[Unverified] Yara

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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Yara on January 31st, 2014, 8:06 pm

Character name: Yara
gender: Female
birthday and age: 15th, winter, 509 AV
race: kelvic(St.bernard)

appearance: she looks rather young, 18 years old, and blonde haired.She often wears leather clothing, and as weird as it sounds, she always wears a huge, loose collar on her neck, though when she's in her dog form it fits her neck like a glove.

character concept:
Secret :
I decided to try my hand on making a simple character but...it ended up giving me diabetes from so sweet she tries to be.She's far too cute and adorable, it almost makes me forget what I have in store for her.Here is the description of personality and such:

curious and energetic, that is Yara.She's almost always happy looking, wandering around, and also curious wanting to learn about anything she can.She loves helping the others,sometimes even if they're not wanting to be helped.Even though she's friendly,it is actually hard to be considered a big friend of Yara,or at least be remembered as something more than "the nice guy she helped yesterday".

Secret :
Ordinary was what can be thought of her when it comes to backstory.She had a happy family, being the daughter of two kelvics that lived helping a man on running a pet shop.The truth behind it was that most, if not all of the kelvics on sale were actually willing.They either wanted to have someone they could protect, or someone that could protect them, and couldn't take living alone.During her childhood, her parents taught her how to cure basic diseases.
But she felt that wasn't enough.It almost felt as if healing only those under her care wasn't enough.She wanted to help not only the homeless Kelvic, but also those who needed.
Her parents nodded, accepting her decision...and bought her a small house.They weren't rich, so a room in the basements of the castle was all that they could afford.

skill name skill points skill level
Unarmed fighting 10 SP novice
skill name skill points skill level
herbalism 30 SP competent
medicine 20 SP novice
[tab=magical,green, white]
currently none [/tab]

Secret :
family heirloom: a golden kelvic collar that she always wears around her neck, one that looks exactly like her parents' collar.It is also waterproofed, and she never feels the need to take it off, whether she's in the human form, or dog form...but it is extremely large, so it is not torn off by the dog form.It looks extremely uncomfortable for her to wear in the human form, but she never seems to mind

a leather shirt and leather pants
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
Food for a week
1 eating knife
Flint & Steel

Secret :
lore-the kelvic pet shop
lore-animal nursing

Secret :
a 20x20 starting apartment in Syliras

Secret :
money source
+100 GM starting package

current money: 100 GM
Posts: 4
Words: 1282
Joined roleplay: January 31st, 2014, 4:00 pm
Race: Kelvic
Character sheet

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