Completed [Altaira's Apartment] - Of Life and Living

A little thread of Altaira essentially talking things out to herself, and playing with her new daggers

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Altaira's Apartment] - Of Life and Living

Postby Altaira Readva on December 12th, 2013, 5:35 am

Bird Speak | Common | Vani | Others | 32 Winter, 513 AV
Winter had hit Altaira hard. The sun had barely fallen below the horizon when the biting cold settled in. She took in a deep breath and pulled her blanket from her bed, taking seat beside the chest that held her life in memories, and basking in the warm glow of the hearth.

Her nose then crinkled and breath left her in a girlish giggle, thoughts of home and childhood hitting her in a sold wave: the scent of salted fish, commands barked and breathless, sweet morning songs, vigorous training and days of laughter and play. She missed them. She didn’t like the world beyond the ice walls and boundless snowfields, she wasn’t fond of sneers and glares and the constant need to watch one’s back. She didn’t like how unwelcoming everyone seemed, how none took the time to learn and understand, how her kind along with many others were placed below the human standard. What was seen and taken as inherent behaviour in Avanthal was a ‘bad habit’ that needed to be fixed. What she saw as an act and state natural was at times terms indecent and unabashed.

Humans were funny.

But so were kelvics.

A huff and a half laugh left her at the thought, coming to the realisation that she was acting just like her canine brother did, before their mother died. Avanthal was a city of eternal winter, and the kelvic used to sleep so close to the hearth that his hair would singe and grey coat blacken. Even her eldest half brother sister was never so silly, or at least that was what Altaira was told.

One after another, she let the memories jump and flit and switch. Back and forth through her younger days, jumping from playful fights, to her first flight, forward to venture through snow and ice, back to banter and play and making a mockery of how long it was taking the youngest girl to grow, how she had to hurry up lest she be left behind as her little brother and older half siblings outgrew her like they did humans and other races.

The moment Altaira's thoughts slipped to the only one younger than herself, the only sibling she had bound by full blood, she sat bolt upright, and her hands found the latches of the chest. With an absent mind she opened the simple, clunky lock and lid, and seized the first thing her hand touched, a chill riveting her spine as she touched cold iron. It was one of her newer daggers, bought for throwing and self defence in light of a brawl or two that she’d witnessed and events that had occurred with Millicent. No one died, that she cared about, though the injuries seemed serious enough.

Brawling, it was called. A form of fighting informal in comparison to the one that she herself preferred to engage in, it was brutal and bloody, and went against all that her instincts screamed. She liked feeling in control with nothing more than her own fists, and the thought of glass or wood or the use of the closest thing in use shook her to the core. It was too easy to cause too much damage, she thought.

When you swung a chair blindly at another there was little to known about how things would pan out. A punch was direct. It had aim and purpose, and if you knew enough about where to hit and how hard, the outcome, should it not be dodged, was easy enough to at least estimate. It was something that could be used should the need arise, and only then. There was no seeking to put one’s self in danger, no sacrificing one thing for another. It was for self defence and protection. There was no joy or thrill that came with it, nor any need for it.

Altaira brushed her fingers against the cold iron and checked the blade's balance, before sighing and resting her head on the wooden chest. "I-I wonder how it is they are doing..." Her word were sloppy, and twisted strangely by her tongue, though she could scarcely help herself but speak in the tongue most common to her hometown when that was what she spoke of – regardless of the language that she herself had more often used.
Last edited by Altaira Readva on February 15th, 2014, 8:58 am, edited 2 times in total.
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[Altaira's Apartment] - Of Life and Living

Postby Altaira Readva on January 4th, 2014, 6:28 am

Bird Speak | Common | Vani | Others | 32 Winter, 513 AV
Altaira sought distraction, something easy to find with a mind to straight and simple, pulling herself to a stand as her gaze flitted about her lodgings. She'd bought a practice dummy some dozen days ago, a simple little structure that she quite simply couldn't walk by without at least a look thrice over. Now that it stood lone and grim in the corner of her paltry dining-living room, she wasn't sure if she loved or loathed its company. She took in a deep breath, and took aim for its head.

She stalled.

Daggers were something that she’d never had the opportunity to learn formally, and from whispers and murmurs and the odd word or two she heard, she still wasn’t quite sure of how it went. Did you hold by the blade, or handle? Then should the handle be held, did you cusp in the palm, or merely use the tip? Bird speak was the language that she thought in, loud and swift and fluid. Far quicker than any human tongue she’d learned, and the only that she was at ease with.

‘Handle, tip. Movement down.’

Once her mind had sorted the movement, she followed through with little thought. It wasn’t like throwing a snowball, or anything for that matter. She held the dagger at its flat handle’s tip, before bringing her arm up high and above her head, bringing it down with a speed far less than she was inclined to, releasing just after the arc of her throw met in line with her eyes.

She’d released too late, and instead of hitting the head she nailed the chest, unsure whether or not speed or force played a major role, still getting a hang of the concepts herself. More speed, more force, wasn’t it? She knew of some calculation that looked simple enough, though her general detest for the subject always prevented her from even trying. She gave another hard look at the dummy, advancing on it as her gaze jumped from the angle of the blade, how far she threw, and how deep it was buried into the target’s chest. Given the range and her skill level, it was a lucky shot.

She doubled back over halfway there, returning and moving her blanket the second room, throwing it strewn out across her unmade bed. She was cold, but her mind had not dulled. She knew that her mind did not reach far into the ways of conventional intelligence, but what she lacked in such terms she made up for in her awareness, in her innate drive to copy and parrot and learn and to take in all and every detail she laid eyes on. She’d seen the blazes that came from items left too close to a hearth, and had no wish to be branded one of such careless fools.

She put her mind towards her throwing daggers, seeking two more from her chest as she squared and readied herself, hoping that her improved friendship with the Madam of the place would mean that she would not be too harshly spurred should she embed a dagger into the wall, ‘Money to Madam if I miss.’
Last edited by Altaira Readva on February 15th, 2014, 5:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[Altaira's Apartment] - Of Life and Living

Postby Altaira Readva on January 4th, 2014, 7:11 am

Bird Speak | Common | Vani | Others | 32 Winter, 513 AV
Once again Altaira took aim to the head, positioning the blade in her hand such that it was the tip she held on firmly, before once again lifting it high and moving her arm straight down, her focus on speed meaning that there was little on aim and the time in which she released, once again missing her window and finding the blade to hit to the right of where the she imagined the navel would be, perhaps another inch too far off and she’d have had to retrieve her dagger from the wall.

‘Leaving soon, aren't I?’

As her breath vacated her lungs in a heavy sigh, she prepared to throw another. Was she going to turn her as-of-late practice into long standing habits and lifestyle? Too often for comfort she’d settle down and begin living a life, only to uproot her possessions and make haste for another lodging, as though she feared becoming too attached. Too drawn and too caught up, as though merely staying in the same room for longer than a single season would weaken her resolve. Staying in one place let her see how people grew and develop, how they moved on when a loved one passed and how they reacted in loving a second time around.

But it was different this time, wasn't it?

Her mind had caught itself in thought, and sounds of movement and chatter from outside her door called her back to reality for a moment, blinking thrice as her vision blurred and returned, her gaze having remained unfocused for perhaps a few ticks too long. Tear pricked her eyes as she blinked twice more, lowering her hand only to raise it again as she recalled what it was she was doing, deciding to aim at the chest instead of the head.

The throw was overall weaker, but her release time a little better, her hand-eye co-ordination already quite in tune thanks to the troubles and manoeuvres she often pulled in flight, though she was still in the works of adjusting it to the throwing of daggers. She rolled her shoulders and gave a glare at her handiwork, no real natural pattern that she could see with the blades, though pride rose in her to see that she’d managed a hit every time, selectively ignoring the fact that she was far too close for any practical use.

She bid her heart and breaths to keep an easy, slow, rhythm as she shuddered and she hit thoughts too varied and heavy for her mind to merely dwell on idly, moving towards the practise dummy with a rushed step before she tore the blades from the wood and mesh. With cold steel on her skin, she lent herself to reverie, caught between two places and unsure of her own motives and instinct.

Yes, it was different. It had to be.
Last edited by Altaira Readva on February 15th, 2014, 5:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[Altaira's Apartment] - Of Life and Living

Postby Altaira Readva on January 4th, 2014, 9:22 am

Bird Speak | Common | Vani | Others | 32 Winter, 513 AV
Death had pushed her away the first time, but it was life that she was then taken with. Altaira turned and took half a dozen paces, shifting as far away from the dummy as she was prepared to go without being too worried of missing every time.

Again she lined herself up, feeling the greater distance between her and her target almost loom over her, hoping to at least get a single dagger to land within a close proximity to where she aimed. She kept her stance relaxed and fluid, drawing back her right hand vertically as she readied herself for a throw, deciding to aim for the centre of the dummy’s chest and before throwing and missing, the sound of iron on stone wall sending a shudder down her spine. Skyke.” She cursed, recoiling as she took the other two daggers and throwing them quick and tight, little care for where they landed in her little fit of anger.

In a twist of irony, quickly putting Altaira into a little stew of rage; one of dagger hit right on mark, before bouncing off the dummy as a consequence of the handle making contact, rather than the blade itself, the other splintering the left side of the dummy before making contact with the stone wall behind it. “If my sis-sis-siblings could see me now… what would it be they said?”

Altaira ran a hand through her hair and took seat in one of her dining chairs, barely still for a single tick before she dragged it closer towards the fire. Then, she just sat. For the first time in a season, she allowed herself a moment of reprieve. A small section of time carved out and put aside for the simple use of thinking and keeping to herself. She did not speak to herself about what herbs the Mistress had introduced to her the day before, she did not worry about who it was she would share her next shift with, nor did she worry excessively about a friend come to visit her when she was not in store.

She had a breath to herself. It was her time to melt and bask in the warmth of the fire. She slumped in the chair, and let her limbs fall slack, her eyes slipping closed as the sight of her room was little to aid in the feeling of relaxation. “If they saw me, they’d laugh,” a small smile took form on her lips, weak but visible to those that looked for it. Of the entire little group, it was Altaira who had been most out of depth with their House and practises, and there she was, earning her coin as a herbalist. An elder half-brother said that she’d have made a cool guard, her elder sisters claiming that she lacked the focus and soundness of mind, saying that she’d lose her employment due to misconduct.

She couldn’t smother her growing grin or stifle her laughter. In her last weeks in Avanthal they’d made her so mad that she slammed a door and smashed some ornate sculpture, leaving her feline kelvic sister to coo and muse about how right she was, and offer bets to their brother about how long she’d last in formal employment.

The giggle quickly died, and she felt the weight of her actions and their fallout heavy on her chest. If she hadn’t left after her younger brother died, then maybe they’d all still be together. Polar bear kelvics Vivek and Neda wouldn’t have been so obstinate and stuck so hard and fast to their lives and traditions in Avanthal, leopard Sade wouldn’t have been so eager to bond and leave the first moment she could manage, even the wolf kelvic Warner in preparations to leave the last time she saw him, his choice in taking ship and she to the sky dooming any possible travelling plans.
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[Altaira's Apartment] - Of Life and Living

Postby Altaira Readva on February 15th, 2014, 8:57 am

Bird Speak | Common | Vani | Others | 32 Winter, 513 AV
She wrung her fingers and bit her lip, before realising how quite pitiful she was being. If she had never left, she would have never met those she cared about in Syliras. She’d have never a seen a green pasture, nor a flower growing wildly on the edgings of well worn road. She’d have never seen the swelling waters of rushing stream; she’d have never thought to go along with a stranger on an exciting little adventure.

Her elder sisters would not have found where their places were, her elder brother not taken his own journey and broken away from his self imposed obligations, nor the eldest finally admit where he felt his duty needed. Her younger brother’s family would have lived lives where they always saw the ghosts of their loved one lost, with each of her siblings bearing uncanny little resemblances to one another; some shared the bright eyes, other similar pixie ears, or same broad build and crooked smile.

Her nieces and nephews would have not reached the age of 10 before they saw their aunts and uncles begin to go into the depths of old age, and she wagered her brother and sisters would not have taken pride in their lives in Avanthal when death finally took them. As little as Readva’s influence was in her children’s lives, she did not welcome Dira without filling the heads of her children with tales both tall and small of her own home city.

A thought that chilled her to the core struck her, then. Her sweet, baby brother hadn’t tried to escape death, had he? She felt her gut in her mouth, and a chill shook her figure. She rubbed her eyes and coaxed her mind to calm. Bonding far too early had sent Dyson strange, though he bore several children with his wife before his passing. Surely he would not have done anything drastic, right? It was not of unnatural causes that his life had ended; his base species a bird of shocking short life. By the time of the accident that claimed his life, he was physically in the reaches of middle age. Natural death would have soon come, and he had, from Altaira’s own knowledge, prepared for his passing at least a season in advance.

Tears prickled her eyes. He was terrified of death, of leaving his loved ones behind. But he lived a life for his wife and children; he sung them to sleep and painted their likeness, and then his own so they’d have at least some insight as to how he looked. And that was enough to calm him, she thought. Altaira’s cheeks were wet, and although she bade the tears to dry and stop they would not do so.

“No,” she said finally, a hollow laugh leaving her. “He was much like mother, lived full and loved strong until his last moments. It was quick, he felt little. Do not pity the dead,” she folded her arms, and returned her gaze to the fire, another flood of tears hitting her as she remembered the family gathering. Gods, he was loved. He left scars. “Pity the living.”

Pity the ones who were left behind, the ones who reach an age wherein all they love and care for is taken from them. Pity they who live to see their children die, pity those who outlive their wife or husband, pity the ones who lose their closest friends, pity those that live to see themselves in bitter despair. Do not pity the dead.
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Altaira Readva
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[Altaira's Apartment] - Of Life and Living

Postby Radiant on March 1st, 2014, 2:20 pm


Altaira :
Skill XP Earned
Observation +2 XP
Weapon: Dagger +2 XP
Meditation +2 XP
Philosophy +1 XP

Lore Earned
Dagger: A Light And Agile Weapon
Dagger: Basic Throwing Techniques
Self Contemplation: What I Should Have Done
Philosophy: Do Not Pity The Dead


Notes :
A beautiful thread, Altaira. :) I love how you appropriately play to her Dagger skill level and the contemplations she had about her own life. Enjoy your grades!

My radiance is not bright enough?
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your grade, beam me a PM and we can work it out. :)
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