Shahar scanned the shore quickly; signs of passage stood out starkly now that the grass had turned brittle, and tracks remained much longer. Ah, there; a well-worn rabbit trail snuck beneath a bush. It was a bit ragged, but that could be attributed to the season; everything traveled as little as possible when winter came upon them.
“There hasn’t been anything big around here for days.” Shahar turned and discovered that the Moonstone had crossed the stream. Why?
He waited for her to be done with her words, then gave a decisive unnecessary. It was not a rudely given sign, but there wasn’t any politeness in it, either. It was blunt and emotionless in delivery, similar to his posture when he turned back to the trail. He didn’t know exactly what qualified as a “big thing,” but he did not give much thought to it; he had small things to find right now.
“There hasn’t been anything big around here for days.” Shahar turned and discovered that the Moonstone had crossed the stream. Why?
He waited for her to be done with her words, then gave a decisive unnecessary. It was not a rudely given sign, but there wasn’t any politeness in it, either. It was blunt and emotionless in delivery, similar to his posture when he turned back to the trail. He didn’t know exactly what qualified as a “big thing,” but he did not give much thought to it; he had small things to find right now.