"I will find peace within the future, This is what drives me forward."
She laughed a bit feeling the woman squeeze her from behind, she would feel that Miu wasn't well fed or at least it seemed with all her ribs showing but really she just burned off most of her game meat with hunting. "Hahaha, Don't worry about it." She had Rowan trotting in the snow at a slow pace knowing of the risk of losing a child on horse back. They were edging the woods before being surrounded in the wood of Riverfall.
Riverfall was a rocky and grassland sort of place but what forest it did have was full of game, she was rather lucky when it came to hunting and surviving. This woman had been the first to tell her animal like features apart from her human appearance, she was rather fond of this close observation and owed her something for healing her even if she didn't want it she would keep it a secret as to if it were a gift or not.
The wood was dark with odd twisted branches that made their way up to reach for the sky like hands from the earth reaching for the hiding sun. Clouds rolled by casting shadows as they trotted through the gleaming white snow, Rowans hoof prints were all over the place, a few traps were passed and some even seemed to be cut. Miu sighed, "People fuss over the foolish game that fall prey in my traps... They cut them free and I have to repair the damage with what I have left." Some were made with what looked to be strips of deer skin and some rope, even vines and one had been strung up with fishing line. There were leaves crumbled here and there but the little plant life seemed to be under the snow, berries greeted them as the bright colors caught ones eye against the white of the snow. Miu pointed the bluest of them out, "Don't let those touch the skin or tongue, They eat you away and get under your skin. They'll burn holes in your stomach too." She started to point berries out, "The pink are sweet, The orange will make you see things that are not there and the black you can eat."
It had been quite some time before they reached her camp, it was the only cleared spot it seemed, torches were balanced on forked sticks unlit and a skin covered frame of what was to be a hut sat beside a black tent with clay soaking in water on the ground beside it, she was working hard to keep it from freezing with her makeshift stove beside it, three rocks were balanced to make a box with a large opening that had smoke blowing away from the camp with a rock atop those three held up by two forked sticks, it seemed to glow with heat just slightly.
There was a large black tarp tied to two trees facing the stream that seemed to move just slightly over a thin sheet of ice beside a large tree with rope tied around it, it being Rowans spot where she slept and grazed. A shovel and mallet was leaned against this tree. "Here we are..." She helped the woman down, Rowan went off to graze while she started to cook some rabbit meat and fish sitting on a rock that was beside the fire pulling one over for her to sit on, they were rather cold but not as cold as the ground, Miu kicked a flat blood covered rock away. "Heh... So do you like rabbit?" She was trying to make small talk.