Painting pigments:
Burnt umber starts out very dark, like a deep, deep black/brown, then gets lighter, and somewhat red.
Ultramarine blue is relatively light and a classic, even blue. It lightens out to be pale and pretty.
Cadmium yellow is a somewhat brown, mustard yellow, then turns
as it lightens*.
Alizarin crimson permanent is a nice, non-flashy cranberry red, and gets to be a blushing pink.
Titanium white is pretty much exactly as you'd expect a good white to be. It's more cool than warm.
Pthalo blue (green shade) begins a dark, grey/blue/green. It ends up turquoise, and apparently is good for mixing very bright blues.
Yellow ochre is a yellow that is more golden than cadmium yellow, and its peachy, lighter shade has only slight variation.
Mixing paint: