AppearanceRace: Svefra
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Birthday: 25, Spring, 488.
Birthplace: Suvan Sea
Appearance:Drael has the appearance of the typical Svefra male. He has deep blue eyes, as still and serene as the center of the Suvan on a windless, midsummar night. His hair is a mess of tangles and locks, randomly black and blond in color. He's of average height, 6 feet even, and of lean build. Broad at the shoulders, long in the torso, and slight at the waist and below.
In winter time he wears a seal skin coat as black as the night's sky, that covers him from neck to ankle, atop whatever other clothing he happens to own at the moment. Also Leather boots and finger-less seal skin gloves.
During the summer he's hardly ever spotted wearing more than a pair of shorts and -- in the case that he's going inland for some reason -- a pair of sandals.
Character ConceptDrael is deeply spiritual and wildly ambitious: a combination that has always guided his actions. At night, while he sleeps, he he has visions that he calls 'whispers from the sea'. He interprets them as instructions and guidance from Laviku. In short he's come to believe that he's been chosen to bring the Svefra race to dominance over the rest of Mizahar. It was no mistake that, when the land dwellers destroyed the world, it's new heart was the Suvan sea. It was by design. It's his destiny -- the whispers say -- to find and herald in the new Lia'Tavanka that will lead their people in uniting Mizahar under Svefra rule.... He's still a little fuzzy on the 'how' though.
It is Drael's biggest dream to join the pod of the future Lia'Tavanka. Until he finds her, however, he's determined to remain a straggler. He goes from pod to pod, at times living on beaches or on docks, never quite settling; when asked why he responds simply with "It is Laviku's will".
Drael's primary hobby is to relieve inlanders of money an material possessions. He has an impulsive need to collect. He prefers to do this without violence. He's fond of conning, gambling, begging and pick pocketing. He also does legitimate business as well, sometimes transporting people or goods in his casinor or serving as an ocean guide to travelers and tradesmen. He doesn't keep much of what he acquires. Most of it he tosses into the sea as an offering to Laviku. What he does keep for himself he tends to bury on secluded beach areas or hide in nooks and crannies that he passes often; these things he marks with his own blood so he can find it later using elementary Auristics. He carries nothing with him that is a burden to swim with.
His mood changes with the swells of the Seas. Sometimes he's serene and pensive but other times he's adventurous and outgoing. He enjoys moments alone with his thoughts as well as meeting new people and reuniting with old friends.
Character HistoryBorn Drael Stillwater, and marked from birth by Laviku. He is the only surviving member of his original Pod.
When he was young he and his pod attended a Nal'lyeo in Syliras which got particularly rough and out of control. It raged on fiercely for several weeks; the inlanders were stubborn and refused to concede at first. Near the end of the third week it seemed as if the inanders were starting to give in so negotations started again. His, and a handfull of other Lias, were deep within the city, haggling the terms, while Drael and many others waited on the fleet of ships just off the coast. They were all exhausted from many days of mischief, partying, and catching up with kinsmen.
A half dozen Avikki fluttered to the various ships, squaking loudly. None of them had letters attached to their legs but by their erratic, distressed behavior it was clear what message they were trying to convey. There had been a surprise attack. Drael's kinsmen stormed into the city, leaving him and the other young children behind. There weren't many casualties. Most pods returned and retreated into the Sea.
Drael's never did.
LanguageFluent Language: Fratava
Basic Language: Common
Poor Language: Char
SkillsSkill | EXP | Total | Proficiency |
Swimming | 20 (Starting) | 20 | Novice |
Navigation: Sea | 10 (Racial) | 10 | Novice |
Auristics | 10 (Starting) | 10 | Novice |
Larceny | 10 (Starting) | 10 | Novice |
Flux | 5 (Starting) | 5 | Novice |
Weapon: Knife | 5 (Starting) | 5 | Novice |
LoresLore of the Tides and Crosswinds of the Suvan Sea
Lore of Religion: Laviku
Possessions1 Set of Clothing
-Silk button up shirt
-Black pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Seal Skin Coat
-Seal Skin gloves
-Leather boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Wood)
-Brush (Wood)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week's worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
75 Gold Mizas
A very well crafted doubled edged knife. The cutting edge kept sharp enough to shave with, the back edge serrated.
Heirloom: A hand woven necklace given to him by his Lia on his 10th birthday.
HousingLocation: Suvan Sea
House: A Casinor
LedgerPurchase | Cost | Total |
(Starting) | +100 Gold Mizas | 100 Gold Mizas |
Offering to Laviku | - 20 Gold Mizas | 80 Gold Mizas |
Knife | - 4 Gold Mizas | 76 Gold Mizas |
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