I hereby charge you with assault against a member of its order" Honestly, he was lying... horribly so on the last part. Would she believe him? He doubted it, he sincerly hoped so all the same.

"As a 'Tin Man' a name you so eloquently put, I am to take you back to the order for sentencing. Resist and I will have to subdue you by any means necessary" For one, he wasn't going to tell them a damn because he wasn't going to....second he wasn't sure that was a good idea to hit her but she was close enough for him grab. Problem came...if she did resist he would actually have to enforce his own bloody words and he didn't have the heart.... He liked her spirit, but if she wasn't going to stay inside where it safe then who knows what could happen ' Tis eerie times in Syliras, after all'

Feeel thy wrath!!!!

"You gents best be careful, I'm feelin' mighty rabid right now... and your the only ones around to bite"
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[Bronze Woods] Red Headed Horror (Sami)

Postby Sami on January 12th, 2014, 4:41 pm

Sami watched him clench his teeth and bear it, her scowl however remained on her face as he fought for composure. She met his glare without hesitation, her features rising up into a sneer as she looked upon him. Her hands came up into tiny fists, the eyes of a scrapper burning out upon him, "What you to do? Put me over your knee old man? Bah! We both know you want to cry like little girl!"

Releasing a huff the Inarta continued her stare down, her hairs almost rising with anticipation. So what if he was an adult or part of some strange - what was it he said, order? She was most certain she could take him and give him a run for his money. So with all the fire in her and the internal rage brought down to a fine point of focus, Sami readied herself against the bigger, ruder and lecherous old man. Or, at least that was how she perceived him - and it would take a lot to change her mind.

Ignoring her sword, and her bow for that matter, Sami charged at him - defiant until the end in her firm beliefs, strengths and slightly skewed thoughts - full of raw vigour. It was a shame really it could not be moulded into something else - something better. So, throwing herself at him with her arms flailing wildly, the little Inarta begun her attack. If it could even be called that. It was more of a mixture of weak slaps and snapping jaws at him without any real thought or direction. In between her little patters however was the little angry shouts of a child, "Stupid adult! Stupid old man! Know nothing! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Think so great! Try force! Just like the rest of them! No care par self pride!" and so on.

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