The question did pose some consideration into the amount Clyde wondered on, and if Ricky were to consider the fact that the quantity of meat the fish held needed to be edible… then Clyde certainly would have to consider his quantity carefully in terms of edible parts. From what Ricky knew almost the entire fish save the tail, head, organs, and skeleton could be eaten, which meant that if he were to consider the weight of a fish total then out of the hundred pounds… "Dat’s actually a very complex question mate. A lot o’ de fish can be eaten considerin’ ‘ow much meat dey pack, but dat’s where it gits tricky believe it or not." He mused with some thought put into it. "Say Oi catch ya roun’ fifty pounds wort’ o’ fish, be dey large fish mind ye, den Oi’d say ‘bout twenty-five t’ t’irty pounds can be saved from it. Again t’ough the weight o’ a single fish alone ‘s what counts, de heavier de fish den de more meat it’s bound t’ carry."
He felt slightly confident that the detail there would be something heavily to consider, but another important subject Clyde needed to cover was the salting method. Though troublesome at times because it could take a day, or several in some cases, when it came to removing salt the method wasn’t entirely easy. The first time he’d learned the process the salt wasn’t even applied that long, so in order to remove salt that remained for longer periods of time the method had to take longer in turn. "Dat’s actually somethin’ ye’ll ‘ave t’ work int’ a schedule mate, see saltin’ de fish will help as will de cold dis season, but unsaltin’ it is a meth’od dat takes time. Ye’ll need t’ soak the fish in fresh water, an’ occasionally rub out de salt from de meat. Might take a few days, an’ changin’ de water in dat time period ‘s definitely somethin’ t’ remember." He added with arms crossed, a little confident that he’d covered what he needed to. Though it’d been a long time he still recalled the first time he learned how to preserve fish, and since he was a fisherman it became imperative that he familiarized himself with it.
"Now ‘bout de pounds ye’re askin’ f’r, Oi can manage a hundred but dat’ll take time. Dat said Oi can make sure Oi send large quantities o’ fish, dat way ye’ll ‘ave more meat t’ pack instead. Dat also bein’ said…" He recalled a certain fish that would certainly help in his endeavor, one that was heavier than the lot because of its size. "Oi ‘adn’t caught me one o’ dese in a while, but Oi’ll be sure t’ include Bovine Guppies because they’re rich wit’ de meat. Lots’a protein f’r someone like yer good self." He assured Clyde with a smirk, rather thoughtful to the challenge that would likely rise from this.
He felt slightly confident that the detail there would be something heavily to consider, but another important subject Clyde needed to cover was the salting method. Though troublesome at times because it could take a day, or several in some cases, when it came to removing salt the method wasn’t entirely easy. The first time he’d learned the process the salt wasn’t even applied that long, so in order to remove salt that remained for longer periods of time the method had to take longer in turn. "Dat’s actually somethin’ ye’ll ‘ave t’ work int’ a schedule mate, see saltin’ de fish will help as will de cold dis season, but unsaltin’ it is a meth’od dat takes time. Ye’ll need t’ soak the fish in fresh water, an’ occasionally rub out de salt from de meat. Might take a few days, an’ changin’ de water in dat time period ‘s definitely somethin’ t’ remember." He added with arms crossed, a little confident that he’d covered what he needed to. Though it’d been a long time he still recalled the first time he learned how to preserve fish, and since he was a fisherman it became imperative that he familiarized himself with it.
"Now ‘bout de pounds ye’re askin’ f’r, Oi can manage a hundred but dat’ll take time. Dat said Oi can make sure Oi send large quantities o’ fish, dat way ye’ll ‘ave more meat t’ pack instead. Dat also bein’ said…" He recalled a certain fish that would certainly help in his endeavor, one that was heavier than the lot because of its size. "Oi ‘adn’t caught me one o’ dese in a while, but Oi’ll be sure t’ include Bovine Guppies because they’re rich wit’ de meat. Lots’a protein f’r someone like yer good self." He assured Clyde with a smirk, rather thoughtful to the challenge that would likely rise from this.