AppearanceRace: Inarta
Caste: Avora
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Birthday: Season of Summer, Day 83, 485 AV
Birthplace: Wind Reach
Appearance: Haplo is fairly tall for an Inarta standing at 5'10". Hes healthy and well built. His hair rusty red and long, hanging past his shoulders in simple waves. Often wearing a single slender braid down his left side, thin cloth woven into the hair, several glass beads ending the strung lock. Eyes a Dark green yet bright with youth. Skin slightly tanned as if he had spent time in the sun yet his natural paleness had resisted the process. Several thin scars can be seen on the backs of both hands and several fingers.
Character ConceptHaplo tends to be a little less outspoken then his peers within the Reach, keeping his thoughts and views to himself mostly. When he sees a need to give his opinion or thoughts he does so without hesitation or flattery. Direct and to the point, you can be sure of on an honest account of his feelings. He prefers to spend his days crafting and using the bows he finds most fascinating. Introduced to the bow young, as all Inarta are, he showed a quick mastery of the basic skills needed to use one and a keen interest in the art of crafting the elegant weapon. Sometimes his single mindedness has left him without the company of friends or lovers, as he can loose himself in a new bow for days or weeks without a thought or care for the needs of others. The only thing that can tear his attention from them are the great eagles of the Reach. As all Inarta are, he was born with the longing to fly, to be one with the great animals that command the skies. He fears he may never know the the company of one of the great birds and that alone is the meat of his nightmares and dark thoughts.
Character History His past reads much like that of all the young men of the Reach. He lived with his mother in his youth. Moved into the Yasi Quarter at age eight but unlike most children this afforded him more time with his mother as she worked caring for the children as they grew and became members of the Reach. He knew of his father but rarely saw him and spent almost no time in his company. This was not unusual for a child of the Reach but may have contributed to his tendency to keep to himself. He did not seek out friends or nurture relationships with the children who lived in the Yasi quarter.
He spent the first few years of in the quarter making self Bows on his own, sense he had neither the knowledge nor supplies, to make the sophisticated composite bows he coveted. When not involved in his studies or being taught to hunt he scavenged the wilderness for wood and supplies he could use. Always watching closely the Archers as they practiced or the Avora as they built the bows used by all. Crude at first yet highly effective, his efforts eventually caught the eye of one of the senior Bowyers. Impressed by what Haplo had been able to make on his own, the bowyer took interest in him. When it became known that his hunting and tracking was less than impressive it was decided to focus his talents.
He became apprenticed to the Bowyer and Fletcher at age ten as it was clear he had a gift with the bow, a natural talent and understanding of the weapon. His talent was nurtured and grew by leaps and bounds under his masters care. He never sought out approval or praises only the knowledge that would allow him to improve his craft. He advanced quickly and when he could make a bow as well and fast as the others he was made an Avora. By far the youngest Bowyer in the Reach, as most were retired hunters and archers, he became slightly uneasy with the attention he was receiving for his efforts. Withdrawing further, only made him more of an oddity to the others.
He had his share of small adventures and forays into the wilderness of the mountain but unlike most young adults, he had always gone alone and never sought out the company of his peers. He was more comfortable alone with his bow, feeling it's strength and perfection of movement. The perfection of a well built weapon was all he needed and at this point in his life... all he had.
LanguageFluent Language: Nari
Basic Language: Common
SkillsSkill | EXP | Total | Proficiency |
Bowyer/Fletching | 26 | 26 | Competent |
Flint Knapping | 10 | 10 | Novice |
Weapon/Bow | RB 10 | 10 | Novice |
Wood Carving | 5 | 5 | Novice |
Leather Working | 4 | 4 | Novice |
Hunting | 5 | 5 | Novice |
LoresLore of Bowyer
Lore of Wind Reach Geography
Possessions1 Set of Clothing
-Simple Bryda
-Simple Sontav
-Simple Katinu
-leather ankle boots
-Short Bow
-Bow Case
-Arrow Flight (20)
-Arrow Game (20)
-Arrow Fishing (20)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Glass )
-Brush (Glass )
-Balanced Rations (1 Week's worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
-Painted Feather Heirloom
Heirloom: At the end of the single braid which hangs down his left cheek are several glass beads and a Painted Feather. The feather bares the scene of a Great eagle against a Sunset sky, clutching a body in its talons. No details show who this body may be as it is cast in dark shadow.
[b] Location: Wind Reach
House: Lives in the Darniva Commonrooms though he has been known to sleep many nights in the Bowyer craftshop.
LedgerPurchase | Cost | Total |
Starting | +100 Pinions | 100 Pinions |
Short Bow | -30 | 70 |
Bow case | -20 | 50 |
Arrow Flight | -3 | 47 |
Arrow Game | -4 | 43 |
Arrow Fishing | -4 | 39 |
Total Pinions left | | 39 | |
Thread ListHaplos Workshop Thread for Monthly Goals