3rd day of Winter, 513 AV
Miro had finished a delicious meal in his room earlier. The remains were not pleasant, and left for his servant. A tiny human shaped skeleton with only a few giblets of flesh and hair remaining. It was sitting in a rather large pool of blood and the corner was stained red. Lessomm had just arrived and would immediately realize what had happened. Of course, while the act of eating a small human was quite horrid, the servant was absurdly loyal. He would understand why his master had done it, just as he understood the reason why they were to accept this job from the Spot.
The wizard sat at his table looking at the document giving the details of their assignment and planning the best course of action. It was all figured in his head by now, and he was feigning shame in his actions. He expanded his aura of influence to caress Lessomm the moment he walked into the room. The Hypnotist began to channel an emotional response of pity through a sullen voice stricken with remorse. "Lessomm, I am so sorry. I let myself lose control, give into my cursed desires. I consumed a life, their body, and left the remains in the corner."
The undead began changed the emotional response to that of sadness and began to channel it through whimpers and soft crying. It was filled with a feigned pain, but just as much twisted enjoyment from manipulation. "Please forgive me, I did not wish to do it." The fool the servant was, he likely believed the words. "I can not even stand to look in the corner. It must be gotten rid of, thrown in the river, and the mess cleaned." The fiend forced a few more painful whimpers. "You are the only thing that keeps me together. I would find some way to end my miserable existence if you were not here to redeem me."
The Eypharian was such a fool in his master's eyes. Buying his pathetic stories, believing that he wished to act good, that he did not enjoy the things he did. The meal was delicious, deceiving his servant as well, and they would soon cause misery to another innocent. Somebody only guilty of upsetting the Nitrozian family. As the job detailed, a shop would take a hit, lose some business one way or another. A shame, as Miro knew the shop's owner, a decent man. A person Lessomm would not want to see die. The plan was to convince the servant the act was just and to finish it. This was simple, destroy his goods, something Reimancy was suited for.
The most difficult part of the job would be to turn his butler into an accomplice in a malicious act. This would be accomplished by letting him play a heroic role, while the wizard would carefully cast a spell to ruin goods. Lessomm would enter the story and act friendly and interested in a purchase. He would distract the man and gain the target's favor. Meanwhile the Reimancer would be out of sight preparing a spell. As the spell is moved inside and cast, the servant would protect the shop owner and allow Miro to flee. To further stave away suspicion, Lessomm would even offer to stay and help clean.
From start to finish he knew how things should progress, but execution was never quite so simple. Especially when it came to predicting and controlling the actions of people. If things got too complicated however, a fire could be started and settle things another way. They could take the job to an extreme. Remove all threat of business and truly seem the hero saving a life and putting out a fire. But the best case scenario kept things subtle and smooth. The best results would bring the master and servant closer together, and foster a growth in their bond.
"When you are finished however, I suppose we should begin on our job." The undead's mood seemed to have lightened slightly. "You know, I am quite proud of you, always so faithful. Thank you for doing as I have asked." Again his tone darkened briefly. "And thank you thrice over for dealing with my more unfortunate qualities." Though just as quickly his emotions lifted. He almost seemed chipper. "I have decided how we shall go about our task though. I will merely cast a Reimancy spell to damage the man's goods. You will distract him and keep him from any harm. That way I can cast the spell and slip away without being seen. Afterwards you may help him clean up."
Ender gave a drawn out moan seeing the display of obvious manipulation issued by Miro. His understanding of emotion was childish at best, and his acting was not much better. To expect such a performance could work to manipulate a mind was laughable to the Irylid. "Do you really think so little of his intelligence that you would act so distraught over killing? Will he not question why you chose to eat a child, or see through your obvious acting? I am also going to assume you expect he will not question your mood swinging from depression to excitement constantly. Why should you? You can always just use Hypnotism to sell another curse story and buy more pity."