Open Out of Sunberth, into Syliras {Open}

New Kelvic character from Sunberth. Anyone can post.

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

Out of Sunberth, into Syliras {Open}

Postby Nyrrah on January 14th, 2014, 10:13 pm

Nyrrah examined her new apartment. Even though it was bare and lacking belongings, she was still proud and excited. It had no windows like her little home back in Sunberth, but it did not matter. She had made it out on her own and into new territory and a new beginning. She sat on her bed, thinking of what she should do first. She really wanted to socialize and meet someone. She had been alone for way too long, even in Sunberth she had not had a friend.

She remembered the words of the traveller, of how the people were welcoming and friendly. She took comfort in those words, yet she was still afraid to approach anyone. "No. This is not Sunberth. That Nyrrah is not you anymore, it's time to get some courage, and some sort of companion... It's not time to be alone anymore." She thought to herself some more on the subject. Maybe she should start by getting a job...

Nyrrah rose to her feet and put on her boots and cloak. She walked over to the door and wondered if she should go as her coyote form. "No... How can I communicate if I am coyote?" She took a deep breath, opened the door and stepped outside. She looked around the hallway for a brief second and then began walking in a random direction. Her nerves got to her and for a minute she began to miss the way she had been able to slink around in the shadows. She sighed and forced herself to walk on, in search of some place to socialize. It was high time she learned.

As she passed others in the hallway, she realized how much different she must look. Rough, mean... When her face wasn't set in a curious stare it was normally a scowl, something she had picked up her father.

(Sorry it's short, I'm at writer's block at the moment.. :P )
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Out of Sunberth, into Syliras {Open}

Postby Halona on January 15th, 2014, 12:48 am

Halona Mabel

Halona sped through the streets at a brisk pace, taking care to take to breathe in the smallest sips possible of the foul city air. "Humans are soo filthy." She murmured to herself in disgust. "I swear they have no sense of smell at all."
She had just finished selling her latest kill to the butcher and was heading home, back to the Bronze forest as she couldn't take much more of the city. Rounding the corner she ran straight into someone. She stumbled back slightly dazed murmuring "Sorry." Without looking at the girl.
The Kelvic was about to move on when her eyes noticed something odd about the stranger's appearance.

Golden amber eyes.

Halona realized with a jolt that the girl she had bumped into possessed eyes eerily similar to her own. Intrigued she looked the girl over noting that they were probably around the same age, were eye to eye in height and almost identical in build with the only major physical distinction between the two being hair color and facial features. As the other girl had long dusty brown hair and a slightly pointed nose that rivaled Halona's own shoulder length sandy blonde locks and small freckled nose.

Aware she had been staring, Halona averted her eyes for a moment and stepped back instinctively reverting back to her animalistic habits. "I'm Halona." The Kelvic said dryly, "We have the same eye color."
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Out of Sunberth, into Syliras {Open}

Postby Nyrrah on January 15th, 2014, 1:13 am

When the girl first bumped into her, Nyrrah jumped back with a bit of a start, a wild look in her eyes. As the girl introduced herself, she realized it was true. They did have the same eye color. Curiosity and wonder replaced her scowl as she studied the girl. Nyrrah had never really come across another one of her race.
"Nyrrah. What're you?" She asked.
She noted her own blunt way of speaking compared to Halona's. Nyrrah was not sure if she had picked that up from Sunberth, or her father. She wondered if it was rude to be so blunt her. Her nerves began to flare up as she thought about this. What if she did this whole socializing thing wrong? Was turning coyote an option? She studied the girl in front of her and noticed the similarities.
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Out of Sunberth, into Syliras {Open}

Postby Halona on January 15th, 2014, 1:36 am

Halona Mabel

Halona's eyes flared in annoyance. A rude human this one was, maybe I should inform her just who's she's dealing with.

"A Kelvic, dense little human. Ever heard of one?" She answered, her annoyance plain. If there was one thing the Kelvic couldn't stand, it was humans, especially the rude kind. She straightened her posture and "attempted" to look down upon the other girl as if she were no more than the dirt she walked and more importantly "in her way."
"Ah, it seems my interest in you has waned. Now if you would be so kind as to 'move', I'll be on my way."

(Oh and you forgot to set the timestamp in your first post.)
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Out of Sunberth, into Syliras {Open}

Postby Nyrrah on January 15th, 2014, 1:51 am

(Ohh, crap. Thanks!)

Nyrrah's eyes widened and she panicked. She did mess it up.
"Wait! I meant what animal..." She said in a rush to try to explain herself. She sighed and looked to side and quietly said,
"I'm not good at this whole communication thing... I didn't do a lot of it where I'm from..."
She thought for a moment, looking back at the girl, analyzing her body language and quickly it had changed to her response. Friendly, to assertive. This Halona was proud to be what she was, it seemed. Nyrrah had never experienced that before. You were not proud to be anything but human in Sunberth. Other races were looked down upon with mistrust. Her panic quickly subsided and she intently stared at the girl with even more curiosity and wonder. She had so many questions.
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Out of Sunberth, into Syliras {Open}

Postby Krong on January 15th, 2014, 2:40 am

The diminutive Pycon walked along the pathway having only shortly left his small Dollhouse home. He wanted to survey they area around him so know possible escape routes as well as anything interesting that might be happening. He then began to daydream about that dreadful day when the human wizard killed a family of innocent Pycon in front of his vary eyes. This daydream distracted him so much he didn't even notice the to Humans or so he thought standing there until he walked into ones heel that was currently being scolded it seemed by the other. The 2" tall Pycon merely bounced of the girls ankle and landed roughly on his rear. The tiny man looked something like an attractive young human with wind swept hair in appearance however his coloration was dark grey with a few red clay accents. He looked up at the towering female his tiny head hardly able to tilt up enough to see her face. "Oh sorry" he said reverting to acting completely innocent to avoid the human detecting his true feelings.
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Out of Sunberth, into Syliras {Open}

Postby Nyrrah on January 15th, 2014, 2:59 am

Nyrrah's attention quickly snapped from Halona to whatever ever ha just bumped into her ankle. She heard a voice, but saw nothing at first. Once she realized it was a tiny man, her eyes widened with shock. She had never seen such a small man... Especially one that was made out of... Clay? She stepped back from him and Halona. This town was already interesting, scary and overall exciting.
"I've never seen anything like you before... And what are you? Oh! That might be rude. I think I offended her by asking what she was..." She nervously laughed to herself, exposing her sharp canines. She noted at how quickly socialization made her rough exterior fade just a bit. Was that good or bad...? She had no idea.
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Out of Sunberth, into Syliras {Open}

Postby Halona on January 15th, 2014, 3:08 am

Halona Mabel

The Kelvic shot the girl a glare. Animal? Why was this girl prying so? Dispite her annoyance with Nyrrah, she decided to let her bluntness pass something she seldom did with humans, but Nyrrah had apologized in a way, and those eyes, such intriguing eyes that girl had. It was rare for a human to possess odd eye color, it was that trait that led Halona to wonder. Was Nyrrah really human? Pushing the thought aside she answered the girl's unfinished answer.

"Wolf, I'm a Kelvic Wolf. How about we do a question for a..." She trailed off, hearing a voice float up from somewhere nearby. Hesitaitaly looking down, she stumbled back in surprise after spying a small clay man from where the voice no doubt came. "By Caiyha...What the heck are you?!"
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Out of Sunberth, into Syliras {Open}

Postby Nyrrah on January 15th, 2014, 3:22 am

Nyrrah glanced at Halona.
"Coyote... " She said, then knelt down the little man.
"Look! He's made of clay! I've never seen such a thing, they didn't have your kind back in Sunberth!" She was speaking more to herself than the others, her voice filled with childish amazement. She stared down at him, not sure what to think. She inspected and recorded every little feature about him. She wondered if he was some type of creature brought to life by magic... The thought made her recoil. She was taught to be defensive against such things.
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Out of Sunberth, into Syliras {Open}

Postby Krong on January 15th, 2014, 10:03 pm

Ishimaru noticed the utter confusion in expressions of the two larger people. When they both had revealed that neither of them where human the Pycon relaxed some. "I am a Pycon a sentient race of Alchemical create beings" he replied to the females before him, he then gave a short bow and said "My name is Ishimaru at your service". He no longer was playing innocent with these two since they weren't human he harbored no grudge against them an was willing to speak completely freely.
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