Kenash is located in northwestern Cyphrus at the delta of the Kenash River. This delta is located where the river drains into the Middle Suvan Sea which is sometimes known as the volatile 'Gut.' Here the Kenash River is slow moving with a low deep gradient that lends itself to dramatic tidal influences and backwaters that create a swampy condition. This unique feature has transformed the Grasslands of Cyphrus in this area into a warm micro climate perfect for tobacco and cotton plantations. Because of this rich soil and ideal location, Kenash is a major stopping point for caravans moving up and down the Kabrin Road. And like its diverse waterways, the city itself has a tidal influence to the city's populations because caravans stopping can sometimes greatly increase the amount of people in the city for a day or two while traders resupply and regroup. This influence gives this mostly sleepy backwater a unique culture of haves and have nots - gambling, debauchery, and excesses.
Not exactly lawless, Kenash is dominated by wealthy plantation owners and their families who set the standards and rules of the city. Their plantations thrive due to their high population of slaves and workers which keep the agricultural engine that is Kenash running. As a result, Kenash has grown up and prospers on the broken backs of those that have nothing, but are forced to work the land to ensure others wealth. Few things are considered entirely illegal in Kenash, where the amount of land you hold is directly proportional to the amount of power you have within the city. The Dynasty Plantations founded and maintain Kenash, growing even more wealthy off the caravans and the goods they grow.
Traditionally speaking, a swamp is a wetland that is forested and it usually occurs around a broad waterway, although it can also take shape on the shores of a large body of water. It may consist of only a dense woodland area - which is often referred to as a 'true swamp' - or it may be entirely made up of just low-lying vegetation - which is usually termed a 'transitional swamp.' Kenash, to a degree, is all of this and more.
Located on the southern shore of the Suvan Sea, as well as along the great river that dips even further south until it reaches Ulvic Lake, the landscape of Kenash is certainly a healthy mix of both true and traditional swampland. Tall, often thickly trunked, but occasionally willowy, moss-covered trees litter the region, along with dense vegetation that opens up to fertile fields perfect for farming.
The terrain, for the most part, remains fairly level, more often than not slipping below sea level, before occasionally rising several meters above. Hills tend to be the highest the ground ever goes, never truly forming into anything even remotely mountainous. If anything, there is a far better chance of finding a muddy pit or tunnel that may or may not lead to an underground cavern.
The seasons come and go, almost without notice, seeing that Winter can be just as warm as any other season. On the rare occasion, a frost may occur when the temperatures drop to just above the freezing mark, but days like this are few and far between. Therefore, while rain is a constant occurrence, as is flooding, snow is something only spoken about in tall tales and legends.
As would be expected in such a wet and steamy environment, the flora and fauna of the region both tend to flourish, easily receiving the nutrients and sustenance they need to survive. If anything, they tend to grow almost too fast or - in the case of many insects - in such an abundance, that the citizens of the region occasionally wish that a frost would occur to kill off a good number of them.
The flora of the region runs the gambit from delicate, snaking vines and miniature, hardy mosses to robust, thick-stemmed sunflowers and towering, coniferous trees. Whereas the fauna features everything from annoying, black flies and pesky, swamp ticks to lumbering granidiles and adorable ponda bears. While most of the vegetation and wildlife goes untouched, a sizable portion is obviously harvested and harnessed by the Dynasties of Kenash, mostly for profit, but occasionally for pleasure.
The City of Kenash sits proudly at the mouth of the Kenash River, deep within some of the densest portions of the swampy forest scape. Those arriving by way of ship, upon the choppy waters of the Suvan Sea, will often find that they need to drop anchor a little ways off from shore and ferry themselves - as well as their wares - in by boat. When approaching from the Kibran Road, which sits just south of the city, a traveler will make their way through a good number of the local plantations of the ruling families, before finally reaching the outer gates.
Those arriving from Riverfall in the west or thereabouts, will first see signs of the open fields of the Paille Family's Stormgrace plantation, followed by the bamboo-enshrouded Boldvine of the Konrath's. Those arriving from the general direction of Syliras in the east, will be offered a lovely view of the Askara's handsome Sweet Home first, the Morealis' sugarcane-rich Blacksugar next, followed by the Sitai's aromatic Bloodflower last. However, regardless of which path a traveler comes in on, they will inevitably end up in the middle of the Lorak Family's Whitesnake plantation, which is where the main road leading directly to the City of Kenash can be found.
Upon passing through the city gates, which are generally left open during the daylight bells, a traveler will continue to make their way north along yet another stretch of road before seeing signs of the actual city. Coming in upon the West Bank, a traveler will be pleased to find that many of the necessities needed to rest and resupply can easily be had. Time permitting, that same traveler can feel free to explore the rest of the city, starting with what the locals fondly refer to as 'The Six Sisters,' occasionally tacking on 'of Sin' when the mood strikes.
Comprised of a series of small islands, the center section of town is where most of the traditional shops, eateries, and entertainment venues can be found, with one or two fancier or unique locations mixed in for good measure. Assigned various personifications for a number of reasons - some holding significant historical value - these formations take the names of Blade, Dry, Fire, Oath, Point, and Sun Islands. Beyond these 'Six Sisters' is the East Bank, which offers - upon paying the toll at the single bridge that links this part of the city to the rest - the absolute best of the best in all of Kenash. High-end boutiques, upscale restaurants, and luxurious living quarters blanket the bank from end to end, presenting the Dynasty members - and those who wish to be like them - the perfect motivation to not only achieve their lofty goals, but maintain their way of life.
The ever-present population of Kenash is clearly divided between four distinct classes of people:
At the forefront stand the members of the twelve ruling Dynasties of Kenash. Responsible for the very founding of the city, as well as the cultivation of the numerous plantations that blanket the local terrain, many of the Dynasties may have started from humble beginnings, but they now thrive within their self-made lairs of luxury. Often viewed by outsiders as spoiled, petulant brats, the majority of these citizens are, at their very core, fiercely loyal, unwaveringly resilient, and impressively savvy men and women who seem to have an uncanny knack for turning a quick profit when and where one would least expect to. While they may appear soft on the outside, done up in their most exquisite finery, prancing about exchanging fanciful tales or whispering the latest gossip, there is almost always a strength and hunger to be found, deep within, that, once exposed, should not to be taken lightly. To cross a Dynasty member, in any fashion, is certainly an invitation for a shykeload of grief and trouble.
Caught between the upper class of the Dynasties and the low or, rather, no class of the slaves, the Freeborns are akin to that proverbial middle child who longs to be recognized by their parents, yet continues to go unheard or, worse yet, unnoticed, no matter how hard they work or excel at what they do. Born beyond the borders of Kenash, these second-class citizens tend to find their way to the city through a variety of means, for any number of reasons. Often arriving on a merchant caravan, many Freeborns opt to remain behind after sampling a mere sliver of what the city has to offer. Eager to be a part of this style of life, many individuals found within this class have done and continue to do whatever it takes to get in good with the members of the Dynasties. It is often said, that while being free certainly has its rewards, it also has its share of risks. Just ask any Freeborn what it took for them to get where they are today.
Slavery, while frowned upon by some, is an absolute and unconditional necessity in Kenash. Without slaves, the bountiful crops of the numerous plantations - as well as the multitude of services provided by this rather large segment of the population - would cease to exist. Slaves, in one form or another, have been present in Kenash from the outset of the city's and region's development. Comprised of four sub-groups - fieldworker, house worker, personal, and professional - the slave population, for the most part, is treated as both merchandise and possessions, traded and owned as easily as a new pair of gloves or a horse-drawn carriage. The slaves, on the other hand, look at each day as an opportunity to advance both within their ranks and beyond, because, while exceedingly rare, freedom has been granted to those who have won favor, which is enough to give many of them hope for a better life.
The name alone stirs up the imagination. It has an air of mystery about it with a hint of danger. Granted, these personifications stem mostly from how the name is uttered by the majority of Kenasherns, for these are the slaves who escaped, yet remain in the region, literally consumed by the single-minded goal of revenge upon their former masters. Divided into four branches - the Amlegor or defenders, the Bulishan or workers, the Qintal or leaders, and the Roonitza or scouts - this mostly unseen force, has been known to strike fear in the hearts of the bravest men and women. However, the knowledge that they exist, has had quite the opposite effect on the slaves of Kenash. Furthermore, the rumors that there is yet a fifth branch of this segement - the Kaziu or severed - that even the Qintal cannot control, only adds to their overall mystique, yet volatile reputation.
POPULATION DISTRIBUTION ALONG CLASS LINES- 11% (Between 380 and 400 Total) Dynasty
- 23% (Between 750 and 800 Total) Freeborns
- 63% (Between 1700 and 1800 Total) Slaves
- 3% (Between 150 and 180 Total) Visitors
Estimated Population, Excluding the Rujaro : Between 2980 and 3180
The number of actual Rujaro is not known. Some estimate the number to be low, around a few dozen total, while others - those who like to tell dramatic, tall tales - estimate far higher, placing the total number closer to four or five hundred.
- 61.5% Human
- 9% Human, Drykas
- 7% Human, Svefra
- 6% Human, Vantha
- 5% Kelvic
- 4% Akalak
- 3% Konti
- 2% Dhani, Constrictor
- 2% Other
- .5% Nuit
Both genders are just about equally represented, with a slight percentage in favor of males. All age ranges are represented as well, with the average range falling between twenty-six and thirty-two years of age.
Relations within the City of Kenash unfold as would be expected, with the Dynasties setting the overall tone and the Freeborns - then the slaves after that, not that their opinion matters on anything - following suit. Discord within and between the ranks of the Dynasties certainly exists, as feuds can and often do erupt over topics as important as property borders and, regrettably, as trivial as the setting of a new fashion trend. Overall, race is not as an important of a factor as social status, which means it is not uncommon for a partnership to occur between two individuals who would traditionally despise each other beyond the walls of Kenash.
Relations between Kenash and its neighboring cities are mostly positive, since the city produces some of the finest goods in the region and, for the most part, keeps to itself. Riverfall is held in high regard and mutual trade often occurs between the two cities. On the other hand, Kenash's relationships with both Syliras and Endrykas, while mostly stable, have been known to waver from time to time. Since the people of Syliras, on the whole, hold vastly different views on the subject of slavery, this has proven to be a point of contention between the two cities; however, thankfully, the debating has remained in the form of words and actions have yet to be taken against the Kenasherns. As for Endrykas, there have been numerous disputes and even several physical exchanges recorded over boundaries and crop theft. The further the Dynasties attempt to push their plantations into the Sea of Grass, the more riled up the Drykas have become. If it were not for the Paille Family, a Drykas Dynasty of Kenash that has done its best to maintain the peace, the tensions between the two cites would have most likely boiled over by now.
Beyond these local settlements, trade does occur with Alvadas, Wind Reach, and Zeltiva, but also with the likes of Ravok, and even the remote Avanthal - since the Lorak Family has its roots there - which places Kenash in a favorable position with most, if not all of these parties. Always eager to tap into new and exciting business ventures, the people of Kenash remain consistently open to exploring additional avenues of trade.
While visitors are a bit more frequent than one would expect for a city set in the middle of a swamp, their time spent visiting is usually limited, since they run the risk of being expulsed or enslaved if they do not opt to become a Freeborn within thirty days of their arrival.
Most visitors arrive via merchant caravans traveling along the Kabrin Road; however, vessels filled with traders from across the Suvan Sea, as well as the occasional eagle from Wind Reach, have been known to make an unannounced stop. Akalaks and Konti from Riverfall, as well as Drykas from the Sea of Grass, are common place.
Visitors bring with them the potential for business and, in turn, added revenue. So, as would be expected, they are often welcomed with open arms. However, it bears repeating, that when a visitor overstays their welcome, they do indeed run the risk of being asked to leave or, worse yet, find themselves at the end of a chain, enslaved for the rest of their days.
When one recalls the city of Avanthal, they often speak of the intricate wood and bone carvings of the Vantha people. When one mentions Riverfall, powerful images of strong, towering structures, very much like the Akalak men who call the city home, usually come to mind. However, when an attempt is made to pinpoint the specific beliefs, values, and aesthetics that permeate the lavish City of Kenash, it become a bit of a challenge to simply draw upon the name of just one race, one clearly defined culture.
While the majority of citizens are indeed Human, even they hail from many different parts of the world. For example, one can easily find traits of a Vantha carving on the face of a wooden boat being utilized by a Svefra fisherman or discover a Drykas-designed pattern woven into a Konti-made tapestry. The distinct lines normally maintained in a blended city, have been purposefully blurred within the walls of Kenash, so that the citizens can garner the best of the best, which is often preferred over a design that is traditionally associated with one race or another. So if a race is known for excelling in a particular craft or trade, they may be sought out and handsomely paid to work with an artist or builder from an entirely different background, all in an effort to create the best possible product. Therefore, the end result of all of this blending is a culture that is uniquely Kenashern.
Ornate, but never overdone or gaudy, unless purposefully designed that way for a festival or party. Commanding, but rarely cold or uninviting, unless the need for function overrides form, which is rare. Kenashern architecture knows exactly how to make a statement, without being too obvious or obnoxious.
Materials that tend to be utilized in construction include stone and wood, as well as brick and bamboo. Structures are rarely more than three or four stories high, with the majority being only one or two; however, a good number of riverside builds often include a fake or sub-basement, in an effort to combat the occasional flood.
Windows and doorways are often wide and tall in design, to allow ample sunlight in, but also the rare cool breeze, which then flows freely through the spacious rooms contained within. On both openings, heavy shutters or doors can be found to protect against the driving rains that can occur without warning.
Quarters for slaves, strictly designed for function, tend to be made from leftover, yet durable materials. They are usually one floor, box-style structures that house anywhere between a dozen to three dozen individuals. These buildings are also usually built in groupings, like small villages, to reduce the amount of overseers needed to patrol them.
If there is one thing Kenasherns want to be known for, it's their ability to entertain themselves and each other. The average citizen is usually proficient in at least one performing art, be it playing a musical instrument, acting or dancing, but they don't usually stop their training there. Conducting an orchestra, directing a play or choreographing a routine tends to be their ultimate goal.
If, for some reason, they are not proficient in any of the performing arts, they will take to the visual or literary arts instead, such as painting, weaving or writing. Once again, their eye is usually on displaying a gallery full of their work or producing several volumes of great literature, which, hopefully, will be enjoyed long after they have passed on. The arts are truly the one area that Kenasherns actively embrace and support as a community.
Great food is always a wonderful compliment to great entertainment, and the people of Kenash certainly know how to serve up some of the best home cooking there is!
With bountiful crops right outside their door, and rolling fields filled with a variety of livestock, the dishes that are often put forth tend to be healthy and nutritious, yet also manage to be flavorful and delicious, for fresh herbs and spices are also just a step or two away from most kitchens. Baking is also openly embraced, as is the crafting of sweet treats, such as chocolates and hard candies.
As for eating patterns, meals are generally shared three times a day - first thing in the morning, around mid-day, and at sunset - however, brunches, snacks, and evening dinner parties are also of the norm. Meals within the Dynasties tend to be large and lavish, while the slaves selection is often kept plain and simple.
The Common tongue is the language of choice around Kenash. That said, it is not unusual to see Pavi or hear Vani being spoken, as well as Kontinese and Tukant, since there is such racial diversity found within the population. Furthermore, since caravans come from far and wide, it is important to the local Kenasherns to remain familiar with at least the basics of several languages, for trading purposes alone.
As for a regional dialect, there are indeed variations of common words utilized among the Dynasty and Freeborn classes, as well as the slaves. Certain words and, in particular, key phrases have been known to exist only in Kenash, for they mean little or nothing beyond its borders. While many of these variations stem from living within a swamp or toiling away in fields, some came about by mere chance, most likely during an evening of wordplay between Dynasty members.
Kenasherns are an interesting lot when it comes to what they wear. While many dress to impress, there are certainly those who prefer function over flash or form. Living in an often humid, sometimes muddy, swampy setting can certainly take its toll on an individual's clothes, as well as dictate the choices they make when dressing.
It is not uncommon to see a Dynasty member dressed one way at the start of the day, another way at some point mid-day, and yet a third way in the evening. Freeborns tend to be less flashy, opting to be practical when they can, unless they are gunning to catch the eye of a particular socialite. Slaves, as would be expected, have no say in what they wear and are usually supplied a type of uniform, but this varies from plantation to plantation, as well as role to role.
Fabrics run the gambit from locally produced cottons and leathers, to imported silks and satins. Heavy brocades can be found, but are rare, and lace is only for the upper class. Reptile skins are common and come in a variety of textures and colors.
Simply put, Kenasherns like to party. They like to recognize everything from births to the passing of a revered Dynasty member. They'll throw an impromptu party just for sealing a potentially profitable business transaction or the launch of a new ware or service.
Festivals are numerous, yet, in some cases, fleeting. Just because one is celebrated this year, does not mean that it will return the next. If the reception is lackluster or the turnout is meek or the post-festival reviews are mixed, it is often put to rest and a new one is introduced in its place.
Holidays, on the other hand, are nearly written in stone and honored without fail. To turn down an invitation to a holiday celebration is akin to stabbing the host in the neck, with a salad fork, before the appetizers are even served. It's just not done.
Kenash's economy remains fairly consistent and healthy, for the Dynasties wouldn't have it any other way. Trade is very important, both within the region and beyond. Mizas need to change hands frequently and freely for the Dynasties to be able to maintain their way of life, for without it, they would have to resort to living as others do, which is a horrible thought.
Obviously, Kenash's primary business is farming. Its plantations are, quite literally, its bread and butter. With its crops of cotton and tobacco, sugarcane and cocoa bean, bamboo and hemp, the Kenasherns produce some of the richest crops in all the land. As a result of this, they then in turn produce some of the finest products, which leads them to their second largest business: the production and sale of luxury goods.
Fine linens and premium cigars, smooth liquors and luscious chocolates are just a few of the high-end items that the city produces. Add to the mix exquisite perfumes, expertly tailored garments, and beautiful, hand-crafted musical instruments and you have a dazzling treasure trove of worldly goods!
However, Kenash is not entirely a city dedicated to the production of bountiful harvests and fine wares. As with any city, it still houses many of the traditional businesses needed to keep its citizens content and living well. Therefore, there are a fair share of eateries and inns, as well as clinics that provide care and shops that sell everyday items.
While the swamp may not be the first setting that comes to mind when most are looking to launch a business, the entrepreneurs of Kenash have managed quite well for themselves.
Work can easily be had in Kenash if those looking for it are willing to give up their freedom for it. Joining the ranks of the slaves is the quickest way to secure a job, as well as shelter and one or two meals a day. However, by making this choice, work, at the end of a chain, is all there ever is and all there ever will be, which makes this option very unappealing to most, if not all.
Therefore, with the right set of skills, determination, and drive, an individual can earn a honest living in Kenash and maintain their freedom. As a Freeborn, employment can be garnered either in one of the city's many shops, under the watchful eye of a Dynasty owner, or in a shop of their own, with the financial support of a Dynasty member. The latter option is a bit more appealing, since it allows the individual to launch a business of their dreams, but it leaves them with a hefty debt hanging over their head.
As for the Dynasties, it is required that each family member - blood related or associated through marriage - pull their weight within the city. While their plantations will always come first, their various business ventures are just as equally important and help define who they are within the community. Viewed as a double-edged sword, success of a business can easily bring a family both wealth and clout, while failure of a venture can certainly soil a family's reputation, bringing about the waste of mizas, as well as a mark of shame.
Simply put, the miza is the most commonly used and accepted form of currency in Kenash, and it has been since the very founding of the city. At one point, the Dynasties toyed with the idea of minting their own coins, but the project never truly took flight, for the arguments had over what would be stamped on the face of the coin were numerous and heated. So the concept was dropped and the miza was embraced.
From the sale of crops to locals or luxury goods to foreigners, to the selling and reselling of slaves to anyone who will pay the right price, the people of Kenash are certainly familiar with the art of the honest deal, but they are also usually savvy enough to recognize the signs of a scam from a mile away. That said, they are not above attempting to pull a fast one of their own if it can gain them the upper hand or bring them a sizable gain. On the whole, they know how to haggle and persuade until an agreeable transaction is made, but they also seem to have a knack for being able to hinder or completely evade any deal that feels off, if even just a little. Trade is a way of life for most Kenasherns. It's the backbone of their existence, the lifeblood that keeps them going. To deny it would be like denying them air.
The political landscape of Kenash ebbs and flows rather freely from Magistrate to Magistrate and, in turn, season to season. For the most part, it is stable, and kept that way by the ruling families, both in office and not. The thought of chaos erupting at anytime, for whatever reason - be it big or small - does not sit well with any one of the twelve Dynasties. Therefore, they do their best to keep things in order and in line, by privately overseeing their lands and publicly supporting the city with a revolving Magistrate. The Rules & Regulations of Kenash are yet another tool that they use to keep things running smoothly.
Are there disputes? Yes. Do they get resolved in a timely manner? So far, they have been. However, Kenash is starting to make a name for itself, not only within the area, but the region. So there's a very good chance that outside forces may start to apply pressure to those who have been living the good life for a bit too long.
With the changing of the Magistrate, comes the changing of the guard, which means the City of Kenash and its surrounding territory - that which is not owned by a Dynasty and protected as they see fit - may or may not be patrolled, protected or defended to the same degree or in the same manner as it was by the previous administration or how it will be by the next.
Each Magistrate comes to the office with their own style of defense. For example, when a Magistrate of the Paille Family is in power, additional horse patrols are usually utilized, but when an Ackina Magistrate rules, they tend to enlist their most trusted Kelvics as part of their guard. Twelve families, twelve unique styles; however, they all share the common goal of protecting and defending the people of Kenash, which they have managed to do for many years thus far and, hopefully, will continue to do for many more to come.
While the people of Kenash may give off the impression that they are laid-back and carefree, when it comes to their laws and enforcing them, nothing could be farther from the truth.
Quick to react and even quicker to resolve an issue, it is rare when a criminal finds themselves in a state of confinement for longer than a day or two. There truly is no official prison in Kenash because there has yet to be the need for one. Instead, criminals are held in a small cell within the building that houses the Magistrate's Office, they are swiftly brought before the Magistrate - or someone of the office, depending on the severity of the crime - and they are sentenced.
Expulsions from the city are common, but so are executions at the end of a rope. Dynasties tend to take care of their own and slaves are usually dealt with on the spot. Freeborns are the ones to watch the most, since they walk that fine line between the two worlds, but, again, even they are handled in a quick and efficient manner.
A position that was born more out of necessity than want or desire, the role of the Magistrate - depending on who you ask - can be considered a blessing and a curse.
One of the most influential people in Kenash, he or she has the final say in all matters involving the city and its surrounding territory, save the land owned and overseen by the twelve ruling Dynasties. Selected by said Dynasties, the position is rotated each season, through each house, giving them not only control for a limited number of days, but a forum to express themselves, leaving a mark - good or bad - on the city and its people.
Knowing that each Dynasty will have its turn in power, more or less keeps the other families in line for fear of retribution at a later date. That said, each Magistrate is permitted to amend the Rules & Regulations of Kenash as they see fit, regardless of the outcome. So, for example, the Paille Family often allow horses to be freely ridden throughout the city, when they are usually only permitted for the purpose of trade or service, as well as tents set up in parks and on beaches, which, again, is not the norm.
Magistrate's usually bring with them a personal staff, as well as an expertly-trained security detail. Several have held the position more than once in their lifetime, but, regretfully, more than a few have been assassinated while in office. So a trusted staff is key.
It is a position of power and pain, glory and grief, yet many crave it and most will do nearly anything to obtain it.
Kenasherns certainly have a reputation for being rather superficial. Appearances are certainly important to them, for giving off the right impression before they even utter a single word can, in their mind, easily make or break a relationship or deal. However, most Kenasherns are savvy enough to understand that if there is little substance maintained within their impeccable exterior, they will more than likely falter and fail at whatever they are trying to achieve. Therefore, they do indeed nurture their mind, their body, and their soul as they see fit.
While there are currently no formal institutes of higher learning in Kenash, there are certainly numerous outlets where a citizen can nurture their mind.
For Dynasty members, it starts at home, on their very plantation, with relatives either mentoring the younger generation themselves or acquiring a skilled instructor to tutor them in the skills they will need to live a rich and fulfilling life. This can continue well into the early to middle stages of adulthood.
For Freeborns, there are skilled shopkeepers and instructors to be found at many of the businesses and service-related locations, throughout the whole of the city, willing - for the right price - to train those in need. If lucky enough, they can sometimes catch the eye of a Dynasty member who deems them worthy enough to earn a private lesson or two, but this usually comes with a hefty price.
For slaves, they either have a skill set that they acquired before they became enslaved or they are trained - somewhat begrudgingly - in the skills they will need to achieve whatever task is put before them. Often, they must demonstrate a bit of talent in a particular skill before a household decides to spend the time and effort to train them further. Slaves caught openly teaching themselves or each other, are often punished. While a hardworking or ambitious slave is desired, an overly skilled slave is often viewed as a threat. Therefore, many will train in secret and often feign ignorance or proclaim dumb luck when asked how they became so talented.
Magic, in all of its many forms, is both revered and feared in Kenash. For reasons unknown to most, supernatural occurrences, such as ghost sightings and hauntings, seem to happen a bit more frequently in the area. This, in turn, has caused the citizens to become both fascinated with and, at times, frightened of anything involving magic. On the whole, they want to learn more, they want to experience it and understand it better, but they are also very reluctant to take things too far and are often superstitious, spooked by that which they cannot easily comprehend or explain away.
Divine magic, as related to gnosis marks, is the least feared and, obviously, most revered. To many Kenasherns, marks are considered a good omen, since they are gifts bestowed upon those who are favored by the gods. That said, the use of a mark outside of trade or protective purposes is usually frowned upon. To use it on a whim or for the mere amusement of others is considered very unbecoming, verging on sacrilege.
Personal magic and, what is commonly referred to as, world magic, are both treated a bit more cautiously, for there have been those who have dabbled in both in an effort to cause more harm than good. Once again, an individual should use such powers for purposes of trade or protection. Threatening, taunting or manipulating a fellow citizen without just cause is grounds for punishment, up to and including expulsion from the city or, under extreme circumstances, execution.
The gods have their place in Kenash; however, if one were to simply glance at a map of the city and its surrounding plantations, he or she would struggle to see obvious signs of devotion or worship. There are no temples or shrines to be found, no sacred glens, statuary or icons to be had, at least not for public consumption. Do Dynasty members worship? Yes, they do, but in private. The same holds true for Freeborns and slaves. Are there particular gods that are more openly embraced than others? To a degree, yes. Bala and Nikali, Ovek and Rhaus, Tavasi and Xyna are all honored more often than not, but Makutsi and even the demigod Laat hold a special place, too. . |