[Unverified] Hebi (WIP)

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Hebi (WIP)

Postby Hebi on January 6th, 2014, 6:21 pm



Race: Dhani [Subrace:Viper]
Gender: Male
Age: 130
Birthday: Day-52/Season-Winter/Year-383
Birthplace: Eyktolian deserts

Human Form: In human form he relatively short for a human standing only 5' 2". His hair is long and black turning crimson right at the tips. His eyes are a golden yellow and seem to mesmerize those who stare into them. He a tattoo that looks like two black streak the go from the bottom of his eyes curve around to his cheeks and descend to his chin where it ends. His face is long and narrow with a stark handsomeness to it. His figure is lean but not at all without muscle tone.

Snake Form: A black cobra with light grey to nearly silver under belly and tones. He has a tiger stripe pattern that starts at his head and extends the length of his body. These strips are the same color as his under belly.

Dhani Form. He has his human forms lean and toned torso and the color and pattern of his snake form. His arms change to black at the elbow and have the tiger stripe pattern.

Character Concept

Hebi has an obsession with magic and learning new forms, He seeks to learn even if it requires force to do so. His mental state deteriorates when he believe there is some magic to be learned from the people around him. He becomes reckless and sometimes even violent as a result. He however most the time is rather calm and easy to work with.

Character History Hebi's lust for magic was instilled in him by his mother who first began his Djed train in Shielding and later in Fire Reimancy the only forms of magic she knew. He had trouble at first but quickly developed a keen knack for the use of his own Djed. He learned everything his mother had to teach him and he wanted to learn me and she told him there nothing left she could teach he lost his temper and accidently killed her. He learned that none within the nest could teach him what he wished. He departed after gathering his possessions and purchasing other necessary equipment from a nearby human settlement.


Fluent Language: Snake-tongue
Basic Language: Common
Poor Language: Fill me in, if you want.


Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Reimancy [Fire] 24# SP # Novice
Shielding 26# SP # Competent
Poison 10# RB, # SP # Novice



1 Set of Clothing
-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Cloak or Coat
-Simple Boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Metal)
-Brush (Metal)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week’s Worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
-(x2) Crossbow Bracers
-(x300) Crossbow Bolts (30 sets of 10)
-(x30) Crossbow bolt Glass-bulb
-Tent 4-person
-(x10) Travelers Stock
-Bed Roll
-(x5) Capon Chickens
-Heavy Horse
-Wagon Covered
-Bit and Bridle
-Cart Harness
-200 lbs. Feed (for horse)
-Cage Medium
-Water Pack

Heirloom: 50gm value gold bar[/b] - Max. 50gm worth)


Location: Sahova

House: Hebi's Covered Wagon


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +600 GM [62]GM [4]SM [0]CM

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Posts: 4
Words: 1748
Joined roleplay: January 6th, 2014, 5:26 pm
Race: Dhani
Character sheet

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