![]() Noah's gaze lingered on the women down below as he circled above them. He was focused on them so much that he had failed to see the lumbering bear sauntering in their direction. His heart dropped out of the sky and he almost called out in warning. There was no way he'd be able to fight a bear, he had barely escaped a lynx the size of that bear. If he hadn't taken the chance to fly upwards at that moment he'd be the lynx's next meal, blood on the dire beast's jowls. Mentally, he shuddered at that thought. It made him queasy. Still he focused on the bear, swooping low now should his assistance be needed but regret filled his throat as the thoughts of sacrificing himself came to mind. Would he have the courage to do that? To end his life that had only just began, independent of the influences from his family: father, mother, brothers, and sisters. Undecidedly, he was not. He'd help but he would not die. The decision made him feel uneasy, did he feel guilty for being selfish? Everyone had the right to be selfish one time or another... right? It was his life after all. But on the other hand, it was theirs too. Luckily for Noah these thoughts were unneeded as the bear stood on it's haunches, sniffing the air. The beast wasn't that far away from the girls but its interest led it elsewhere. It wobbled onward and after a silent moment Oriah and Altaira followed. Noah wondered the motive of their actions but kept his opinion reserved as he descended to hug the bare branches of trees, following the women closely, and quietly. The beating of his wings could possibly be heard but his voice remained unspoken. Ahead Noah could see the bear digging at the thawing ground before reaching in with his muzzle. The Kelvic couldn't see what the bear was doing but he made a guess and that guess led him to an inference of what Altaira and Oriah were doing, they had hoped to follow the bear to find the herbs that they had been seeking and the bear was helping them do that. Noah couldn't help but a be a little jealous, some wild animal was doing something he had hoped he would be able to do, yet he lacked the proper knowledge to help them adequately -- not knowing an herb from a tree's leaves and all. He perched himself on a branch nearby, overlooking the area Oriah and Altaira were approaching. He settled and coddled his wings close to his body for warmth, watching them curiously. Once they came he cooed, letting them know of his presence. He observed as Altaira came to the hole the bear had dug and from that hole she pulled a ravaged collection of green, a plant that he couldn't identify. Is that what their looking for? Noah wondered, ruffling his feathers to produce heat. He knew, however, that they couldn't possibly used that worn and ragged plant for their concoctions, thus they needed to find more. Possibly a source? He didn't know how plants worked. Mentally, he shrugged and kept about his quiet thoughts. He toyed with the possibility of a nap, if time would allow. How much do they need? he asked no one in particular. Noah settled himself and blinked heavily. Sleep would come soon and a few winks never hurt anyone. He dozed. Speech | Thoughts | Fratavan | Eagle |