Open Out of Sunberth, into Syliras {Open}

New Kelvic character from Sunberth. Anyone can post.

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

Out of Sunberth, into Syliras {Open}

Postby Halona on January 20th, 2014, 1:27 am

Halona Mabel
Day of Season 513
Common | Canine | Thoughts

The Kelvic silently watched the disappointed Pycon take his leave with indifference. What did she care if he found his way to this magical city or not?
Standing up from her crouch, Halona looked down at Nyrrah relishing the feeling of superiority and dominance over the other girl. Then the feeling washed away in the blonde girl's tide of feelings. The emotion of agitation washed over her as Nyrrah practically repeated the same question Halona believed she had covered. [color=#0080BF]"Where would 'we' find them?"
Halona mimicked, letting out a short bark of a laugh. "Let me set a few things straight. 'We' aren't going anywhere together. I don't travel with other people much less urbanized Kelvics. If 'you' want to find others of our kind in this pathetic vagiking city, then be my guest. But keep in mind our species look just as much human as they do animal. Our meeting was just by chance, and chance alone."

Halona mentally patted herself on the back, figuring she had explained things pretty well without insulting the other Kelvic's intelligence too much. She's lucky I'm even helping her. If she was a human...what if she is actually a human? What's to stop her from lying? Then again she could accuse me of lying just as easily. With her attention taking a dive into her thoughts for the moment, Halona waited for Nyrrah's reply.[/color]
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Out of Sunberth, into Syliras {Open}

Postby Nyrrah on January 20th, 2014, 4:53 pm

Nyrrah watched the little man go, and then turned her attention to Halona. As she realized the other girl was looking at her as an inferior, her coyote instinct and Sunberth etiquette snapped back. It was slightly disappointing to see that this is how other kelvics were. It was no better than Sunberth. With a look of anger she rose to her feet, her lips curling back slightly to reveal her coyote canines. She had finally been pushed to hard. She had been looked down upon by humans all her life, she was not about to take it from someone as the same status as herself.
"You are no better than the humans of Sunberth," she said sharply, her voice dripping with poison.
This was the first time that Nyrrah had ever really stood up for herself. If it had been a human, she probably would have just turned and slunk away at that. She stared Halona dead in the eyes, head high, giving her a minute to see if she responded before she walked away.
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Out of Sunberth, into Syliras {Open}

Postby Halona on January 20th, 2014, 7:02 pm

Halona Mabel
Day of Season 513
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Halona blinked, amber eyes widening slightly in surprise as she watched Nyrrah stand up to her. Surprise was quickly replaced by respect and Halona backed down from her assertive stance with a slight smile.
"Hmm...perhaps your not a push over after all." She mused, "I guess I read you wrong." That was the only apology the Kelvic offered to the other girl who she now viewed as her equal.
"As for me being no better than the humans from wherever you come from. Know for a fact that I am. I suspect you've never been subject to real hardship." Halona's voice was icy as she recalled the memories from her past. The hunger, having no freewill, no freedom, no nothing. She was a pet, existing simply for entertainment, no more, no less. I am better than humans. I am. Though Nyrrah might not realize it, her comment had shaken up Halona. The Kelvic had spent half of her life a pet and the other a runaway barely making it in the wild.

Despite her wishes a single tear crawled out of her eye but Halona wiped it away quickly, hoping Nyrrah didn't notice. Above all else, Halona would not show weakness. "So do 'you' have any ideas of where our kind might be hiding in this wretched city?"She asked, her voice dropping its usual edge.
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Out of Sunberth, into Syliras {Open}

Postby Nyrrah on January 23rd, 2014, 1:03 am

(Hey, sorry, I've been busy with RL stuff))

Nyrrah was a bit shocked herself. She was not used to respect or anything of the sort. She did not show that, though. Halona was still a little icy, so Nyrrah assumed she should act like a person of Sunberth. Her facial expression went back to the slight, "I don't care about anything," scowl and she shrugged at the girls last words. She heard her words soften a bit, and decided to keep her own tone mild and polite.
"Dunno. I thought you might know. You seem more experienced. I've never actually met another Kelvic, or let alone really talked to anyone. There weren't many back in Sunberth. Not that I knew of, at least. I'm starting to wonder what other species exist, though... If there are stranger things than Pycons." Towards the end, her eyes became curious and her voice picked up a thoughtful edge.
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Out of Sunberth, into Syliras {Open}

Postby Halona on January 24th, 2014, 1:57 am

Halona Mabel

Common | Canine | Thoughts

Other people...other species, other races. Just how big was the world?
Halona wondered. However big it was, she had enough of the city. Her nose had clogged up, her sense of smell had shut off making Halona feel incredibly vulnerable. All in all it was time to go.
"Well good luck and good bye. May we never meet again my Kelvic kin." With that, Halona walked away becoming one with the crowd and eventually fled the reek of the city.
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Out of Sunberth, into Syliras {Open}

Postby Orion Michaels on February 17th, 2014, 3:17 pm

Grade on Hold

Hey guys, I need a timestamp to be added to this thread before it can be graded. Shoot me a PM when it's done and then I'll get to working on getting this bad boy done. :)
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