[Location] The Establishment

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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]

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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Ink on March 8th, 2012, 12:05 am


oocHey two quick things, could you please timestamp your original post? And also please link your Cs to your profile so it’s easy to read about Lusa! Thank you –Ink
The clerk sent off the previous inquirer and looked up at the new prospect before her. “The Carver brothers huh? You sure? It’s not easy work.” Shuffling away a pile of left leaflets from her desk the previous supplicants the clerk took her eyes off Lusa but continued to talk. “But if you are insistent on this job then it wouldn’t hurt to show how much you’d appreciate a good recommendation." Turning back up to the kelvic the woman watched her expectantly.


Tua had seen Zandelia has soon as her boots past through the doors. “There are always messages to run and always hands willing to try their luck. With the winter and storm still near in people’s mind— well your wages now pay three runners.” Pulling a folded up, dirty pamphlet from his pocket Tua tucked it into the brim of his hat. “Seeing as the white sand beaches were too taxing for you, Zandelia, I wouldn’t want to take such a risk. Maybe you’ve gone soft in your time with the Kontis. Then again, maybe if I was feeling generous I might just find a way for you to get your old job back.” The short man shrugged and began to move on to the next person in line, but Tua hadn't placed the note in his hat for nothing.


Tua gave the Konti a well-deserved once over. “Well, I may know some people who’d like to do some purchasing as well.” While he wasn’t one for the slave trade Tua had no trouble finding women of ill repute appropriate professions. Ruby would take a Konti lass like this one even if she lacked prior experience, but it seemed unlikely that’s what the woman meant. “Perhaps if you tell me what you’re looking for, I could help you for the right price.
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Lusa on March 8th, 2012, 12:28 am

Lusa puzzled for a moment in front of the clerk. "Oh! You mean money, right?" She pulled seven gold mizas from her pouch and smilingly handed them to the clerk, proud of herself for figuring it out. "Now where do I go?"
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Zandelia on March 8th, 2012, 12:40 am


Zandelia was forced to take a deep breath, calming and slow as she wrestled with her temper for a few moments. She was certain that the man could not have know how complete her humiliation within Mura had been – even with his network of contacts. However, his words struck a raw nerve within her, and one she had hoped would not be brought up for their conversation. She was not suicidal by nature, but they had drawn her close to true stupidity in that she would quite gladly have knifed the old spider right then and there. She would have been killed for her troubles but she would have some of the measured satisfaction before her life was extinguished. So, she pushed down her anger and let her thoughts rage silently inside her skull while maintaining as cool an exterior as possible.

Bastard can quite clearly see I haven’t gone soft! Nor that Mura held any sandy damned beaches for me! Do I look like I got what I wanted old man? DO I? she railed to herself, all the time aware that what he had said could also be considered to be true enough.

That is what had made his comments all the more galling for her to hear, penetrating her self-imposed armor easily, a hot knife through butter. She had failed, in every way imaginable. Perhaps she was indeed weak, pathetic and useless. She had spent a lot of her time drunk recently, a fact he probably knew, and she might be seen as a liability. Still, she was not about to be told that by a creaking old man, half her size to boot, after she had weathered two of Sunberth’s more dangerous occurrences – the storm and the mist. She had to be worth some small measure of something, and if she wanted a damned word runner job she would get it. She watched as a note was put within his hat and wondered why he did so. The man never did anything without reason as far as Zandelia knew. Mayhap it was a test, mayhap it wasn’t but Zandelia was past caring now.

“You know very well I haven’t gone soft! I’m as grotesque and grizzled as ever, a colossal bitch who knows how to get a damned job done. Mura is now a sinkhole for all I care! Give me the damned thing” she growled at the end, snatching the note from the man’s hat after taking the few steps towards him, aware there were guards with hands upon their weapons a breath’s pace away.

In truth, she could not bring herself to care. They could put her out of her misery if they wanted to, but knew her well enough to know she would go down fighting, and fighting well. No doubt everyone hoped for a peaceful resolution as the scene froze and paper crumpled in Zandelia’s fist slightly. She scowled around at the gathered mass, daring anyone to complain she had already had her turn , and opened the note to see what it stated.

Last edited by Zandelia on March 14th, 2012, 2:48 am, edited 2 times in total.
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Polla on March 8th, 2012, 3:00 am

Timestamp: Spring 12 512 AV

A Nuit dressed in Sym's clothes approached the desk where a man sat. Seradell had heard a little rumour that some Brega woman might have work she might be interested in. Having not sang to a real audience in decades, Sera snapped at the chance that she might get to entertain something other than a surrogate or two in the Purging. This was a new chapter in Sera's life: a new body, a new town, a new job, hopefully. Oozing out her very pores was her confidence and sexuality. She had spent too much time with the Symenestra of Kalinor to lose their habits so quickly, and she rather loved acting like them. Her hips had a pleasant, gentle sway as she took each soundless step across the floor.

"Excuse me," she voiced once she reached the counter, "is there a Ms. Brega nearby?" Her voice carried a particular sound that was much too hard to replicate. It was haunting and sensual, like a man's darkest fantasies.

"I heard she's looking for some new talent." Sera did not smile, though a coyness could be heard in the way she spoke her words.
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Lessira on March 8th, 2012, 3:29 am

Lessira was stopped by this, halted in her forward trek toward a goal she had only recently aquired. What exactly COULD she do? What was she looking for exactly...?

The girl's nose scruntched up in thought, contemplating some deeper mysteries than the situation entirely called for. After a time Lessira nodded, looking to the man with confidence,
"Perhaps there is a job where I can talk with people? I enjoy help in any way that I can."

It was a true enough statement, though spoken without a hint of implication. Sure enough this girl only sought an opportunity to meet those of the city, and to serve them as best that she could. Distantly, in the back of her mind the girl heard a ringing... A faint chiming of sorts that fogged her thoughts. Shaking her head, the girl touched one temple, "I could use a bit of ale as it were... The bitter mud always seems to brighten my day..."

It was like a sudden flash, a light blinking into existance in her conciousness. Of course! What was the one thing that always made Mok happy?

"Oh, might there be a job with ale available? That always seems to help people when they are in need of cheer." She smiled and giggled lightly. Yes, a job where she might serve drink to others. Would not Mok be proud of her?
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Chamaeleon on March 13th, 2012, 2:55 am

Removed. /:
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Izaya on March 14th, 2012, 2:42 am

The 15th day of Spring, 512 AV

Izaya stepped quietly into the building known as "The Establishment" and looked around, noting the heavily armed men. He slunk through the crowds to get a look at the board. He spent a moment or two examining the various advertisements posted, then, finding one that interested him, smiled and slid back through the crowd to get to the back of the room, where people were standing in line to talk to a clerk. Instead of getting in one of these lines, Izaya stopped and watched a few of the interactions trying to figure out as much as he could from them as possible. When he was satisfied, he stepped into the line himself. When his turn came, instead of immediately speaking, he silently took out four copper mizas and began fiddling around with them in his hand. "Perhaps a man such as yourself could be persuaded to tell me where I could find a certain Mr Killroy," he said slowly.
Last edited by Izaya on March 31st, 2012, 1:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Archelon on March 19th, 2012, 11:57 pm

@ Lusa
Ledger deduction - 7 gm for tua's

The clerk looked askew at Lusa, thinking that she had two heads for a moment as if she did not know the importance of money. Or mizas. Was she just dumb? Or a nitwit? Or perhaps was she the worst thing in sunberth that had little chance of survival... a naive person?

Who knew? It was of little matter. The only thing that mattered is that she paid and that meant she could have a chance. The clerk cleared his throat."Southeast of Sunberth, along the road that starts past the slave markets on the south side of the river is where you want to start. Follow it to the south woods, and follow the signs for the Carver Brothers. They tend to make their apprentices know the ins and outs of the business. From the yards to the workshops. Heck, last one lasted 3 seasons and left on good terms. Carvers said they'd take him back in a heartbeat. Who knows if you might meet him there in the future? They owners however're are not the type to keep waiting, and young lady..." The man cleared his throat as if having pity on the woman, something rare in Sunberth. "The yard and forest boys tend to be a little rough, so be careful. They most like to shoot things for their supper after the day's done to so be sure to wear bright clothing so they don't mistake you for something else. Run along now"

Without another word passing between them the girl hurried up and went out the door.

oocyour next post should be in that location.
Thank you all for the privildege of moderating, unfortunately with deaths in the family and ailing health I am retiring. All thread grades I had on my pc have been forwarded to founders and paragon, so expect them posted soon.
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Stigandr on March 23rd, 2012, 2:47 am

13th of Spring, 512 A.V.

Walking through the door, Stigandr looked around the building. It felt...foul. Like it was a place full of dirty acts, underhanded thoughts and motives and evil actions in general. Seeing the man in charge, Stigandr noted his small size but knew better than to trust that was all there was to this man. Straightening the hood of his brown cloak, keeping it forward and slightly low to hide his face, the Kelvic walked to the counter, ignoring the pamphlets posted, unable to read them. "I am looking for a job. I am good at heavy labor and work. I would also be willing to learn a...an apprenticeship." His voice came out in a matter of fact manner, clear about what he wanted and without any tact or hint at the emotions and nuances humans and other sentient beings played around with.
Last edited by Stigandr on March 31st, 2012, 12:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Desya Gold on March 28th, 2012, 7:53 pm

9th of Spring 512 AV, midday.
It was Desya's first time in the establishment.
She immediately decided that she didn’t like the crowded, dimly lit room, swamped with the smell of sweat, blood and cold metal.
She pushed and shoved her way through the crowd, and finally found herself in front of several large boards, fliers and papers pinned all over them.
There were ‘wanted’ posters everywhere, and she cringed as a large muscled man shoved her to the side to grab one.
Scanning the boards she noticed one that she liked;

Bar Keep
Red needs someone to help him tend his tavern over in Stumble Alley. Work the details out with him.

Leaning forward she grabbed it, just as the man had. She moved to the back of the room, battling the crowds once again and ended up in front of a counter.
She put the pamphlet down and pushed it forward. It would be her first job, and she wasn’t quite sure what to do.
“Excuse me, but could you tell me more about this?”
Last edited by Desya Gold on March 31st, 2012, 2:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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