Name: Arnold Iyure
Race: Human
DOB: Fall 50th, 468 AV
POB: Ravok
Skills: Gadgeteering – 33, Storytelling – 21, Drawing – 18, Gardening – 24, Cleaning - 29
Description: Arnold is a native Ravokian, and proud of it. He follows Rhysol, as faithful as any citizen, but religion isn’t particularly important to him. Instead, he focuses more on his work, though finds time between each bell ring for personal hobbies. Though he is usually content with solitude, he welcomes interaction when it comes… which isn’t that often. In fact, if persuaded enough, he might occasionally show a visitor around the bell tower, and explain the workings of the mechanism that move the giant brass creation.
Though Arnold can easily be seen as ‘normal’, he does like to –secretly- take part in a few odd hobbies, for a man his age. In the past year or two, he has picked up sketching, drawing rough copies of the city scape from atop the grand tower. Though he has had little practice, and no teaching, he isn’t that bad at the art. The other of his pair of eccentricities is gardening. Though most of the area around his tower is devoid of plants, Arnold has installed a few window boxes inside his room, and in the large, spacious, room where the bell sits. There he has begun growing vegetables and flowers, using them to brighten up the normally dull space, and supplement his meals with free food.