Character Concept:
The flow of time is a harsh mistress, removing from one's memory all but the most traumatic, all but the most important events of a lifetime. Volanaro recalled very little of his life among humans, knowing only that the world was in a period of transition after a cataclysm known as the Valterrian nearly ruined it altogether. It was a time of hardship, those that did not perish from the disaster itself perishing as resources dwindled and the world became more dangerous. Only the fortunate survived. And Volanaro was not one of these. He was, however, brought back by the Daek-Nuit by an Animator who he neither recalls nor cares to, for reasons he cannot quite understand.
For centuries, Volanaro has walked the earth in search of a place to belong, in the process meeting a variety of people. Those that did not fear his undead state were drawn to it like a moth to a flame, seeking to become Nuit as Volanaro is, and shall forever be. He struck a deal with two such individuals, the times of such agreements years, if not decades apart. Initiation was his price for his ichor. He learned of the dangers of ingesting ichor, but it was irrelevant to him. Knowledge of the magicks was an amusing enough toy to dabble into with the eternity that lie ahead.
Aimlessly wandering, practicing his new crafts with neither tutelage nor information, the Nuit has searched for a place to call his own, wishing to further his skill in his existing magical crafts and indulge in further knowledge. After all, the toys that he was given did not come with instructions, nor were they simple, or safe. He had to learn to play correctly! Intellectual pursuit and his own amusement were what kept him bound to the earth, unwilling to die, keeping the interest of a mind that outlasted an age. The story begins in the Winter of 513, in the city of Zeltiva... But it will not be so forever.
Volanaro is a relic of a past age, his knowledge and information about the world outside of Zeltiva out of date and rather useless, as he stays in places for decades at a time, his memory of a different section of Sylira fading as the current one grows. He is childish and eager to play with toys that the world provides him. He takes pleasure in twisting and shaping his surroundings with magic, though he has a tendency to take this too far, which results, at times, in death. He is, however, highly intelligent, a fact made obvious when he is conducting research or learning into magic. He becomes a different person, completely invested in what he is seeing or doing.
Aspirations are nil in the heart of the Nuit, his focus instead directed towards diversion and curiosity. His desire to expand his knowledge is unhindered by any sense of morality, time teaching him that all things are meant to end, except for unlife. Whether or not Volanaro has a hand in this is irrelevant, or perhaps even a blessing. The Nuit, in their nigh-immortal state, are clearly the superior beings. The dung of mortality would do well to remember this.
Volanaro reveres no God. He holds respect for Eyris, Rhysol, and Morwen. And Uldr is the last prayer to be said from his lips. He despises the concept of Gods such as Yahal and Rak'keli. For the most part, the rest are ignored. Dira is hated more than all others.