[Location] The Establishment

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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]

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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Jahssasyuri on November 26th, 2011, 8:09 pm

Not a too unexpected response from the clerk, who was known to be the owner of the place. Whorehouses would sound like a good idea if Yuri didn't have any skill in combat or if she was a complete idiot. A sigh of relief or something close to it washed over her face, a genuine smile was all she was going to offer to the clerk. In a world that was full of slavers, lawless bandits and betrayal being commonplace, a city that amplifies all of the bad things in the world by tenfold, it was rare to find someone who had some type of sentiment.

Most people wouldn't take Tua's words in a nice way, but with the things that a mercenary goes through, it was a change of scenery.

A chuckle followed by a small remark, "Thanksss for checking up on me darling," Yuri winked at him before putting both hands on the counter and slowly leaning in. " I'd take your recommendation as a compliment. But a mercenary like myself needs the coin, and I'd get it where weapons are involved. If I die in the process, you have the right to say I told you so. Give me the job and let me be on my way so I can get out of your hairs, Kay?" finished Yuri, making a last attempt to show that she wasn't going to take no for an answer. If anything, she would take up another job for she isn't the type to waste time despite her long life-span.
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Tulyn on November 27th, 2011, 4:39 pm

49th of Fall, 511

Tulyn strolled into The Establishment, cloak wrapped round him as he moved between the crowd of people. Being somewhat tall he spotted the boards over top of the crowds head and made his way towards them, wondering what sort of jobs they would have that he might well be catered to. After a few minutes of slipping passed some and pushing passed others of the crowd he stood before the boards, looking over all the pamphlets until his eyes fell to rest on one that read 'Armed guard', thinking to himself this might just be a perfect job for him, something to test his skill and hopefully not get himself killed to quickly.

After detatching the pamphlet from the board he pushed a path over to the clerks table, noting that there was a space he pushed himself forward and rested the pamphlet on the desk.
' I'm interested in this job here, I was wondering how much the information would be? ' looking the clerk in the eyes.
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Leviathan on November 29th, 2011, 4:32 pm

@ Jassasyuri
Tua nodded slowly, she was certain she was meant for swords of warriors rather than swords of men. So be it. Tua wasn't one to pressure someone to spare their own lives. "You can have the job, but it's going to cost you ten gold mizas. Fork over the coins and I'll see to it Dastana will be more than thrilled to have you in her ranks. I'll warn you fairly though, I don't expect to see you in one piece ever again. Dastana is known for two things. She allows people in for spilling blood, and you only leave when your own is spilled. Blood in, blood out. You will be stuck with her, and she's not to be petched with." Once Yuri paid the money Tua demanded, she would be handed a rough drawing of a map that led her straight to the blood pits. She was to speak with the Pitbull.

oocIf you are pleased with this, go ahead and start a thread for you and me in the Blood Pits and we'll get you set up. Just make sure you subtract the money from your ledger

@ Tulyn
"You want to be an armed guard eh? Might suit you. Look strong enough for it. Seven gold mizas and I can give you the information." As always, Tua waited patiently as his client forked over the money, then he would loosen his lips. "Any merchant who has any brains in this city knows their wares aren't safe unless they are locked up in a warehouse. The man that rents out the warehouses makes good money just for owning the buildings, but he doesn't guard them. That's why any merchant who has any intelligence will pay a man like yourself to watch over the warehouse over night. The Daggerhand and Sun's Birth don't bother with the merchandise most often, so you won't have to worry about getting on their bad side, but there's always small time gangs, desperate thieves, and other thugs hired by competition that want to break in and smash or steal shyke. You got me? You will be protecting the place for different merchants, whoever is paying that day. I'll make sure you are known of, so they'll trust you enough to hire you, but it'll be up to you to keep your name a successful one, if you get what I'm saying. Now, if you don't have any more questions, be off. I've got work to do."
Bad News Everybody. School is picking up, Exams are beginning to happen, homework is growing time consuming, I may soon be evicted from my apartment, I'm dealing with severe and physical fights among several of my best friends, and I can't seem to find a time to get much needed sleep. I'm terribly sorry, but don't expect to see much of me for a long while.
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Tulyn on November 29th, 2011, 5:22 pm

Tulyn looked the man over, and rummaged round in his pouch before handing over the seven gold mizas to him, listening to the advice he'd paid for, nodding as the clerk spoke. Keeping a close watch of his gear, so that he kept his valuables in reach and safe from the grubby thieving hands of the locals. Every so often he would be nudged from the side or behind as people tried to slide passed in all directions.

' Where would I find the warehouses and who to approach? ' he asked freely not knowing of Sunberths locations as of yet.
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Leviathan on December 21st, 2011, 10:50 pm

@ Tulyn

"The Caste Commons is where you want to go. I can't tell you who, but I can tell you that any merchant who is smart will be looking for someone, just like you, to do just what we talked about. You've got a good name about you now, I've made sure about that much. Ruin it, and you're on your own." Tua nodded and waved Tulyn away, assuming their business officially done.
Bad News Everybody. School is picking up, Exams are beginning to happen, homework is growing time consuming, I may soon be evicted from my apartment, I'm dealing with severe and physical fights among several of my best friends, and I can't seem to find a time to get much needed sleep. I'm terribly sorry, but don't expect to see much of me for a long while.
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Rilight on January 11th, 2012, 9:11 am

Rilight stood outside of The Establishment; he had come to understand that the small business offered such odd jobs he would be interested in. A man of only few skills, greed for his own needs, and the constant search for violent encounters Rilight often wished of becoming a renowned mercenary. No ethics to speak of, a soldier of fortune, the ultimate thrill the thought running through his mind, dimples deepened in his cheeks as a crooked smile found its way along his lips.

However small the job he may find, Rilight knew it was a necessary means of beginning. Taking a deep breath from the chilled air around him, he made his way into the building. Much to his surprise the inside was unreasonably full; the crowd of people giving off the certain unwanted musk often expelled from common day to day workers. Rilight came to terms with the odor, and started working his way through the crowd being mindful to point his halberd upwards instead of lazily lounging it against his shoulder. He wasn't terribly worried about accidently hurting another through the crowd, his determination for a job had him preoccupied and didn't wish to waste time with a useless squabble.

Making it to the job listing board came easy enough, as well as finding the particular types of jobs. Out of the four he had found that he would be interested in, choosing one wasn't a particular concern to him, starting out he would have to complete several of these jobs and they would all come in time. Rilight snatched a random piece of parchment off of the board, glimpsing at it he read "Wanted: Raven..."

Running into another person in front of him brought him to an abrupt stop. The rather large man turned around and confronted Rilight. "Whatchitwouldja!" The ease of multiple words as one came seemingly natural from the large man’s grunt. Rilight looked up and answered with a simple huff and maneuvered his way around slowly making his way to the back of the room. A disgruntled Rilight now stood gazing at several people bartering, or so attempting, with clerks. A slight sigh escaped his mouth and Rilight simply made his way to a nearby wall and leaned against it. Raising the parchment closer up to his face, he continued on reading further.

As he finished he raised from against the wall, and made his way as the crowd flowed through the room getting him closer to a clerk to speak with. The small man's gaze arose from under his hat, his face showing a relaxed and humble facade. The parchment folded and in between his pointer and index finger, Rilight offered it forward to the man and as well a welcoming nod for good measure.

"I'll be goin after this 'an here so called 'Raven'
Wanted: Raven
Robern Dalagnar is paying a hefty price for the head of the woman who goes by "Raven". One-Hundred and Eighty Gold Mizas to the man that can bring Raven's head to Robern's henchmen.
Last edited by Rilight on January 28th, 2012, 4:50 am, edited 3 times in total.
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Roxanne on January 13th, 2012, 4:30 pm

Winter, Day 43, 511 AV

Roxy stood in front of the Establishment with a small smile on her face. A long term job would be needed for basic income, after all, and she couldn't exactly mug people for a living before someone caught her. Making her way inside, she immediately noticed the crowd of people surrounding the job listings board. So a lot of people wanted a job? That might make it difficult to get a job, meaning she'd probably have to bribe. Oh boy.

Well, at least the voices in her head were droned out by the noise of the crowd, and that gave her ample time to think. Squeezing in between the cracks of the large group, she noticed a job that would be perfect for her and snatched the pamphlet quickly. Looking around, she found an open counter and made her way towards it.

Cautiously placing the pamphlet on the counter, Roxy spoke. "Do you know where I can find Red?"
Sam Mentes

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Roxanne's voice
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Lusa on March 4th, 2012, 10:35 pm

4th of Spring, 512

Lusa made a half-hearted attempt to straighten her shift, and ran a hand through her dark hair. She'd grown quite tired of cooking the scraps she pulled from trash piles in Sunberth. Her cooking pot deserved to see real ingredients, for once! She'd observed long enough to know that getting things like food required money, and getting money required a 'job.'

And that was exactly what Lusa was here to aqcuire! Standing up straight, she mustered a confident stride and approached an open counter with a leaflet in hand.

"I want the woodcutting apprenticeship. Please!" Lusa stated, belatedly remembering that humans liked words like 'please' and 'thank you.'
Last edited by Lusa on March 8th, 2012, 12:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Zandelia on March 7th, 2012, 12:56 am


Spring 4th, AV 512

As Zandelia walked the streets there was electricity in the air, a sense of events to come – portentous muttering and shifting glances between groups gathered together seemingly at random. Zandelia, however, was possessed of a decent amount of both intelligence and observational acumen. She knew there was a storm coming, a storm to rival the one which had battered and destroyed Sunberth two day previously. There was only one concern for the beginning of the mobs, the throngs uttering only one word – magic. What was usually disliked but tolerated as useful in many cases was now anathema to the denizens of the city. The order of the day was to deal with the causes of the destruction and the causes were all too clear in their minds. It was proof to Zandelia that her birthplace was filled with no mor3e than cockroaches swarming over a few giants.

And I do not find pity within myself for the cockroaches either. Bastards would as soon kill me for their own ends. Let them crawl. Let them suffer, and in the end let them be crushed under our boots she thought to herself as she reached the door of Tua’s Establishment – a place she knew well indeed.

“And I certainly don’t like the idea of what lays within either” she breathed to herself as she pulled the hood of her Shadowsilk Robes down and pushed the door open, stepping through smartly.

As she took in the interior she found nothing had changed other than an increase in applicants. The smell was still an assault upon her senses, the thronging workers as noisy and belligerent. They were mostly poor laborers for the most part, with a few specialist workers dotted here and there amongst the crowd. She was surprised there were not more, the city being destitute in many regions now. Rebuilding what had been lost was now upon the top of the agenda and workers came from all around. She knew not whom would have the money to fund such extensive projects, suspecting there would be none at all, however their flailing was not her concern. Her concern was the fact that she felt like a whipped dog, culled into accepting defeat and slinking back to her old master. Tua was not a man to cross and Zandelia had left this employ in hasty circumstances. He had wanted her to stay to be sure, she ran more messages than most and successfully too. He had pride though, and that was an obstacle she would face.

I’ll be lucky if I don’t have a fight on my hands, and I’m not in the petching mood. I don’t want games this day she growled internally as she nodded to the guards, receiving the neutral greeting in return, and approached the spider’s table.

“Tua,” she began, her voice firm and stony, “it’s wonderful to see you again. I hear there are a lot of jobs going, messages to be run and thugs in the alleyways. I could run them for you if you wanted. I have experience after all” she opened with, a direct question and one he would not be able to sidestep altogether too easily.

She knew there would be bargaining. She also knew she was damn good at message running and Tua could afford to pay the best. It was not much pay all things considered, but the dangers killed off many worthy applicants. She had survived his test before and many encounters over the season she had worked for him. He knew her worth, she knew he would not give something back for free.

The intricacies of a city of sin, how I have missed them she thought as she looked him in the eye and awaited the response.

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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Lessira on March 7th, 2012, 10:53 pm

10th of Spring

Lessira could not say exactly why she had come, or what specifically she was hoping to find, but those whom she knew had all been certain. If you wish for something then you must have money to do so, though Lessira doubted that they meant money obtained my strictly 'legal' means. It was true that the girl had come to join a band of ruffians and assassins, and sure enough the one whom she held dear did indeed fall among their ranks. Even so, she could not QUITE come to accept the darker side of the city... not quite yet.

So through those doors, and over the threshold of fate, Lessira made her way to the very back counter, gently touching one arm or another, squeezing by the crowds as best that she could. Once she stood before the man who held in his hands the fate of her future endeavors, for certain it was for a reason that Lessira would seek employment in the first place, the girl inclined her head respectfully.

With one hand she brushed aside a stray strand of white behind her ear, and her light blue eyes looked upon the clerk before her,
"Good afternoon, I was hoping I might find employment here? I have many things I must purchase." Then she smiled a gentle smile that light up the Konti's face. Her eyes looked deep into the man's eyes before her, and almost without thinking she batted her eyelashes twice, some old habits from lives past still lingered with her to this day.
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