82nd Day of Winter, 513 AV
Revelry was thick in the air as the crowds made their way to the Ethereal Opera House, each main thoroughfare roiling with activity. The festivities had only just begun, leaving stragglers in the wake of the more eager patrons. Couples chatted happily away, enjoying a late meal at some of their favorite restaurants, while others met with extended family, readying to arrive on the scene. Indeed, there were people everywhere, clustered about in every corner, each in the grandest clothing they could hope to acquire, be it cotton, mohair or silk.
The line trailed in through the main entryway, though it moved quickly for all were welcome on that day. Just within the gilded arches, the atrium was again filled with the ambient hum of quiet discussion, this time mindful of the tightly confined space. Those employed to cater the event worked to guide each new arrival to their chosen destination - the restrooms, the ballroom or wherever else their heart desired.
The ballroom was splendid, the domed ceiling a sprawling mural framed in gold. The creamy, marble walls were festooned with fabrics both auric and ivory, hanging just above the banquet tables that swept from one end of the monumental room to the next. At the furthest end, upon a raised dais stood none other than Lili A'realia, breathtaking in her gilt mermaid gown and balconette bust, her halo of cornsilk hair waving gently to her shoulders. She too wore a mask, though her identity was painfully self-evident. The woman regarded the crowd as it amassed, assessing with rich green eyes just when the fun should truly begin.
When the night passed just beyond the twentieth bell, she cleared her throat and spoke, the murmuring crowd struck silent. "Welcome, one and all" she began, "to the Ethereal Opera House and the first annual Lhavitian Ball!" With arms upraised, she elicited a roar of approval.
"Let this be known as a special day," she continued, her voice mysteriously amplified as it rippled through the throng. "Let this be known, as a day of triumph, of revelry, as we overcome the tragedies of last season. Through the passage of Fall, we shed the leaves of disaster and in our darkest hour, we now cleanse ourselves in the snowy white waters of Morwen, the treavery of Tanroa, guided by the hand of Lhex and nourished by Syna's holy light. Through the wisdom of Zintila and the moon-father Leth, we are made whole again."
She paused ever so slightly, for effect. "Yet, we are truly sustained through the compassion, dedication and love we have for one another. Let tonight be a celebration of all these things. Let us revel in the connections Cheva has so graciously provided us, relish in the simple joy of being human and best of all..." With a fey smile, she looked upon each enraptured face.
"Let us get drunk!"
With a grand hurrah, the ball began, the main floor making way for couples to twirl this way and that, lines forming immediately at the tables and servers scrambling to hand out spirits as quickly as they could manage. Lili gracefully descended, guided by the hand of a rather lucky Shinya, who could barely keep his eyes from her glorious face.
It seemed Zintila, Aysel and Talora were all there, though Talora was only recognizable by her proximity to the other two and her penchant for dusky shades of rose. In fact, it seemed the whole city was there, ready to dance this night away.
OOC NoteThis is an open thread! Feel free to eat, drink and dance and much as you'd like! When the time comes, I'll jump in and start the auction for the lovely ladies.