Stumble Alley Everyone knew to stay away from the Alley. At least, all the locals did.
Nestled into the center of the city Stumble Alley was the home of many small establishments. Taverns, shops, even a few empty houses, to the casual observer it was no different than any other street in Sunberth. Yet there were no bums, no stray dice games, or any traffic to speak of. The narrow alleyway was bereft of life of any sort. Even the animals stayed out. While during the day a man was able to navigate the cobbled ground, after the twenty-second bell the bars emptied and the shops closed. Only a single door remained unlocked and no one was brave enough to figure out what lay beyond. On occasion a drunk would stumble into the alley without his wits never to be seen or heard from again. Everyone knew to stay away from the Alley.
Under the grace of sunlight Stumble Alley made for the perfect hideaway. Many of the homes were abandoned, making for a comfortable spot for the man down on his luck or just a bum without a roof. With its reputation very few of the common Sunberth rabble stick their noses into the area, making it - ironically - one of the safest haunts in the city. Just remember to leave by midnight.
The Codger A little on the crazy side, Codger is Stumble Alley's only long time inhabitant. He's older than ancient, in his words, and rarely makes much sense. Codger is the only man ever to wander the alley at night and be seen the next morning, leaving those who care to ask questions in awe. Many believe he is the one responsible for the disappearances, or maybe the creature takes pity on the old fool in his senility. Whatever the truth, Codger is rarely taken seriously, as he spends most of his day shouting unintelligible warnings and begging locals for spare coin. He smells and has never once changed his clothing, citing the old, ragged cloak over his shoulders as the only reason he's still alive. Whatever that means.
Skills - Camouflage (City Streets) 71, Begging 67, Larceny 27, Impersonation 16, Rhetoric 26
Red the Elder
Red owns the alley. That's what he'll tell you, anyway. The responsible owner of the "Disappearing Drunk", Red makes his living off of exploiting the dark, dreary alley where he makes his home during the day. His Tavern is open from the first chime of the tenth bell to the last of the twenty-first, where he will then chase as many people as he can away for the night. Red is a stubborn, old Inartan with a hazy past, one that he rarely talks about, but he's known to be able to handle himself well, even participating in Johnny's cage fights every now and again. A tall, robust man, Red was most likely a warrior at some point, maybe even a soldier, but all the locals know is that the axe behind the counter is not a showpiece.
Skills - Weapon: Axe 42, Intimidation 31, Storytelling 23, Business 20, Brewing 30 |