[Verified by Crosspatch] Khalatinu

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Postby Khalatinu on December 10th, 2013, 11:29 pm


General Information:

Race: Epyharian
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Birthday: 2nd day of spring 488AV.
Birthplace: Ahnatep
Starting City: Syliras


Khalatinu standing at a height of 5' endowed with but two pairs of hands is an average Epyharian male. From the olive tint of his face, stare two green eyes desperately attempting to appear aloof from under the well kept, but naturally unappealing strands of bright, green dyed hair which only serve to undermine the effort.

His Epyharian apparel having been lost, Khalatinu currently wears a plain winter coat made of wolf furs with his excess pair of arms awkwardly tucked under the fabric, with the sleeves reserved for the dominant pair. His legs are hidden under loose leather pants.

Character Concept:
Having been born in the lower rungs of a proud race, Khalatinu has always wished to be regarded as something more, but never truly stood out from his fellow Epyharians.
Only managing a veneer of superiority when mingling with the 'lower races', he developed an inferiority complex when it came to interacting with others of his own.
Frustrated by his unremarkable circumstance, he decided to look for a life elsewhere, a place where he would not be contrasted with his superiors, a place where he assumed he would be exceptional by virtue of everyone else being innately unexceptional, which he was lead to believe, they were.
Thus he decided to depart his old residence for a city of his inferiors: Syliras.


Born to a servant of a Gilded lord, Khalatinu was an accident, not a product of a communion between two young, enamored lovers who could not control their passions, but rather the result of a flighty affair between his father and a prostitute on whom the former deigned it wise to spend his meager monthly allowance during the Summer of 487AV.

What jaded affection there was between the two parties of this most intimate yet empty transaction, was shattered when signs of pregnancy began showing their unwelcome face. Though the owner of the escort immediately demanded that the baby be removed which would not be a pleasant procedure, the father had no intention of interfering.

Khalatinu's abortion was prevented only by the servant's master who had somehow been informed of his 'whoring' as he put it. Feeling responsible for the actions of his domestic, he payed off the brothel owner and ordered the baby's father to care for it.

The father resentful of his son for threatening the little liberty he had, neglected him and spend many a night in the brothel in the now unwilling company of the boy's mother, who later died aborting another one of their children.

After her death the servant whose conscience started catching up with him found closure in drink, which resulted in his long delayed dismissal from service. The now 2 years old boy was given to one of the maids who turned out to be a more responsible if not a much more loving parent.
He grew up under her care until the age of 16, at which point she fell sick, and was discarded by the heir of the now deceased Gilded lord who did not share his father's sense of responsibility towards those in his employment or the children thereof.

Never truly loved by her, Khalatinu now resented his mother and could not stand to look at her in the wretched state that she was, not for love, but for pure disgust at her helplessness which he had never before seen. She seemed to him a stranger, no longer capable of being a caregiver the sole thing by which he had known her. He left her for dead and spent the next 8 years of his life homeless, having to rely on his ability to persuade various merchants of his non-existent skills or scamming them in other ways. Not being able to keep a job for long he became more and more adept at lying, while everything else mostly stagnated.

When he reached the age of 24 the supply of merchants not informed of his charlatanry slowly depleted, which meant that he had to look for some other way to make a living. He managed to persuade some Jackal official that he had what it took to join their ranks. There he received some basic training but was judged to be unfit for duty after a year, due to continued failure to meet the standards set and an incident that involved an old man which broke the camel's back*.

25 years old he didn't seem to have much of a future. Feeling dejected by his kind he held tightly to his perceived innate superiority over those creatures not of such haughty racial heritage.
Having thoroughly convinced himself of this, he decided that a better life must surely await him in the company of those to whom he would be what the Epyharians were to him.
With his savings he left for Syliras where he arrived in the winter of the year 513.

*To be described in a later flashback
Last edited by Khalatinu on December 21st, 2013, 1:50 pm, edited 8 times in total.
Posts: 21
Words: 7356
Joined roleplay: December 10th, 2013, 8:23 pm
Race: Eypharian
Character sheet


Postby Khalatinu on December 12th, 2013, 2:13 am


1 human-tailored cloak
1 plain linen sleeveless vest
1 a pair of low leather boots
1 a pair of loose, leather trousers
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains
1 Set of Toiletries
1 eating knife
1 simple undergarments
1 weeks worth of stale bread

Housing - Traveler's Row (winter)


Fluent - Common tongue
Basic - Arumenic
Poor - Shiber

Lore of Ahnatep layout
Lore of Ahnatep merchants (knows the merchants that sold their wears when he was in Ahnatep

Acclimatization - 1st Day of Winter 513AV

Starting Package+100gm100gm
Housing traded in+ 500 gm600 gm
Cheap room Travelers Row(92 days)-9gm 2sm590gm 8sm

SkillEXPTotalProficiencyIn a Nutshell
Weapon (short sword)SP 5 RB 1015NoviceKnows the basics of combat, what he picked up during his service with the Jackals.
PersuasionSP 3030competentIn his youth needed the art of persuasion
CalligraphySP 55Novice
WritingSP 1010NoviceWhat he learned during his years working merchants

Last edited by Khalatinu on December 15th, 2013, 3:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 21
Words: 7356
Joined roleplay: December 10th, 2013, 8:23 pm
Race: Eypharian
Character sheet

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