[Unverified] Win

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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Win on January 22nd, 2014, 1:19 pm



Race: Pycon
Gender: Male
Age: 1
Birthday: 22nd of Spring, 512.
Birthplace: Zeltiva

Appearance: Win is quite attractive as far as little clay men go. He stands at 9.6" tall and takes the form of a chiseled human male. His "clothing" is that of a performer, with a tight fitting, open chested show suit befitting that of an acrobat. Various frills and spines in the suit give Win enhanced aerodynamic ability, allowing him to sail through flips and rolls with ease.

Character Concept

Win's name is not just a word. It is motivation. To go out, make his dreams a reality, and live his life while he has it.

Win, like all Pycon, is possessed by an infinite wanderlust. However, all travelers must take a rest every now and then. For this purpose, Win stopped at Syliras to take some time off while getting to explore the largest city in all of Mizahar. While in Syliras, Win developed a deep fondness for the city, and decided to put his adventuring on hold for a while, in order to attempt the civilian lifestyle. Hoping to make a living as an acrobat, Win dreams of one day making many friends here in the city and going on a rousing adventure together that none of them will ever forget.

Win is about as brave as one would expect a reckless Pycon to be, but Win's foolhardy bravery is actually well founded. As a gymnast by trade, and a wielder of the unpredictable Py-pole, Win is more than a mild threat, especially to those who don't expect it from him.

All Win truly desires from his short life is to be happy. And he won't let something as silly as "reality" get in his way.

Character History

Win comes from a rather sizable Pyve, just outside of Zeltiva where the surrounding mountains are rich with life-giving clay. Win's story is neither long, nor is it very interesting. And like all other Pycon, it is Win's goal to change that.

Win was born to Nova, his mother, and Brave, his father and the leader of the Pyve. Brave had accomplished and seen much in his relatively long life, and as such, was a loved and respected leader for the group of sedentary Pycon. His son was no less adventurous, and immediately after reaching adolescence, he left his proud family and neighbors behind to explore the world.

For many seasons now, he has hunted for adventure, and he has found it. Honing his innate skills as a gymnast, Win was able to quickly get his head around the use of the Py-pole, his father's weapon of choice. Adventure is not always safe, especially for one so small, but Win has felled more than a few dangerous foes on his travels (many of which he had provoked in the first place), even causing a bear to turn tail and run after a sizable beating (okay, that one was definitely provoked in the first place). Those he could not defeat, he escaped from, easily slipping off into the nearby shrubbery or tall grass.

Having made his way all the way from Zeltiva to Syliras, Win has decided that he needs a break from his harsh travels, and what better place for that than the great and mighty Syliras? He may even stay a while...


Fluent Language: Common
Basic Language: Fratava
Poor Language: Symenos, simply for the sake of learning such an exotic language


Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Acrobatics 30 SP 26 Competant
Weapon: Py-pole 15 SP 15 Novice
Escape Artist 10 RB 10 Novice
Wilderness Survival 5 SP 5 Novice


Lore of Syliran Geography
Lore of Syliran Culture


1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Balanced Rations (1 Week's worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
100 Gold Mizas

Heirloom: His father's trusty Py-pole, to aid Win in his adventure.


Location: Syliras

House: Win's tiny starter apartment is almost completely barren except for a small Pycon-sized bed, a simple rug, and a chest in which to store his funds and any other belongings he cannot carry with him.


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM

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Now you see me, now you don't.
Posts: 4
Words: 2430
Joined roleplay: January 22nd, 2014, 2:52 am
Race: Pycon
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