Timestamp: 73th of summer, 510 AV
Midday was the best time of the day for any thief. So many fat purses, just ripe for the picking. So many bumbling pickpockets, just waiting to be framed. Unfortunately, dozens of purses and dozens of pickpockets could only mean one thing. Dozens and dozens of knights. And of course, it did mean that he would be caught eventually.
"I'm telling you, I didn't take your petching purse! You must have dropped it or something!"
"If that's the case, why did it go missing just when you bumped into me?! Thief! Pickpocket!" Sasin's accuser was a tall, black haired man. He had checked his pockets after anyone bumped him, but had dome it so subtly that Sasin had missed it. He had dropped the purse the instant he saw the man turn to face him, and had walked on, feigning ignorance. Unfortunately, the man had not been detered, and was now loudly accusing him of theft.
The guards were approaching them, and a crowd was growing. This was a bad sittuation, approaching rotten