Time Stamp: 14th of Winter, 513AV. The past days had been rough. But he knew that it would not get any worse than this - returning to the Fighting Pits, for another attempt at self-training with the blunt daggers assorted in the wheeling cabinets. There wasn't a doubt in his mind, that he looked like a petching idiot when he did his training. However, there also wasn't a doubt that if he had been faced with a real enemy, then he wouldn't have survived long enough to see this day. Which was why he did this in the first place - to, at the very least, practice enough to survive. And if he couldn't do that much, then he deserved do die. As soon as he walked into the courtyard, he spotted the same squire from the last few days - longsword in both hands, swinging it about confidently, repeatedly striking the wooden dummy on the shoulders and around the neck. Every strike fluidly followed into the next, and the one afterwards.. just like yesterday. It was what he wanted to achieve. A constant, fluid motion in his blade, but the attacks always felt wooden and stiff.. and apparently, they looked that way too. Attacks were hard, but not very fluid at all.. he might not have been as suited to a dagger as he once thought, but he certainly wouldn't wish to use anything else.. heavy objects would only slow him down, and he wanted to be agile. If he was too slow to even lift up his weapon before the opponent hit him, then there really wasn't any point to it. He watched the squire, though, as he walked through the courtyard and passed by several other commoners engaged in small sparring sessions, occasionally tripping each-other or slamming blades into plated armour. As usual, he had nothing but the soft shirt over his back and the horns on his head, but he would make do. Once he picked out one of the dulled daggers from the wooden shelves, he moved straight to a free space. Not a dummy this time - all of them were taken anyway, by commoners in training and travelers looking to steady themselves, or simply see the sights that Syliras had to offer. So, he made do, and set both feet into the same position that he remembered from last time - both feet shoulder-width apart, the right in front of the left and both toes forwards. Left arm pulled close to the chest, and the right holding the blade. And then, he began his swinging motions. Like the other times before, he was working blindly. He needed to find what was most comfortable, and act on that. So, he imagined a person in front of him, and began to make imaginary slashing motions. Horizontal and diagonal, mostly, although the first few swings felt too long as his arm was left all the way out, like his elbow was the weapon, rather than the blade. He tucked it in closer, but it lost range on the weapon. It's all about balance.. I guess it'll never be the same with any one opponent. He'd always be working against them in a different way, compensating for one with another. So he kept trying to imagine different attacks - stepping towards the opponent, and then away, keeping his pivot around the right foot. He thrust up for an imaginary stomach, pulled back quickly, and then came forwards again. Sweeps came around for the left and the right of the ribcage, and he kept the swings running as quickly as possible. At least, until one of the commoners that had been working on the nearest dummy moved away. Which meant it was his turn to test the swings out. |