[Unverified] Sayley Xylan

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Sayley Xylan

Postby Sayley Xylan on January 11th, 2014, 4:24 pm

Sayley Xylan



Race: Human
Gender: Female
Birthday: 24th day of Fall, 491 AD (22 years old).

Appearance: Blonde hair cascades down below her shoulders, in messy waves that frame her fairly round face. Her complexion is relatively pale, something which only gets darker a shade or two in the summer. Her eyes are a calm green tone, with long, blonde eyelashes and eyebrows to match, usually arched upwards in curiosity. She would consider herself an average height, standing at 5'5. She has a slim figure, mostly due to a fast metabolism and her small diet rather than exercise, shown by her lack of muscle.

Character Concept

Sayley is a caring girl with a great intellect and a sharp tongue. Though she often know when to keep her mouth shut, when she is insulted she can speak without thinking, leaving her in difficult situations. She wouldn't consider herself a violent girl by any standards, in fact she is usually quite the opposite as her mother was a healer, but she isn't afraid to throw a punch when needed. However, this often does her more harm than those she punches, as she isn't very strong, and would most likely need a proper weapon to do any permanent damage.

Character History

Sayley was the daughter of David Warrows and Una Xylan, both humans from Syliras, and because of this Sayley has rarely left the walls of Syliras, and has never left Sylira itself. This has lead to a curiosity of the 'outside world' and in turn a love of both books and geography, where Sayley learned most her information on areas outside of Sylira. Her mother was a healer, and taught a lot of it to Sayley as a child, which has given her a fair amount of skills at medicine and healing, and her father worked in the stables, where Sayley visited several times, and though the most she usually did was groom the horses, when she was eleven years old she got the opportunity to ride one.


Fluent Language: Common.


Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Medicines +15 (SP) +15 (RB) 30 Competent
Herbalism +15 (SP) 15 Novice
Equestrian Riding +5 (SP) 5 Novice
Animal Husbandry +10 (SP) 10 Novice
Cooking +5 (SP) 5 Novice


Lore of Mizahar Geography
Lore of Medicinal Plants in Syliras


- 1 Set of Clothing
-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Cloak
-Simple Boots
- 1 Waterskin
- 1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Wood)
-Brush (Wood)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week's worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel

Heirloom: A pendant that was once probably a gorgeous silver colour and is now turning the red/brown colour of rust with age. Shaped like a circle with a flower/snowflake pattern in it. [Click here for picture]


Location: Syliras

House: 20x20 apartment situated deep within the interior of Stormhold Citadel [see diagram]



Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM

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Sayley Xylan
Posts: 2
Words: 1138
Joined roleplay: January 10th, 2014, 5:02 pm
Race: Human
Character sheet

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