The Messlanostica were simple plants exclusive to the Falyndar Region. But, when the massive djed storms of the Valterrian struck the jungles depths, all were annihilated, all except for their airborne seeds. These masses of seeds were taken by winds of the djed clouds and forced to ascend and descend within them. In this time, bombarded by djed, many seeds perished but those that survived were transformed and fell back to Falyndar as cores of creatures that would aid in the purification and restoration of its vegetation and soil.
The Messlanostica was not much before the Valterrian and was commonly seen as, due to its appearance, a simple plant that was vibrant and beautiful. Many individuals, who noticed the Messlanostica, would simply leave the quiet plant be, deciding not to disrupt it and allowing it to continue as it was. The Messlanostica spent most of its time below ground and fed upon decaying minerals and tainted soil in the earth as it grew. When fully developed, the Messlanostica would sprout from the ground with its large white petals spreading outwards. It was quite rare to see more than one Messlanostica in a single area, which usually meant that the earth was not suitable for planting or tainted with natural contaminants.
The Messlanostica would purify the soil and area around it, until its lifespan ended or it was
destroyed by some natural cause. When a Messlanostica was properly pollinated it would release thousands of seeds into the air, usually at once with other nearby members of its kind, which would be carried upwards by the wind and travel throughout the jungle. The simple appearance of the Messlanostica and its tendency to sprout in the most desolate and inhospitable parts of the jungle is what concealed the its usefulness and beneficial properties from most of Falyndar for a period of time.
A Messlanostica before the Valterrian was very similar to a morning glory in appearance: it had pure white petals with twining vines, and spirally arranged leaves, and stood four inches tall. A Messlanostica of now is massive, it stands five feet tall and is ten feet wide with dull white and blood crimson petals. In the center of these petals is a maw of massive, dense, and pointed fangs that line from this creatures mouth to the throat and down to its stomach. This ensures total destruction of a prey items body and allowing it to be properly absorbed.
A Messlanostica has a large ‘head’ and six smaller ones, which connects to a large cluster of thick, vital roots that support and keep it alive. These roots are always buried deep below ground and can extend two hundred feet down into the earth,while the remaining parts of its body stays above ground. The majority of a Messlanostica body is composed of thousands of thick roots, which can extend ten feet away from the ‘heads’ to ensnare and pull things into them. While the vines of its body can extend one-hundred feet from the heads of the Messlanostica, they are not used to ensnare prey, but posses a more sinister purpose.
A Messlanostica is silent and patient, like most flesh eating plant-life.
It is an quiet predator that will make no noise, even when attacking. However, the Messlanostica will only engage a prey item when hungry and is surprisingly docile when well fed. A satisfied Messlanostica will let an individuals retrieve nectar, flowers, and the seeds within them, from its precious vines without retaliation.
A Messlanostica will always actively purify the earth it is rooted in to prevent the deterioration of its environment. It posses a simple form of consciousness that allows it to realize that, if its soil and water is tainted, then prey will not come near. Thus, it will actively seek out contaminates and dead materials that would otherwise hinder its survival. A Messlanostica is fond of
Yukmen as they are the perfect food source for it. Yukmen are easy prey this creatures as they do not think much nor escape quickly. A Messlanostica will produce the finest aromas when groups of these landspawn are within the vicinity. If the Yukmen do not approach it, then it will uproot its body and physically engage the landspawns.
A Messlanostica has the ability to absorb immense amount of impurities from its environment. Using its large underground roots, it stirs up massive amounts of earth below ground and uses the thousands of fibers along them to collect impurities or anything otherwise deemed harmful. These things are then taken into the Messlanostica and filtered by its body and djed. The purified substances are then released back into the environment from the Messlanostica’s mouths and body as clear particles, which help nearby vegetation grow rapidly, cleanse the air and nearby water sources.
The liquid nectar of a Messlanostica has powerful healing and regenerative properties. The sweet and soothing aromas is has lures and distorts a victims sense of awareness and eliminates its sense of fear entirely. Those underneath the nectar’s influence will then be greeted by a nearby Messlanostica, which will be more than willing to devour them. A victim will not be alarmed by the giant, plant abomination before them. Instead, they will walk into the Messlanostica’s attack range, completely drawn to it by their twisted and drunken curiosity.
Drinking Messlanostica nectar will close even the most severe wounds, remove the greatest of burn scars, and purge a body of poisons. However, repeated consumers face the risk of severe addiction and the withdrawal symptoms crippling and varying in nature. If the nectar of a Messlanostica seeps into water, then that water source will gain the Messlanostica's immense healing, purifying and regenerative properties. This water has been purified and cleansed to such a degree that some witnesses deem it ¨ holy¨ have to get by the vicious Messlanostica that will protect this water with its life.
If sweet aromas and stealth does not phase an opponent, brute strength will.
Strength is a Messlanostica’s greatest quality and should not to be tested. This creature can entangle and squeeze the life out of large prey items even careless young Nandhai, who walk to close to a Messlanostica’s grasping roots, are not spared. A Messlanostica can sense the presences of things outside and within its reach. If a particular presence is not to its liking, it will strike and display its displeasure. Yet, should a presence be calm and to its liking, it will not bite or lash out and will be passive, if it is not hungry.
Most Messlanostica can only be found in the wetlands and mangroves of the Falyndar Region, where there is thick mud, deep water and vegetation to hide. When in the right environment a Messlanostica will be at ease most of the time with its petals closed. But some strange Messlanostica’s are very fond of darkness also and will make some ruins near the mangroves their home. However, no more than four will be found in the same area. These four are usually a mating pairs of male and female Messlanostica.
Breeding & Birth
Mating is not too complicated amongst the Messlanostica. The male will give the female soil he has mixed with his djed and stomach proteins via below ground roots exchange. Then the female will absorb this special soil with her roots and hold it within her body. The female will keep this soil within her, until some unfortunate soul wanders near her, and should a potential host, or hosts wander near her, she will entangle them within her vines and implant her develop seeds between the victims ribs.
The process is quick. The victim will be released and probably mentally scarred for life, afterwards. In ten days the seeds will begin to sprout small roots of their own. In ten more days these roots will have wrapped themselves around the hosts spinal cord. In fifteen more days the host will experience minor losses of strength in random intervals, which is due to the seeds sapping them of djed and blood. In fifteen more days the host will experience excruciating heart pains before death. If the host or hosts bodies are not destroyed then tiny Messlanostica will burst from the hosts corpse as buds.
Lifespan & Additional Data
A Messlanostica can live up to thirty years of age in the wild. Those kept well fed and in the finest conditions will live to see fifty. A Messlanostica can be easily noticed by its poor ability to hide. It will always position itself over a body of thick water and mud, or sit in an opening: where it can be easily seen. The Messlanostica, after it senses it has been spotted, will conceal its main head by placing its smaller heads in front of it, as though it is embarrassed and will remain motionless. This behavior may seem adorable, but this a poor ploy Messlanostica sometime choose to appear as a normal plant.
A Messlanostica can be killed by damaging its vital roots below its main head. However, these roots are difficult to expose as this creature will retaliate viciously, plus others of its race will be nearby. Avoiding a Messlanostica is very easy, walking away will not result in the creature stalking you through the jungle. But, the aromas it emits may draw you closer and make that decision of running difficult. In the end it comes down to a battle of wills; the victor living because fear, and or, common sense drove them from death.
Very High during the Spring and Summer seasons; activity becomes low during the Fall season. While the Winter Season forces all Messlanostica into dormancy: where they sink deep into the earth, or water and become completely inactive.