The Broken Shackles

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The Broken Shackles

Postby Noven on December 29th, 2013, 2:05 am

Dead before bowed.


The Broken Shackles

So here's Seng's nifty little thread chart, with a few mods. Feel free to harass me to update it as needed.

Adam, Eleazar Eleazar and Adam take it onto themselves to fulfill Nov's job to babysit orphans whilst he's out hunting with Senghor. This could involve the little girl they just picked up in the Guard thread.
Garret, Arlana Whilst everyone is busy doing something or another, Arlana and Garret are busy making Miza's by doing some (mercenary?) work
Senghor, Noven, Garret, Serta The three mercenaries meet and the Kelvic take up a job of clearing out a den full of thieves and a possible magic user
Eleazar, Serta, Garret Serta and Eleazar perform grab and run thefts, but unbeknown to the targets they are meant to follow them into the alley-way where Garret wait for them to quite literally take the shirt off their back
Arlana, Eleazar, Adam Stalls, pockets, purses and even dead bodies; nothing is out of bounds to these to entrepreneurial thieves, the Shackles need money and mercenary jobs have been slim pickings recently so the more shady members are required to pick up the slack and fortunately the streets are always paved with gold if you know where to look.
Undecided Trouble is brewing around the Tent City so it is only a matter of time before swords are drawn and the Shackles are hired to guard one small section of the camp if that time comes.
Noven, SenghorNoven and Senghor guard different wealthy merchants as they both visit Tall Johnny's Casino, when these two merchants come into contact their rivalry is revealed and they force Noven and Senghor to fight on their behalf in the ring.
Noven, Garret, Serta Slaves are big business in Sunberth, so when an unfortunate slave riot is timed with a new delivery of 'goods' Noven and Garret are charged with sorting out each job while Serta runs messages between them, and help out when necessary.
Noven, Eleazar, Aland A flashback when they were young and met for the first time. Ghosts shall be involved!
All End of Season - This season has had its ups and downs as far as the individuals in the group are concerned but overall it has been good for the Broken Shackles, so how else to celebrate but by drinking! But even amongst a group of friends feelings are hidden, good or bad, so what happens when alcohol enters the equation...
Last edited by Noven on January 15th, 2014, 6:23 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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The Broken Shackles

Postby Eleazar Victor Syroin on December 29th, 2013, 2:53 pm

The Broken Shackles is a small Sunberthian brotherhood headed between Senghor, Noven, Calden and Eleazar; all whom met shortly after the Catastrophic Fire at the Sunset orphanage in 511AV. Since then it's numbers have remained pretty steady with a new face joining once in a blue moon. It's name stems from the 'Broken Shackle' card within the Sunberthian card deck; giving hints to many of it's members dodgy pasts and not-entirely-legal lines of work. It also works given the groups pursuit for personal freedom from danger, debt and fear.

While the aims of the group vary from member to member, the over arching plan is a united front against anyone who seek to harm it's members. A brother to count on when times are hard, another sword ready when asked for, a helping hand in any situation. Most of the members are located in the city of Sunberth itself but it isn't uncommon to find them away from the city, in some cases, by great distances. (Any of the brothers can be identified by the tattoo of the group's logo etched somewhere into their skin.)?

As the list stands the brothers of the Broken Shackles are;
Senghor Vilhjalmr as the 'Boss'; One of the main founders of the group, along with it's unofficial leader.
Noven who acts as the unofficial lead Second in command, also one of the founders of the group.
Eleazar Victor Syroin, a cowardly thief known for his ability to run from any situation given the chance.
Adam King, the 'shop owner' of the group handling it's goods trade and jobs.
Aland Stewart, a more ghostly member of the brotherhood
Kaie, a fierce myrian new to Sunberth
Serta, a Man-eating Man-killing She-wolf
Calden, a die hard stubbly thief
Arlana, the fun feisty thief
Garret Sawyer, the mercenary from Zeltiva
Last edited by Eleazar Victor Syroin on March 3rd, 2014, 9:09 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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The Broken Shackles

Postby Eleazar Victor Syroin on December 29th, 2013, 3:06 pm

Thread timeline

Date Members Purpose
53th Fall 511AV Senghor/Noven. A lifetime friend is forged
53th Fall 511AV Eleazar/Calden/Arlana Friendships are formed
67th Fall 511AV Senghor/Noven/Eleazar/Calden New friends are made
70th of Fall 511AV Senghor/Noven/Adam K. Another new friend is made
15th of Winter 513AV Senghor/Garret/Noven Mercenary Work
34th of Winter 513AV Garret/Eleazar Eleazar gets a beating from an old man
36th of Winter 513AV Adam/Noven/Senghor Seeking the Hound
45th of Winter 513AV Senghor/Noven Attaining Furniture
48th of Winter 513AV Senghor/Noven/Twister Quest
49th of Winter 513AV Senghor/Noven After Returning from a Dangerous Quest, A Plan for Future is formed.
50th of Winter 513AV Everyone The Members Meet at the Pig's Foot or Seng's Cottage
50th of Winter 513AV (Night Time) Everyone The Broken Shackles is Created
51th of Winter 513AV Unknown The Broken Shackles Finally Begin Working Towards their Dreams
55th of Winter 513AV Everyone? Tattoos
Last edited by Eleazar Victor Syroin on March 3rd, 2014, 9:14 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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The Broken Shackles

Postby Eleazar Victor Syroin on December 29th, 2013, 3:14 pm

Future Thread Ideas

“Who would the guys be baby sitting? Some rich guys daughter? And they what drag Eleazar along to keep her entertained? Why do I now have Images of the guys playing cards whilst their contractor's daughter does his hair up in pretty ribbons and gets him to play her personal prince charming after a bath or three? ... Could we do a thread like that?”

“He won't run very fast if I smash his kneecaps in will he now?
Though the phrase "Gramps" isn't far of the truth considering the fact that while he isn't a native of Sunberth he had been there before but the first time all of you would have been around 4-5 years old except you Eleazar who would be a mere twinkle in your parents eyes”

A scary thought just occured to me, Eleazar never met his father. What if Garret was his Father?!”

If you squint... I mean really squint... Garret and Eleazar do look somewhat similar. And she was very pretty so maybe - Ugly + Pretty = Average looking guy.. Just putting it out there.”

“I swear guys we could use Eleazar to start robbing carts from rich bastards in Sunberth... He could distract the guards and run around waving his head, Nov and Calden sheath-like and rob the people of their valuables whilst Garret and Senghor take care of the guards....”
Last edited by Eleazar Victor Syroin on January 3rd, 2014, 1:41 am, edited 2 times in total.
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The Broken Shackles

Postby Senghor Vilhjalmr on December 30th, 2013, 10:29 pm

Thought I'd just make sure nobody forgot this here, Haha, good work gents
From the soil we came, From the soil we conquered,
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Kudos goes to Alea for help with my CS.

Back, but Expect slow replies.
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The Broken Shackles

Postby Quint Caravel on December 31st, 2013, 4:47 am

Very impressive. I wish you lads well.
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The Broken Shackles

Postby Serta on January 1st, 2014, 9:18 am

Is this a boys only club? Scared you'll get cooties?
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The Broken Shackles

Postby Noven on January 1st, 2014, 9:41 am

No, actually, we do have 1 sausageless person in this sausage fest :D But I am definitely scared of cooties. Specially Herpes.
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The Broken Shackles

Postby Garret Sawyer on January 1st, 2014, 10:14 am

I'm not quite sure how to respond to that Noven... Are you implying that are new member has herpes? :P
Dead before bowed.
Fallon, I didn't thread because I was scared you would kill Garret, I know the rules perfectly. It was simply because I didn't like you, when I logged on and saw a bunch of veterans complaining that they couldImage not find threads and newbies should approach them because they are so much better us new people, I just thought one thing. What a bunch of cunts.

The Broken Shackles
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Garret Sawyer
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The Broken Shackles

Postby Arlana on January 1st, 2014, 10:42 am

The sausageless one . . . That would be me! *glares at the guys*
Due to something unexpected, I'm afraid replies will be ultimately slow! I'll still post when I have the time!
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