OOCI hope you don't mind my dropping in this late. And if there is any problems with my post, there will be no problem with my changing it.The wind beheld a minor tinge of cold to it, the first sign that fall was truly beginning to set in. A sun that set sooner also clearly portrayed that fact, all to clearly if you asked a certain traveler whom was now going to be spending a great many days traveling
back to his home town after visiting Syliras. His red-brown hair gently swaying in the wind, pressed back against his head, accented warmly by his rust-colored eyes. Still, his normally light-hearted disposition was one of irritation at the moment, since he set off from the city out of need, not want. Thanks to his prior actions within the city, he decided it was time to depart and likely not return unless absolutely necessary in the future… which, odd’s were, he’d have to do sometime…
It didn’t matter though, and minute by minute his tension eased, letting free of Paltra’s mind as he focused on the road ahead. Before he’d gotten very far, he’d selected a secondary road to avoid the main road, hoping in all of his luck that he’d escape notice from the guards, as much as he doubted that they even left the city. Still he didn’t feel up to taking any chances, and he’d already traveled the main road on the way to the city, so he felt it necessary to take other paths on the way back to Sunberth.
He chuckled suddenly, remembering when he’d swore not to ever go back to his home town after leaving it the first time. And now he was doing just that, out of what? Homesickness? He wasn’t sure, but it felt good having the knowledge that he would be going back to someplace familiar, if not still terrible…
Paltra slowed then, smelling food on the air wafting toward him. He immediately stopped and simply smelled it, the incredibly potent smell of cooking flesh and some kind of other aroma that was subtle but amazing at the same time. Paltra chuckled, nodding to himself as he continued on his path, enjoying the scent but leaving those that it belonged too alone. There was never many times when he’d go out in the wilderness alone, and for all he knew, the people cooking didn’t take kindly to someone with a Scimitar at their hip, a short bow at their back. Not that it really mattered in any case, he had food on him anyways, and he wasn’t particularly hungry, so there was absolutely no reason to--
That’s when he heard the sound of what seemed to be a dog barking. Paltra sighed, realizing that his body was incredibly tense in that moment. He forced his shoulders to relax, ushering his feet onward on the path.
It’s probably just some errant dog lost from it’s owner and chasing up some rabbits… Paltra offered to himself, seeing the logic in that… At least, until the dog started yelping, which then abruptly stopped…
The travelers eyes went wide in surprise, his heartbeat quickening as he reevaluated what it could have been. None of the likely situations were very appealing. Either a wolf or something of likewise danger attacked it, or someone, or something else had attacked it…
“On second thought… I am a little hungry…” He spoke, feeling his spine light up with a cold shiver. Paltra was not one to fight, he’d flee more often than not if he could. But if it was a wolf, or worse, bandits, then he’d have no choice but to fight… and die, more than likely, since the weapons he had were more for show than for anything else…
He cautiously walked forward, not having either sword nor bow drawn--more out of the predominant desire to run first and fight later than of politeness or respect. Though, it did occur to him as an after thought…
“Good afternoon…” Paltra spoke, his voice notably low, so low as for only the immediate vicinity to hear, hinting clearly at his troubled disposition as he drew closer to the pair of individuals, a man, or rather a boy by the looks of him, and an older fellow whom now sat with some pots in front of him.
“Would you perhaps mind if a fellow traveler found a seat here? Just for a while if you don’t mind…” Paltra asked, stopping and looking at the pair, hoping that they weren’t the ones responsible for what he’d heard…