Her eyes blinked again moving to the edge of her vision to see Abashai motion towards her. The man seemed in content to leave her be in the silence she was happy to sit within.
Her body straightened as the woman sat back, her head turning to regard the man that sat not far from her. She had not noticed his nearness until her name had passed from his lips. Looking now, her eyes and memory pieced together the scene quickly behind her eyes. He was offering her now a share of his provisions. They were defiantly more elaborate than hers and while not meant to offend, the offer only served to remind how meager her own had been. IT was such a strange place to be, she was not one to be rude, yet she was inclined, not to accept/ be it pride, or annoyance, she would be behaving spitefully. Or like now, like a spoiled over indulged child.
Even as she admonished herself, Zaira’s eyes softened with the mental cry contrary. She was behaving like a sullen child, it was true, yet she had her reasons, any one of them surely was reason enough. Her expression changed against, another degree of sadness, but no longer was she apart in a world of her own. From Abashai’s spread she plucked a fig cake slowly bringing it near her lips before pausing, her eyes raised from the sands to look to her companion as the fire light danced over them.
<”Thank you.”> The words were less formal this time. Even now like freshly wakened her gaze was not as fleeting as before, but all the same her eyes lowered and the cake was slowly brought to her lips to be bitten into and chewed upon thoughtfully.