by Stitch on October 29th, 2010, 3:05 pm
While Hadrian was going about things in the right way, Stitch was going about things in a way that was bound to painfully butcher the cake. He was adding ingredients to the chocolate bowl, that much was obvious, but all of the ingredients he was pouring into the bowl were horribly wrong. A line of boxes, containers, and raw materials had been set up for him, to help the blind man try and enjoy his odd choice for an activity. It was a rather brave task, considering he was blind, and that might be why he had set up such a system. In theory, the line would consist of the correct ingredients, ordered in the fashion that they were supposed to enter the bowl. Then, when there was a break in the ingredients, Stitch would give the bowl a hearty stir. Then came the eggs, then more stirring, and then a bit more different flavorings. Someone had messed with the dry ingredients, and the seasonings, though. Hadrian might deduce that Stitch had been going for a chocolate spice cake, with all the things he had been throwing in. There were plenty of dried candies and nuts, and a variety of different herbs... But that is where things went wrong. Stitch was applying herbs meant for main courses; herbs such as sage, garlic, and oregano. Had one of the children played a trick on him?
He still dutifully went about the task. Painstakingly cracking the eggs, making sure not to get any shell in. He measured out all the flour and seasonings, but it seemed to be a measuring system he came up with on his own. A pinch there, then perhaps a heavy pinch over here, and then maybe cupped handful right there. It was a wonder that the mixture was managing to stay whole, in the haphazardly way he was making it.
Stitch readily answered Hadrian's question, that bright smile still on his face. He continued going about his work as he spoke, but Hadrian would definitely get that sensation again, the sensation of two eyes settling upon his figure.
"This one was born in Syliras. As far back as this one can remember, this one was a part of the Orphanage. This one grew up here, with the original Orphanage owner. Having been here so long, after the original owner passed away, this one just assumes the Knights thought it might be best if this one continued running the place. They offered this one payment, and gave this one a bit of training." Stitch chuckled, his head tilting at Hadrian. "This one tries to follow it, but it is hard sometimes. The Knights are much stricter than this one would like them to be. They have good intentions though, this one believes."
Stitch fetched a few baking pans, laying them out for the two men. They were extremely beaten, showing signs of their age through cracked and chipped metal. They came in a few different shapes, consisting of circles, triangles, squares, and rectangles. Hadrian had a choice of how he would like to shape his cake, if the thought really mattered to him. In one corner of the kitchen, a tiny little oven was seated on the floor. A fire had already been brought to life in the tiny little stone contraption, and it was completely ready for the cakes. It was a rather rare thing to see in such a place, and Stitch was quite lucky to have it. Both the oven and the pans, as well as most of the kitchen equipment had been owned by the previous Lord.
"What about you, milord? If this one might ask, how did you happen to come to our castle?" Stitch's voice continued to stay happy, the smile still widely spread across his face.
Last edited by
Stitch on November 6th, 2010, 5:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.