Open Sunny Fun Happy Day


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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

Sunny Fun Happy Day

Postby Alabast on January 20th, 2014, 2:41 pm

Winter 1st 513 AV
Early Morning
Alabast's Room

He was supposed to be out running drills this morning, or on patrol, or training. But he couldn't do it. Alabast just couldn't handle being a squire in the Syliran Knights. The leather strap was taught around his neck now, he took one last breath then closed his eyes and kicked the wobbly stool over. He was no slouch at knot tying, so it was all holding his weight well. He could feel his eyes bulging out of his head, glazing over, and the throbbing pressure in his face. He thought about his family, and friends, and realized he didn't want to do this anymore, he had so much to live for, so much still to do. But, the stool was out of reach now. The boy struggled, and kicked in the air dangling there. Then everything went dark.

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Sunny Fun Happy Day

Postby Halona on January 20th, 2014, 7:27 pm

Common | Canine | Thoughts

Halona entered the building with curiosity, she had always wanted to see where Syliras' mighty squires lived. The only problem was guests we'rent allowed. Resolving to act like she belonged, Halona walked down a hallway with a placid smile. Lucky for her, there were few squires actually in the dorms she'd walked by. Her heart skipped a beat when she picked up the sound of footsteps nearby, opening up the door to a nearby dorm, she slipped inside.

Letting out a sigh of relief when the foot steps passed, she turned around expecting to see a couple of wide eyed squires. That was not what she saw. A boy obviously in his teens, hung from the ceiling, a leather strap wrapped about his neck. A strangled scream tore from the Kelvic's throat which Halona quickly stifled. She couldn't be caught in here! Besides screaming wasn't doing the boy any good, she had to act fast. Grabbing he toppled stool she righted it and climbed up. Unbuckling the leather strap, she caught the boy as he fell but now unbalanced on the stool, she fell forward shielding the boy from the impact of the ground as best she could. Picking herself off the floor, she scooped up the boy and rolled him out face up on the bed.

"Hey! Are you alright?" She asked shaking his shoulder. "Wake up. Oh please wake up..."

Sighing Halona gave up waking the "maybe" dead kid and looked around the room with a greedy glint in her eyes. If the boy was really dead or then he wouldn't be needing any of his things anymore right? Opening the chest at the foot of the bed, Halona rummaged through it for a minute before pulling out an archer's arm guard and glove, leather armor, some very long hemp rope, climbing claws and a hunter's tool kit. Stuffing the stolen items in her pack, she snuck one last look at the poor "most likely" dead guy lying on his bed and grimaced. Will I ever come to a point in my life where I decide life isn't worth living in anymore, and just...checkout? Shuddering involuntarily she fled the room.
Thoughts | Common | Canine

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Sunny Fun Happy Day

Postby Accolade on February 17th, 2014, 4:24 am


Just as Halona fled the room and the building, she raced passed two squires who were going inside at the same time. They found it odd, the fact that they didn't know her and that she was rushing off with a big pack on her back. Going inside to investigate, they came upon the dead squire and his empty chest. They didn't know what had happened, but they knew what it looked like and one blonde woman who had explaining to do.


Skill XP Earned
Observation + 1 XP
Bodybuilding + 1 XP

Lore Earned
The squire dorms: Location
Dead men don't wake
A split second change of heart

Notes :
Wow..that was..short. Enjoy your loot- archer's arm guard and glove, leather armor, some very long hemp rope, climbing claws and a hunter's tool kit

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