Closed Fit for an Eagle Princess(Azira)

Drusilla makes good on her promise to Azira

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

Fit for an Eagle Princess(Azira)

Postby Drusilla on September 30th, 2014, 3:36 am

"Turrin came here when he was about 16, if I remember right. He's a few years older than me. I met him not long after he moved here... I came here at 12. I've spent about half my life here. It's strange, I feel split between here and Kalinor. With cultures, languages, and so much more." Drusilla admitted.

"Perhaps it was just my turn to play this part... Oh you wouldn't trust me as your rider." She laughed, "I think we would of been great! The world's most fearless eagle and hmmm quick thinking rider? I don't know what word would of discribed me. But if you were anything like you are now... You would of been the pride of Wind Reach!" Drusilla nodded.

Her ears had perked at the laugh and she suppressed a smile, "You can do anything you put your mind to...even fish." Drusilla stopped for a moment, "Azira, feel free to call me Dru. It's a nickname, but most who used it have died... The small group of friends I've had called me that." Drusilla looked at the dwindling fire, it had to be getting late. She gave Azira a nod, "It's getting late and it will be freezing outside soon with the sun down. Calling it a day is a good idea. Y'know I wouldn't mind talking with you like this again, maybe minus the work. Go ahead and get home safe, I'll finish up here." Here eyes gazed off to somewhere else behind Azira. "Besides I have something to tend to." She wouldn't tell Azira it was the dek from earlier, hiding as his life depended on it. "I won't be long, so go ahead." Drusilla smiled.


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Fit for an Eagle Princess(Azira)

Postby Azira on October 2nd, 2014, 9:25 pm


There was more information that could be filed away for future reference. Ages, events. So the seamstress was 23 or 24 and Turrin was about four years older than her. She'd never considered what age the Endal was before, more concerned with the annoyance that his company had caused on the few occasions they'd been in contact. He was truly an outsider though if he had come at the age that Drusilla suggested. Sixteen was too old for being included amongst the Yasi, the man having missed the time to best pick up their customs, to be properly assimilated. No wonder the Avora had perceived him as strange, he hadn't truly grown up among the Inarta at all. Drusilla should have spent some of that time with the Yasi but perhaps she had been apprenticed or rather added to the workforce as soon as she had arrived. It provided her with too many questions that were left floating unanswered in her brain. Regardless the Symenestra was only highlighting how alien the pair were to the volcanic city.

Drusilla was determined to have been Azira's rider at one stage. The girl could only sigh and roll her eyes, certain that anything that she would say on the subject would simply be ignored, or else laughed off. Let the woman have her dream of she so wished it although the huntress wasn't going to indulge it or encourage it in any way. The shock in her gaze was evident when she was described as "the pride of Wind Reach". The woman was truly mad, she had to be to come out with a comment like that. The teen was starting to think that the seamstress said whatever popped into her head without any thought regarding whether it made sense or if it might be taken the wrong way. She just said it. That seemed to be her way and regardless of what the huntress thought of it if she wanted to be friends with the woman then...

When had friendship entered her head? Were they friends? They were friendly or rather Drusilla was friendly to her and Azira occasionally returned the favour but were they actually friends? Did the Avora want them to be? Of course I do. The answer was immediately, almost desperate in its urgency to be heard. She could work on it then. The pair would part on good terms today after all so there wouldn't be bad air between them as there was between Azira and so many others. She could be optimistic about it and she got the impression that Drusilla probably already regarded her as a friend if the invitation to call her Dru was anything to go by. Her friends called her that so might this be the woman's way of including her in her circle. Perhaps. Careful optimism then so that she wouldn't be too disappointed when--no, if--things didn't work out with Drusilla.

The woman seemed to accept her veiled desire to go, urging her to take her leave of her with a smile and a few words of encouragement. It was all right for her to be gone. The woman could finish up without her. It wasn't as if she'd been much of a help anyway. She'd only offered the seamstress obstacle after obstacle, attempting to build a hurdle that the Symenestra wouldn't be able to get over or go around. She'd definitely been more of a hindrance than a help but the other had accepted each obstacle and done her best to work through it. She wondered at Drusilla's patience but then the woman was a seamstress so she needed it, right?

The huntress took a few steps back from the woman, uncertain about how exactly she should say goodbye. Should she say anything at all or should she just go? The Avora kept going, turning as she grew nearer to the way out. Her steps grew quicker, more determined to make a faster departure. Before she slipped out the doorway, the young woman spoke softly but just loud enough for her voice to carry. "Thanks, Drusilla."

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Fit for an Eagle Princess(Azira)

Postby Drusilla on October 4th, 2014, 2:48 am

The Symenestra smiled and gave a wave, "No problem, Azira. Be safe!" Drusilla finished the second pattern. As she carefully filed everything away for the next time she could work on this dress. It had gone well, hadn't it? She felt it had even though she had almost been hit and killed, they had gotten along in the end. Sort of... She guessed time would only tell with the teen. Once everything was put back into place, the seamstress turned to a corner, "Lyerd... It's safe to come out now. She's gone now. Come out." The man emerged.

Drusilla sighed, and picked up a bucket holding water to put out the fire. She brought it to the battered man with a cloth. "Let me see. Lyerd, please let me see." The man removed his hand from his mouth and Drusilla took note of the damage. With a mental sigh, she dipped the cloth in the water and took to cleaning Lyerd's bloodied jaw. There wasn't much she could really do besides clean the wounds from Azira's fist. Drusilla couldn't really dress the wounds on the dek's face. Because, it was his face. Once she was certain the bleeding had stopped she sent Lyerd on his way. "Don't worry, I wont send you to get her ever again. I'll just go myself." She picked up the bucket and doused the dying fire.


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Fit for an Eagle Princess(Azira)

Postby Neologism on November 15th, 2014, 8:36 pm

Drusilla :
  • Socialization: +4 xp
  • Observation: +3 xp
  • Investigation: +1 xp
  • Sewing: +3 xp
  • Storytelling: +2 xp
  • Medicine: +1 xp

  • Deal with Azira: Custom dress for archery lessons
  • Azira: Definitely acts like an Avora
  • Azira: Not above hitting others
  • Azira: Confusing
  • Azira: Doesn't know a thing about fashion
  • Azira: Isn't racist, just doesn't like people touching her
  • Deks live an incredibly harsh life
  • Cheit & Yasi: May be the safest castes
  • Symenestra: Monsters
  • Just as Inarta wish to hunt and fly, Symenestra wish to weave and sew
  • Azira: Has a lot in common with you
  • Wind Eagles: Bond with Inarta because they are Familiar

Notes: I do enjoy your writing now that I am seeing more of it, I just have a few things to point out. Please remember that you are still novice and your sewing skills are simplistic and will contain faults. I won't bug you about it this time, just remember that in the future, okay? :) And, don't forget to edit your post in the request forum as 'graded'. :)

Azira :
  • Observation: +3 xp
  • Rhetoric: +2 xp
  • Socialization: +5 xp
  • Drawing: +2 xp
  • Storytelling: +1 xp
  • Anatomy: +1 xp

  • Deal with Drusilla: Custom dress for archery lessons
  • Silk and Satin: Finer fabrics
  • Drusilla should make the fashion decisions instead
  • Outsiders are strange
  • Drusilla: Needs to understand her place
  • Drusilla: Unaware of the harsh reality of Dek life
  • Just as Inarta wish to hunt and fly, Symenestra wish to weave and sew
  • Symenestra: Barbaric and deadly
  • Drusilla: Has a lot in common with you
  • If people don't know you were a victim, you won't be one again
  • Gleaning: Is a Symenestra hunt for knowledge, not women
  • Symenestra: Very fragile
  • Wind Eagles: Bond with Inarta because they are familiar
  • Outsiders are Outsiders and they are just different
  • Inarta: Far more passionate than Symenestra
  • Tarrin: Hadn't truly grown up with the Inarta

Notes: Wonderful! I love your writing of Azira and her emotions, you really display them well for the reader. :)
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