[Verified by Crosspatch] Aldus Beaumont

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Aldus Beaumont

Postby Aldus Beaumont on December 9th, 2013, 7:49 am

Aldus Beaumont




Name: Aldus Beaumont

Race: Human

Age: 22

Birthdate: 3rd of Fall, 491

Birthplace: Sunberth

Current Location: Syliras
Last edited by Aldus Beaumont on December 13th, 2013, 7:27 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Aldus Beaumont
Sort of a Klepto
Posts: 26
Words: 17440
Joined roleplay: December 9th, 2013, 2:50 am
Race: Human
Character sheet

Aldus Beaumont

Postby Aldus Beaumont on December 11th, 2013, 5:36 am



Aldus is an olived-toned, lean man standing at a height of 5'10". His head is adorned with jet-black locks. His hair is styled as he sees fit on the particular day. Dark chocolate eyes reflect the light of day, to milky at sunset, to nearing black in morning fog. He is of lean build, his handsome features and chiseled jaw always curled into a charming smile.

The young man wears a coat for the winter months, which both shields his body from the cold and belies a friendlier identity than that of a cloak, which some could take as being untrustworthy. His posture is straight while standing up, though in a seated position, he leans forward in order to purposefully engage those sitting near him.



Aldus, for the most part, raised himself. Lost to the lawlessness within the city of Sunberth, Aldus was forced to fend for himself at the young age of seven. He learned to live in a world of anarchy, vowing to leave it behind when he was able. When he turned 16, that was just what he did.

Wandering aimlessly for years, the boy persisted, taking what he needed in order to feed and clothe himself. Pilfering small trinkets from merchant stalls, picking the pockets of unwitting citizens, the boy grew into a devious young man.

It wasn't until he reached Syliras that he learned the true craft. He watched, astounded, as wizened, older men crafted outlandish tales of battle and victory, of magic and monsters. They spoke for hours on end, to an audience of spellbound patrons spilling miza after miza into a sack on a nearby table. The bartender would swill the same mug over and over, captivated by such wordcraft. Aldus was enthralled by it. And in time, it would become the life he wished to lead. It was his destiny.

Though he had decided that the life of a bard would become his destiny, Aldus is consistently distracted by his desires. He has a penchant for stealing, which has evolved into something beyond a need for resources. A diversion, a habit, either of these words could define it. But mostly, stealing is just... fun.


A living nightmare. That was the life of a young, inquisitive child in the city of Sunberth. Decadence, greed and criminal activity ran rampant, the crime syndicates well-established in the absence of an appointed law enforcement. To live in this place was to live a half-life, to exist as a shell, struggling to survive. To live there and survive was to adopt tenacity and ruthlessness as virtues. Aldus Beaumont, the product of two humans, Alessia and Oloro Beaumont, did not learn this lesson until it was too late.

He had decided to explore the city, searching for something of interest in a life ridden with boredom, so fixated on survival as it was. He'd earned a few mizas in the past week, begging, looking up at hardened, bitter faces, and just managing enough sympathy to not be ignored. Satisfied with his score for the time being, he decided to roam, instead. The decision would save his life.

Aldus did not return until late evening, the small cottage's door kicked in, torn asunder and completely parted from its hinges. The boy would run towards the cottage, eyes wide in fear as he frantically searched for his parents. In the entryway, he would find nothing but disaster, wreckage beyond recognition.

Entering the tiny sitting room, he would find his mother crumpled to the floor face-down, crimson blossomed across the visible back of her white blouse, her coat torn to shreds beneath her. Toffee curls were matted over her face, covering the woman's features from view as a horrified Aldus stood there, unable to move, unable to speak.

Aldus would spend years overcoming the trauma of that night, stealing even more to survive alone. He would live in the shambles of the ruined cottage, not even bothering to repair the door to complete the illusion that it was abandoned. Years he would spend, pilfering mizas from the stores of merchants, courageous enough to only take copper and the very rare silver miza in order to not arouse suspicion. At 16, he had finally saved enough coin to begin a new life in a new city.

Looking back at the city of Sunberth, Aldus grinned, knowing he was to never return as he stepped onto the carriage to Syliras.

Into the City...

In the years that followed his move to Syliras, Aldus would become inspired. His nights were spent in local taverns, scouring the place for scores. But, soon after he arrived, he found a passion instead. Tales were spun each night in the tavern, crafted word by word and given life by the voice of captivating bards and storytellers, soft music evoking the wildest fantasies from the mind. He would learn by listening, eventually gathering a smattering of what it was to speak to others. But, it seemed... that it just wasn't enough.

Distraction. It was too potent, a mixture of both boredom and compulsion driving him to divert his attention from the local bards and towards the patrons, instead. He'd find a noteworthy mark, usually one flipping a miza in hand, or a person with a particularly broad grin plastered upon their expression and plan. He'd spend hours watching them, ordering a drink or two in his patience, and when the target was most vulnerable, he'd strike. Far larger than his previous upkeep, Aldus began, in his ambition, to seek out more dangerous targets. He'd end the night with a bounty of silver and even a gold miza or two in hand.

Despite his relapses into a life of thievery, Aldus was bitten. Crafting tales, slowly weaving words into reality, and all the while, still pilfering on the side (There's still a mouth to feed, after all...) it would become his passion. And by the age of 22, he found himself with resources enough for his pursuit to truly begin. He would continue to live in the tavern, conserving the small fortune he had amassed in the pursuit of tools that would assist in attaining his aspirations.
Last edited by Aldus Beaumont on December 14th, 2013, 7:13 am, edited 11 times in total.
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Aldus Beaumont
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Joined roleplay: December 9th, 2013, 2:50 am
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Character sheet

Aldus Beaumont

Postby Aldus Beaumont on December 11th, 2013, 6:40 am

Skills and Possessions



Skill EXP Earned Total Proficiency
Escape Artist 10(SP) * 10/100 Novice
Persuasion 10(SP) * 10/100 Novice
Intelligence 10(SP) * 10/100 Novice
Larceny 30(SP + RB) * 30/100 Competent
Rhetoric 5(SP) * 5/100 Novice


(SP):Lore: The Meanings behind the Tarot

(SP): Lore:Geography:Syliras


Fluent: Common
Conversational: N/A
Broken: N/A



One Set of Clothing:
~One Fur-trimmed, Brocade Coat (Dark Brown coloration)
~One Linen Tunic (held to his waist by a sash)
~One Cotton Sash (Black)
~One Pair of Simple Underpants
~One Pair of Leather, Fur-Lined Pants
~One Pair of Black,Fur-lined High Boots (Black)

One Set of Simple Clothing:
~Coat (spare)
~Shirt (spare)
~Pants (spare)
~Boots (spare)

One Set of Thieves' Tools
One Set of Toiletries:
Week's Supply of Food
One eating knife
Flint and Steel
Mother's Tarot Card Deck (78 cards total)
Renting a room in the Rearing Stallion
Description Credit Debit Total
Starting Package +100
Cashed-in Housing +500
Brocade, Fur-Trimmed Coat (Dyed Dark Brown)
-4 GM, 5SM 594 GM, 5SM
Linen Tunic
-5SM 594GM
Black, Cotton Sash
-1SM, 5CM 593GM, 8SM, 5CM
Black, Fur-lined High-Boots
-7GM, 5SM 586GM, 3SM, 5CM
Leather, Fur-lined Pants
-16GM 570GM, 3SM, 5CM
Thieves' Tools
-30GM 540GM, 3SM, 5CM

Last edited by Aldus Beaumont on January 25th, 2014, 6:59 am, edited 15 times in total.
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Aldus Beaumont
Sort of a Klepto
Posts: 26
Words: 17440
Joined roleplay: December 9th, 2013, 2:50 am
Race: Human
Character sheet

Aldus Beaumont

Postby Aldus Beaumont on December 11th, 2013, 6:50 am



Winter 513 AV
Thread Name Description/Participants Date
Drinks with a Knight Alevadra goes for a drink and meets someone new... 2 Winter, 513 AV
Seeing the Sights An ordinary day strolling through Syliras... 3 Winter, 513 AV
Spinning a Gilded Web Meeting with a Man with Many Masks... 7 Winter, 513 AV
Night on the Town Two youngsters walk into a bar... 22 Winter, 513 AV
Thread Name Description/Participants Date
* * *

Last edited by Aldus Beaumont on December 11th, 2013, 5:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Aldus Beaumont
Sort of a Klepto
Posts: 26
Words: 17440
Joined roleplay: December 9th, 2013, 2:50 am
Race: Human
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