Time Stamp: 25th of Winter, 513AV. The trees were a good hiding spot - or they would be. The foliage had been stripped off by the winter cold, and the thin branches weakened to brittle ropes that could barely hold his weight. But he still persisted, since.. well, he was finding it very difficult to approach his hunt from the ground - one wrong step would spell the end of his chances, a crack of a twig and the doe would disappear into the forest, never to return. So, it was only logical to hide in the trees and wait for them to appear, with his short-bow drawn and the leather quiver slung over his right shoulder, empty back-pack over his left to collect whatever he could kill. Sometimes, the aching Ethaefal wished that he knew more about things like tracking so that he could follow the creatures wherever they went, rather than being forced to wait for them to come to him. Or that he was better in trapping.. that way he could just set the trap and spend the rest of his day in front of the moderately-warm fire. As it was, he ached. His back ached from the weight braced on it, from being hunched over in such an unnatural position for at least three bells and countless chimes.. his arms ached from holding the bow at the ready for so long, arrow between his fingers and notched to the bowstring but not pulled back. It was all stupid - he couldn't wait for the spring. When all the woodland creatures would be emerging from their little dens, to collect food. When there would be an abundance that he could harvest rather than having to traverse half of the entire wood just to find a scrawny little rabbit with its ribs showing and mud caking its fur, that seemed almost thankful that he was putting it out of its misery. It didn't make him feel better for killing it, and it didn't matter. Trying to stay in the same position for a few more chimes, he found the pain in his legs too much and eventually shifted position to hang them over the edge of the thick branch to work out the cramp that had engulfed his kneecaps and most of his thighs. "Petching.. petch.." The words were whispered, but even they seemed to echo around the near-empty woods, mocking him. Look how empty this place is. I'll never find anything. So, ever-so-slowly, he reattached the bow around his chest with the bowstring digging into his grass-stained shirt, before slidding down the tree.. and making a complete mess of it by losing his footing and landing with enough force to get thrown completely off his feet. Another mocking from the forest returned the dull 'thud' as he met frozen earth, and the short metal clanging of the Kopis sprawling from his pocket a few seconds later. He couldn't hold it back. "Petching daughter of Syna's petching petch!..." Why did nature have to be so annoying. Why did he have to spend all of his time toiling in it, he'd gone through more than enough than to be forced to deal with it all over again, he'd served his time in this prison of a mortal plane, amongst these idiotic mortals who couldn't see anything beyond their pathetic lives, some never even thinking for the lives they take only due to arguments over matters never important... his inner ranting went on and on and on. |