What Clyde needed was a leak. A siphon of sorts that would make the woman's djed leak outward, and stop her from using any magics. Any attempt to cast a spell or to raise up her djed and use it would cause said djed to leak up and out through the anti-magic device...
Or perhaps it worked more like a slow leak, where it constantly leaked out a small amount of djed, so as to stop a wizard from raising their djed to usable levels... Or perhaps it was even some combination thereof.
Clyde was not completely sure, as it was his first attempt at making a device to stop a person from using personal magic.
His words before finalizing his transmutation were not threats, not meant as a means of intimidation even if perhaps it had that effect. For Clyde it was simply a stating of facts, a clearing up of the air, a apt time to make the situation and how he felt about things clear to the wizard. The fact that he had a somewhat captive audience also added to the timing being apt.
“A favour for your perspective? Or for knowledge about such things directly? Because a further favour just for an opinion seems a bit of a stretch. And as to the type of favour…well I have been known to do such things for the right reason”
Clyde shook his head. In this case he felt leaving things a bit vague was in his best interest. He'd rather not give a exact definition of what he counted as breaking their agreement, as it would make it easier for her to attempt to circumvent or find a loophole in it. As for the latter part, he seemed to skip over that, or perhaps to simply not notice it. But then, he was partially distracted by thinking of magic at the time.
“I think you will know when the situation presents itself, whether or not you have broken my trust. But for certain directly revealing the knowledge or information would count as breaking my trust.”
“I keep my words once I have given it, you can count upon that if nothing else. I may learn things but I seldom give them up to anyone without something of equal value. Barring any previous agreements made of course. You want me to keep your knowledge to myself then we have an agreement. It’s just good business.”
Clyde could not help grinning at the woman. He had oddly mixed feelings, straddling the idea of smacking the woman upside the head, or laughing at her for twisting her words so. Once more she spoke without truly making a promise, or saying much of anything beyond what he had already supposed.
“Obviously I can see you would not freely give away the information without gain, that would be obviously to anyone who has spoken to you even in passing. Your words have done little to assuage me however. Just to be clear, such a business transaction of information being traded or sold to another would still count as you divulging the information. I did not doubt for a moment that the information would be exchanged in any other fashion.”
As they neared the end of Clyde's small speech before doing the transmutation, the woman made a attempt at returning his own words at him. At this point Clyde was barely even looking at the woman, focusing more instead on the new stone bracelet around her wrist. When he did respond it was in a much more flippant manner, as if her words carried little weight, or perhaps as if they had been spoken by a child or by someone else jokingly.
“And neither am I, neither am I. I may seem powerless but I have been known to arrange the vengeance of others upon those they deem deserving. A talent. Works both ways, things often do. Whatever you learn of me I’d hope was kept to yourself as you ask me to”
“Right, right, sure, sure. I'm sure you've cast down death upon hundreds, silenced men in their sleep, watched as the life dulled from a man's eyes, seen a man choke on his own blood and glare back at you in his death throes. I left such crude methods behind long ago... Actually, this magic here, Glyphing, has opened many creative doors for me... Why just a few seasons ago, there was this poisoner who made a death threat on me... Bah, but that is not of importance, nor is how I dealt with that situation.”
Clyde tapered off in his short meandering before he said to much, cutting himself off before he got to the full story, one which would have included Glyphing and Reimancy of a high order, complex triggers, a standoff in a poisoners shop, and several scrolls that were still primed and which would go off in Ravok if Clyde were to die, taking at least a structure with him in a blaze of destruction and chaos.
As Clyde was inspecting the bracelet, about ready to begin his engravings, he felt a small prickle against his skin. Along with the sensation, he also heard a high pitched note reverberating in the air between them. A note he did not hear with his ears. After a bit the note and the prickling dimmed, until finally both were gone. A few ticks later the woman spoke once more.
“Very well, I have used it already as a reference point to before and to make sure that I can still use it. Tell me when and I will try once more.”
Clyde let out a sigh. That settled it, that high pitched sound definitely meant he was sensing magic via the passive senses of Auristics. Being in such close proximity it was little wonder he could sense the active magics at work.
“Yes I know, I could sense it when you did, I mean petch your like a foot away! And I said to wait a moment, not to do it right away. Don't you listen? I doubt I will get this quite right the first time, so I intended for you to wait till after my first attempt. Don't go blazing off half ready without my instruction, or else I won't include you in any further instruction or experiments.”
“For all you knew that could have just set some reaction off! An assistant in an endeavor that does not listen often gets someone killed. And in the magics I deal in, that is more often than not a truth and not a overstatement. So next time wait until I indicate, or else you might get us both killed.”
Of course, in this specific instance Clyde did not think a bad reaction was all to likely, but he did magic on the principle of being prepared as if it was the worst case each time. He knew if he were to slack now, he might do so in a more dangerous scenario, and the outcome could be very bad. Caution was a good trait in a wizard.
With that done, Clyde began to cut his Glyphs into the bracelet, a fine spray of stone puffing out as dust as he trailed his fingers of his right hand, slowly making the engravings and holding the bracelet still with his left hand.
He started with a focus, which would be the point of exit for the djed, the leak in question. This he formed directly on top of the bracelet as it was currently positioned, in the middle of it. He cut a small circle, and outside of it a waving curling line going up and down like a wave of water breaking and rising. This outer curve was in direct contact with the circle. Together they formed a simple focus symbol Clyde often used.
After this first Glyph was done, he made a pathway going out from one side of the focus, curving all the way around the outside of the bracelet until it connect back on the opposite side of the focus. This pathway was a pair of lines curved with a slight wave to them, setting up a slight theme to his Glyphs. He was getting better at engraving and the slowly sloped line was getting a bit easier each time he did it. When he had first started he'd had trouble with anything but a straight line.
Clyde had to trace and retrace the symbols of the Glyphs over and over, several times before they were deep enough to be of meaning and to last. After a time he finished these outer Glyphs, and moved on to inner ones.
He leaked out another trickle of res onto the bracelet, and moved the layer of res covering the outer side to the inner. There on the inner side he created an identical pathway, looping all the way around the inside, however without the focus. The focus was the tap, the area for the leak, and so he did not need one on the inside.
However he did not stop there. Next he needed branches, pathways going upward and connecting the upper and lower pathways on the inner and outer side of the bracelet. If his theory was correct, it would pull djed upward out of her skin and the contact, around the device, and up and out the focus, or the leak as it was functioning.
For this he made 8 pathway pairings linking the upper and lower rings, one on either side, making a total of 16. He started with the first two on either side of the focus, so that their would be four pathways coming out of it, making a + with the focus as the central spar of said + sign. He made the next directly opposite the bracelet, which was the point farthest away.
Next he made two more pairing in between the first two pairings, so that each of the four pairing were roughly evenly spaced. Then he added four more pairings of pathways, each between a set of the earlier four pathways. In this fashion he made the Glyphs, spacing them out more or less equally from each other around the perimeter of the bracelet.
Letting out a sigh, Clyde turned back to the woman.
“Alright, give it a try, see if it works, and try some magic.”