53rd of Summer, 511AV. Matthew twisted and pulled at the little copper wire, trying his very best to find the inner workings of the lock and pop them into an unlocked position. He had failed at this the first time he had tried it, but was pretty sure his instructions had been a bit faulty. He had gone back to the person he had asked in the first place, and they had assured him that their instructions were valid. Push the wire in and jiggle it around until the door was unlocked. Matthew had expressed his doubt, and the East Street con artist had assured him that he must have done something wrong. After a few more questions the con artist discovered that Matthew's original piece of copper wire was faulty. He had offered to replace it for free. Matthew wasn't so sure how a piece of wire could be faulty, but he wasn't at all skilled in this sort of thing. So he had just nodded and decided to give it another try. A few more jiggles of the wire though, and Matthew suddenly realized that something was a bit wrong. It just didn't feel right. With a slow sense of dread overcoming him, Matthew hesitantly reached up and gave the wooden door a light push. It gently swung open just a few inches. He sighed, dropping his head. He had made this same exact mistake last time and had sworn he would never do it again. And here he had just done it again. Shoving the wire into his pocket, he slowly slipped into the room, making sure to keep quiet. ~ Some time later Matthew sat on a cold stone floor, studying a single piece of paper in front of him. It was filled with a roughly sketched map, a result of his own poor attempt at drawing. There were things to learn from East Street, but East Street was dangerous. He had learned to study the inner workings of the area and map out a plan for traveling through it, avoiding the dangerous areas and hugging the safe ones. Sometimes this required a bit of rooftop leaping, sometimes it just required a good bit of sneaking. It changed from day to day, ever-evolving as the people of East Street moved in and out. That was what today was all about, updating his information on the area. He was somewhat excited to get started. Folding his legs in his lap, the young student rocked back and forth a bit while staring at his crude drawings. He had brought along some spare paper and two quills, enough to allow him and his partner to each do their own sketch of the place. They could map it out as they studied. He was slightly surprised that he had found someone to do this with. He had asked around for someone to study Intelligence with, while also getting a bit of exercise. Perhaps he should have been more specific. Thinking back, he didn't exactly detail out that they were actually going to be sneaking and running around the dangerous East Street. What was done was done, though. If his partner wanted to back out, he certainly wouldn't be offended. It was his fault for not being clear. They were supposed to meet this morning, so he supposed he would just have to go alone if she decided it wasn't her sort of thing. With that in mind, he realized that it was about time. The sun was peeking up over the horizon, a small bit of it sparking through the nearby window. Matthew bit his lower lip, reaching up and straightening his red bow tie. He had dressed up a bit, but he always dressed up. Suspenders were slung over broad shoulders, a nice black button-up shirt complimenting the red of his bowtie. Black slacks completed the formal casual attire, making him stand out a bit from the usually casual-dressed students of the University. Turning his head he fixed eyes upon the lump in the bed, wondering if Elsa was a morning person. She had agreed to meeting him at this time though, at her room. On second thought, he realized that he had failed to specify if she had meant outside the room instead of the assumed inside. He had just wanted to practice locking. Ah well. "Elsa. Good morning. Are you ready to get started?" |