Flashback Bread and Ghosts

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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]

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Bread and Ghosts

Postby Aland Stewart on January 22nd, 2014, 9:20 am

Winter 12, 503 AV

Aland finally got out of the cramped apartment, he didn’t like it at all. It smelled like thick dust, rotten food, and death. It was cramped with feathers, willow, jars and containers. Most of them were filled with dusted ghosts, and decaying soul mist. Sometimes he could hear the ghosts calling out, begging to be set free, or demanding that they be released. Many of them were angry, and mean. Aland tried to get out as much as he could, mostly so his father couldn’t force Aland to get possessed. Aland hated that more than anything. Having no control of his body was bad enough- but he always felt cold, and sick afterwards. It hurt when the ghost forced its way into his body. He looked around, down the crowded street. He felt alone, even though he was surrounded by people, they would always keep their distance from him. Being the son of a man who was viewed as a wizard was almost as bad as being a wizard itself.

His dad wouldn’t be out in the streets for sometime though, he had just been paid a job, and he had spent most of the money on booze. It didn’t take him long to drink himself into a stupor, and he would spend the days like that until he ran out of money, and went to hunt another ‘nuisance’. So far, none of the ghosts had anything to say about Aland’s mother, but it didn’t stop his father from looking. But, for now, Aland was free. He strolled down the street towards the Castle Commons. He made good time, and avoided bullies, and beggars. But, he didn’t have any money.

He could feel himself getting hungry, and he was lucky to get one meal a day, and he never got spending money. His stomach growled loudly, begging for food. He slowly rubbed his hand around his belly. He didn’t know how to steal either. He thought about going back home, but he didn’t want to go back already, just incase his father was already awake. That wasn’t something he wanted to deal with today. He wanted to take as much time away as he could get. He walked through the market, looking at all the food he didn’t have the money to buy.

He tossed the idea of trying to grab a loaf of bread, but he felt something catching him- the fear of being caught. He never knew what a shop keeper would do, but he didn’t thing it would be pleasant. His mouth watered as he stared and admired a delicious loaf of bread. He watched people go to the stall, and buy loaf after loaf. No one offered him a bite, they were more concerned with themselves. Which, was really the Sunberth way.
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Bread and Ghosts

Postby Noven on January 26th, 2014, 2:49 am


"If I catch so much as one fart out of place with you I swear I will string you by your testicles for all of Sunberth to see. You hear me boy?"

"Love you too Nona!" Nov grinned as he ducked out of the tiny apartment and shut the door respectfully behind him. He heard his mother sigh tiredly from the other side, then chuckle to herself as she got back to finishing her push ups. The floorboards beneath her calloused hands creaked and protested as she grunted out numbers after each set of ten. He stood by the door for a while, listening to this familiar and oddly comforting routine, before scratching the side of his head and rushing off to begin his day.

With a freshly scrubbed face and a few coppers jingling in his pockets, the teen hummed to himself as he took the stairs two at a time. Nona had given him the whole day to himself, as well as a bit of allowance from their hard earned savings. She wasn't normally this good willed or lenient, but he had brought in twice the earnings from pulling off an extra job when one of the construction workers had fallen ill. He was going to treat himself to something delicious today. There was nothing that could possibly ruin his good mood on this fine, chilly, overcast morning.

Nov hugged his raggedy coat closer around his lanky form as a blast of cold air met him outside of Sunset. Let's see, where to hit up first? Market, of course, for a hearty breakfast. Then maybe the docks to find Henry and get him to spill the beans on how he'd managed to snag a kiss from Rita the other night, amongst other possibilities. And then after that they could visit Old Kip and see if the ancient sailor had more outrageous stories to tell, as well as a pint or two of ale to spare...

The boy was still lost deep in his thoughts when the smells of morning market hustle and bustle hit his nose all at once. Aside from the typical offal and human stench, there were heavenly whiffs of pastries, fish, meats, the rare fruit or two, and, of course, fresh bread.

Nov was already imagining watching the steam rise as he broke the hot loaf in two. The warm, almost gooey center as he sank his teeth into its white, fluffy flesh. He would save half of it for later, of course. Maybe to use to bribe the truth out of Henry, or a story from Old Kip, or even to appease Nona's wrath if he did manage to get into trouble again today...

When he got to the baker's stall, however, the first thing Nov noticed was a scrawny thing of no more than eight or so years, staring longingly at the bread that various customers were purchasing. He knew better than to try and feed a street urchin, but the kid didn't look like someone raised by the elements and fellow thieves. He was clean, for one, albeit a bit dusty. And kind of haunted and sickly, but not in a starving orphan sort of way.

With a sigh, Nov handed over the mizas for one loaf, broke the bread in half, and offered one steamy chunk to the boy. "Here kid," the teen offered, wary but not wholly unkind. He munched on his own half while he watched the other boy, wondering if a gang of skinny children would mob him later.

After a chime of silence, Nov was unable to restrain his curiosity. "Why are ya here all by yerself?"

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Bread and Ghosts

Postby Ablation on May 26th, 2014, 5:58 pm


Noven :
    Socialization +1
    Observation +1

    Spotting a Street Urchin

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