60th of Winter, 513 AV
Raien found himself yet again outside the safety of the city walls. Honestly he knew not whether he simply had a death wish, or enjoyed the notion of having one. But regardless away from the safety of Lhavit's walls he was, a mistake as previously stated that usually isn't the best idea in the world.
Still, while Raien himself is by no means daft, because he was actually worried by the wilderness, then again he' was also strangely drawn to it. And to be fair he does give it the deserved and appropriate level of respect. But no matter how hard he tried he could never keep himself away for more than a few days. It might have been that he traveled for a good many years and felt that nature was a part of him, or it might just be that he hates cities, who could say? Certainly not him.
Regardless of his intentions on this particular day he was indeed outside, he didn't deign to tempt Lhex and venture too far into the harsh mountain peaks mind you he wasn't even too far from the gates but outside he was.
Actually if he were forced to look back on his life then he'd have to say that this was definitely one more tame locations he'd come across, it was cold yes, but close enough to the city to avoid random creatures attempting to devour him. Overall this while not as far as he'd ever go, was where he felt most "safe" from the dangers generally accompanied with "sightseeing" in Kalea.
Apparently someone else thought so to, for as Raien walked along he noticed an all too familiar site, the crown of a tent, ever so slowly the whole body came into view as he came closer to it, his feet leaving obvious trails in the snow. As his eyes took it in the tent registered as similar to his own.
Whether it was owned by "good" or "bad" people there was no reasonable way to tell, the number while likely under four or five men was also up in the air. It was for this reason that Raien would have deigned to just keep on walking past as to avoid any undesirables or the conflict of interests they usually bring with them. Namely them wanting his money, and him not wanting to hand it over nicely.
Still, perhaps 'should have deigned' is the better choice of words. For while Raien knew he shouldn't, his curiosity had gotten the better of him once again. And before he was even a few feet past the tent he'd decided to peak into it. Walking over, he peeled apart the two flaps to gaze inside, as he did this his heart began to race, more out of fear that he was going to screw himself over than anything else. And sure enough no one was inside. Raien didn't know what he was expecting but it was a slight let down. Raien while going far enough to open the tent, would never go through the things inside. So, after he had take his look and been let down. He took his head straight out of it, running his hands over his face in an attempt to sate the leftover adrenaline.
Raien found himself yet again outside the safety of the city walls. Honestly he knew not whether he simply had a death wish, or enjoyed the notion of having one. But regardless away from the safety of Lhavit's walls he was, a mistake as previously stated that usually isn't the best idea in the world.
Still, while Raien himself is by no means daft, because he was actually worried by the wilderness, then again he' was also strangely drawn to it. And to be fair he does give it the deserved and appropriate level of respect. But no matter how hard he tried he could never keep himself away for more than a few days. It might have been that he traveled for a good many years and felt that nature was a part of him, or it might just be that he hates cities, who could say? Certainly not him.
Regardless of his intentions on this particular day he was indeed outside, he didn't deign to tempt Lhex and venture too far into the harsh mountain peaks mind you he wasn't even too far from the gates but outside he was.
Actually if he were forced to look back on his life then he'd have to say that this was definitely one more tame locations he'd come across, it was cold yes, but close enough to the city to avoid random creatures attempting to devour him. Overall this while not as far as he'd ever go, was where he felt most "safe" from the dangers generally accompanied with "sightseeing" in Kalea.
Apparently someone else thought so to, for as Raien walked along he noticed an all too familiar site, the crown of a tent, ever so slowly the whole body came into view as he came closer to it, his feet leaving obvious trails in the snow. As his eyes took it in the tent registered as similar to his own.
Whether it was owned by "good" or "bad" people there was no reasonable way to tell, the number while likely under four or five men was also up in the air. It was for this reason that Raien would have deigned to just keep on walking past as to avoid any undesirables or the conflict of interests they usually bring with them. Namely them wanting his money, and him not wanting to hand it over nicely.
Still, perhaps 'should have deigned' is the better choice of words. For while Raien knew he shouldn't, his curiosity had gotten the better of him once again. And before he was even a few feet past the tent he'd decided to peak into it. Walking over, he peeled apart the two flaps to gaze inside, as he did this his heart began to race, more out of fear that he was going to screw himself over than anything else. And sure enough no one was inside. Raien didn't know what he was expecting but it was a slight let down. Raien while going far enough to open the tent, would never go through the things inside. So, after he had take his look and been let down. He took his head straight out of it, running his hands over his face in an attempt to sate the leftover adrenaline.