Closed Frost In The Air

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Stretching northward along the coastline of the Suvan Sea, the Cobalt Mountains are the home of the Bronze Wood, numerous ruins, and creatures both strange and fantastical.

Frost In The Air

Postby Kizora DuLonite on January 25th, 2014, 11:19 pm

A grin graced itself on Kizora's face. This was better, much more peaceful. She couldn't help but smile on the inside. She had always preferred order to chaos. The woman's offer rang out in her ears. While in context, it was a wonderful idea, she would almost literally be walking into the lion's den. Then again, she found herself quite good at escaping situations, as long as she could morph.

"Your den? I wouldn't mind that. And I would love to find old Chairns as well. He is very important to me, you see. A tie to the past. To answer your question, I am a Kelvic as well. Please believe me when I say, I know how bad it can be."

Her skin itched as she said the words. Being a Kelvic was dangerous in its very nature, and humans tended not to understand the complete extent of it. She didn't want it to be a reason for another attack, but if they didn't turn on Halona, she assumed they wouldn't turn on her.

She turned and laughed at Rion.

"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Kizora. Nice to meet you all, though one could argue otherwise with such circumstances."

Her eyes followed the small boy as he moved into the woods. She was curious to see his reaction after the two others had called out to him. Out of the three of them, she was most curious about him. Why help her, a stranger, when he could have easily taken the opportunity to rob her, or even kill her?

Her lips murmured words that barely made it past her tongue.

"Wait. I need to know."
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Frost In The Air

Postby Telrin on January 25th, 2014, 11:36 pm

A sneer stopped Telrin in his tracks, and he turned to face the wolf kelvic. With one hand occupied by the porcupine, there was only one other that he could place on his hip as he stared her down.

“Why shouldn’t I?” he challenged.

His question was answered when the no-longer-cloaked one called for him to come back, followed by a barely-audible whisper from the other woman––who apparently was also a kelvic?

Telrin blinked at all three of them, finding himself at a loss for words. They really wanted him to stay, or at least two of them did. But… why? His hood was still pulled up, but his expression was one of utter bemusement. What reason could these strange people have for wanting him here?

Eventually, his mind directed him towards the horse-woman, whose statement seemed easiest to handle first.

“Uh… know what?”
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Frost In The Air

Postby Halona on January 26th, 2014, 4:39 am


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A sly smile came to Halona's lips as Rion joined her in calling the boy back. She would get even, be it now or later, she would make the boy pay. No one attacked her and got away with it, then again she had never been attacked in these woods before as no animal ever dared. Bears avoided her as she did them, and she let coyotes scavenge on her kills. No she had never had much of a problem peacefully surviving in the woods.
Ignoring the woman's acceptance of her offer at shelter, and her introduction as Kizora, Halona stone cold eyes stayed focused on the boy.
Baring her teeth at the boy's challenge, Halona snarled,
"You know when you shoot someone you typically apologize."
That impudent little squirt. Oh he's lucky he shot me, for if he didn't I would have ripped his little throat out. Tore his frail body to shreds and left it for the birds. She thought seething.
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Frost In The Air

Postby Rion Whitestone on January 26th, 2014, 5:43 pm

Rion turned abruptly to the horse rider when she said she was a "Kelvic." So that meant he was in the presence of two shape shifting animals.

"You're a Kelvic?!" he repeated. "Even the more reason not to split up. Chances like this only come once in a lifetime." After the horse rider introduced herself as Kizora, Rion looked to the boy for his introduction. However, he was more interested in having a moment with Kizora...and he had to deal with the increasingly furious Halona.

"It's not really as frightening when you do it as a lady," Rion thought when he saw Halona baring her teeth. "Then again, she's too fuzzy to be scary when she's a wolf." Shrugging, he decided to act as mediator for the time being. It was getting colder by the minute and he was still adamant about that campfire meal. Plus, he'd heard Halona offer her cave for warmth. Perfect place for a picnic in the woods.

"Hey everybody," he spoke up. "I've got an idea. How about we talk about all this somewhere that we won't freeze to death. Sounds like a good idea, right?" Looking around, Rion remembered another reason it was a bad idea to stay in the open for so long. Who knows what kind of creatures they'd run into out here. And they were still right next to one of the only unfrozen water sources. For all he knew, a stampede could have came at any moment. He doubted even two beast-humans and a couple hunters would stand a chance against that onslaught.

"Halona," he continued, "does that cave offer apply to all of us or just you and your kin?"
"Wherever the wind takes us!"

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Frost In The Air

Postby Kizora DuLonite on January 26th, 2014, 7:26 pm

"Whatever we do, I do wish we could hurry. It's too cold to dally, and my horse gains miles by the moments. As I would prefer to speak in warmth, I must catch him."

She could only hope her horse would answer his whistle. Worry about the beast had begun to fester.

She turned to the small boy, as he seemed quite unsure where he stood.

"Why, you must tell my why you have to leave so soon? You are young, it must be unsafe for you to travel alone. Though, as Halona must agree, you see quite competent with a bow. Come, traveling in groups are safe, and we don't know what the forest holds."

It was ridiculous to project her problems onto other. He probably had is own reasons. In her head, she laughed at Rion. In a place like Mizahar, to be surprised by nonhumans was a bit funny.
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Frost In The Air

Postby Telrin on January 26th, 2014, 7:35 pm

Telrin leveled a flat look at the kelvic, now identified as Halona. “You know when you attack someone, you usually apologize,” he shot back. “What was I supposed to do? Just stand and watch while a wolf tried to rip her throat out? If you don’t want to be shot then don’t attack people.”

Of all the comments directed at him, however, it was Kizora’s comment that drew the biggest reaction. It was unsafe for him to be alone?

“I’ve been fine so far,” he said icily, making no attempt to his displeasure at her words. “And if you’re all so cold, why did you come out here in the first place?”
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Frost In The Air

Postby Halona on January 26th, 2014, 8:05 pm


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Listening to Rion's iquiries about shelter, Halona replied,
"It would be cruel to leave someone out in the cold would it not?"
The Kelvic snorted in disbelief as Kizora fretted over the boy's safety. I'd be more concerned about that child shooting someone else than his survival. She thought.
Blood heating up at the boy's comeback, Halona gave the boy a withering look, "I have nothing to apologize for. I didn't attack Kizora per se. I was aiming for her horse. It wasn't my fault she got in the way."
She sniffed head held high, "Besides I offered shelter didn't I?"
A shivering swept through her as a icy breeze blew by, reminding her of her lack of clothing. "Tag along or go your own way, I don't care but make no mistake if we meet another day, I won't hesitate to rip your petching throat out."With that she turned trudging through the snow heading for home.
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Frost In The Air

Postby Rion Whitestone on January 26th, 2014, 9:33 pm

Until Kizora mentioned the horse, Rion had forgotten all about the trotting away animal. How far had it gone now? Two? Three miles? They'd never catch up to it even if they tried. Maybe it was already eaten by a woodland creature. Or maybe it had gotten into Syliras and was now resting in the stables. Anything was possible.

"Can't you just call the horse back or something?" Rion asked, mistaking the behavior of pack animals with the behavior of all animals. "Or he'll follow the scent and come to us. Not really sure how these things work." Shrugging, Rion glanced back to the boy, who was exchanging words with Halona. The way Rion saw it, they both wanted an apology to satisfy their own vanity. "I don't want to take sides, but he is the one that cheated by jumping into a one on one fight." Rion of course only said this in his mind, as he knew that putting the thought into words would only bring on trouble.

He didn't say another word until Halona began to lead the way to her cave. "Can't we all just get along?" Rion groaned. "Kid, you have to admit that its freezing out here. What hurt could come from just sitting in warmth instead of running in cold? Plus, there's free food...if you're into that sort of thing."

After saying this, Rion began to follow Halona, looking up at the sky as he did so. How long would it be until nightfall? He was rather hesitant about sleeping in cave with a wolf and- whatever Kizora was. Then again, if he wasn't sleeping there, he would have just ended up under a tree or in another animal's den.
"Wherever the wind takes us!"

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Frost In The Air

Postby Kizora DuLonite on January 26th, 2014, 9:51 pm

Kizora laughed at Rion, smiling a bit.

"Yeah, he might answer. Then again, he might decide its a funny idea to jump of a cliff. He's of Gildling breed, so the most I can do is hope."

She let loose the high pitched whistle it often answered to. Her eyes followed Halona and Rion as they carried of towards Halona's cave. She would be more likely to encounter the steed if she followed, and the lot of them were quite interesting. Before falling instep behind, she took a few steps towards the kid, whispering apathetically.

"Look, I didn't mean to offend you. I only wanted to help as you saved my skin, and I still don't understand why. Don't you think it would be best to at least talk it out? Halona seems a bit..."

She chose her words carefully, not wanting to spark another encounter.

"Halona seems a bit mad. If you walk away now, you've definitely got a dangerous enemy. Take a few minutes of your day, and you might have a valuable friend. "
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Frost In The Air

Postby Telrin on January 26th, 2014, 10:16 pm

Though Halona’s parting words were vicious, they had the strange effect of bringing a small bit of comfort. It was a solid threat, something Telrin could look at and comprehend. And she had made it to him as an equal, without regard for his age, and even in animosity that was something that he couldn’t help but appreciate.

The offer of free food did little to sway the hunter’s position, and he gave a pointed glance at the dead porcupine that was already in his hand.

His thoughts were cut short, however, when Kizora chose that moment to approach him. Telrin snorted softly, but did begin to follow her, if only so she could hear his reply properly.

“She started it. If she doesn’t have anything to apologize for, then I don’t either.” The lie that came next slid onto his tongue like bile, but he stomached it and managed to give it voice. “And I have things to do. My father is expecting me soon; I need to give him this.” He gestured at the porcupine.
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