Solo Eat Your Vegetables

Another shift, another hoard of orphans to feed.

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Eat Your Vegetables

Postby Noven on February 20th, 2014, 1:30 am


Winter, Day 60, 513AV

He dropped a handful of uncooked beans onto the kid's plate. They clinked against the metal wear, jumping over one another before settling down in a pitiful, tiny heap.

"Eat it."

Little Thomas looked up at him with an expression cold enough to freeze fire. "Oi'm nawt eatin' that."

"Well then," Nov growled, bringing his face mere inches from the boy's. Thomas gulped. "Stop bothering I can cook your petching dinner!"

Then he took a step back into the kitchen, shouted, "Get back to work you runts!" and slammed the door shut. Sounds of scrambling ensued--mops being sloshed into buckets, plates being set, chairs scraping into place. Though, it was more likely due to the fact that the Isurian Proprietress and Mistress of Sunset Orphanage herself had just walked it at that very moment, and not so much because her surly eyed cook had yelled at the hooligans for the umpteenth time this season. They never listened to him anyway. Probably one too many leniences with fighting lessons and piggyback rides.

Jillian said nothing, merely entering to make a silent inspection before heading back out to do whatever it was that she did. Once she was gone, the childish banter and chatter slowly returned, until it was all Noven could do not to storm out there again and fruitlessly demand some peace and quiet.

Instead, he focused on the task before him. An entire sack of potatoes--peeled, courtesy of a couple of unruly boys who had gotten into a tussle this morning--some onions, carrots, a bit of deer meat, and smattering of other things. The vegetables would need to be cut. The meat as well, though it would go in later. With a resigned sigh, he lined up the potatoes like fat, pasty soldiers along the table and began cutting them into haphazard cubes.

When he had been younger, preparing meals with Nona were something of an art. Though they were limited in both time and ingredients, they made up for either with love and attention to detail. It somehow always made the food taste twice as good and the memories stay twice as long. "Hard, honest work," she'd say every time, "no ingredient quite like it."

This horse shyke, however, was not remotely the same. Making enough vats of soup to feed dozens of hungry, demanding runts who spent most of their day doing chores or sitting still enough for a lesson or two was an entirely different sort of process. It was more a task of sums to the cook than anything else. This many potatoes plus that many onions and carrots equals how many children without empty bellies? Jillian was not unkind as a mistress, but neither was she the pampering type ether. The orphans got just enough to survive, no more, no less. Sometimes, he would use his own wages to add a pinch of herbs or whip up a bit of dessert, but these were tough times, and the Isur an even tougher business woman.

Nov hacked away at his sixth or seventh potato, so utterly used to the motions that he never even bothered to look at his fingers. Once he filled up his cutting board, he lifted the giant mound of cubed taters, muscles straining as he did, and dumped them into an enormous, empty pot.

Last edited by Noven on February 21st, 2014, 4:17 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Eat Your Vegetables

Postby Noven on February 20th, 2014, 1:45 am


Ten or so chimes later, the potatoes were finished. Carrots came next, each chopped into various sized circlets before being thrown into the sizzlinh pot along with their pale fleshed brethren. He went through a whole sack of them quickly, eager to get the vegetables done as soon as possible.

Noven then fished out several onions and chopped each in half, then half again, peeling off the outer skins as he did. He made even quicker work of these, wary of their tear-jerking stings. Fortunately, the cook never seemed to be affected too harshly by them as others were, but better safe than sorry. Once there were enough onions tossed into the mix, he dropped a few slabs of venison onto the cutting board and stared at them for a while, his own stomach gurgling at the enticing sight.

They were lucky enough to have any vegetables or meat at all; Jillian must have had enough connections to get by even on doubled food prices. Whatever was causing this mysterious blighting of their already meager supplies, he hoped it would end soon. Anymore of this and there wouldn't be a city left by Spring. Even the merchants could not be consoled by fatter coin purses while their stomaches continued to go empty.

Just goes to show that you can have all the mizas in the world and still starve.

A bit of oil and animal fat was added on top of the mix, which was then stirred until everything shined a yellowish sort of sheen. Nov let a good amount of butter plop on top of it all for added measure. And diced garlic as well. The scent that wafted up in the aftermath was divine.

He let the whole batch simmer for a bit, the ingredients mingling with each other to lend a wholesome, enticing sort of combined flavor. Once they were adequately caramelized, he poured in pitcher after pitcher of water to let it all boil.

Noven attacked the meat next, sawing away at the tendons and leaner parts with a heaving butcher's knife. It was hard work, but he was built for it. In less than a handful of chimes, he had the venison mostly in chewable pieces and threw a lid over it all. Now, just to wait a bit for the potatoes and carrots to soften before throwing in the meat and adding the final touches.

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Eat Your Vegetables

Postby Noven on February 20th, 2014, 2:17 am


As he leaned against his rickety old, wooden chair, taking a well deserved break from all the hacking and chopping, Nov let his mind drift.

He avoided any subjects or thoughts concerning Daggerhands, death, and intrigue, focusing instead on the rare gems of pleasure that occasionally graced his hard knock life with their presence. He thought of an almost fresh apple he had a couple days ago. Of sputtering through his pint of ale at some stomach aching, hilarious tune a traveling bard had shared at Pig's Foot the other night. Of the soft, silken feeling of Mae's thighs wrapped around his, her moans of pleasure caressing his ears in hot, shallow breaths...

Both feet slammed on to the ground as Nov righted his chair. The water had begun boiling over the edges, splashing everywhere with audible hisses. Without hesitating, he jumped up to grab a pitcher of cool water and approached the angry, bubbling soup. He danced around drops of scorching water that flew his way and tipped the pitcher over the pot, letting loose a breath of relief as it began to simmer down. Once that was taken care of, he set down the pitcher, threw off the lid covering the meat, and began dumping in chunks of venison. Another chime or so and their dinner would've tasted of naught but ash and coal from burnt bottoms.

As the meat stewed, he began adding a bit of salt and pepper. A few pinches of thyme wouldn't hurt either, he thought to himself as he put in a couple dashes of herbs. And, of course, there was the cheese. Nothing got children more excited than melted cheese. A few chunks of the stuff plopped into the rather rich smelling soup and the cook stirred everything with a large ladle to get the cheese fully dispersed. He let the whole thing cook a bit more over the fire before he extinguished the flames, let the pot cool for another ten chimes or so, and brought out his secret ingredient.

From the coolest corner of the pantry, Noven emerged with half a gallon of mostly fresh milk. Slowly, he uncapped the bottle and poured it steadily into the vat of steaming, delectably scented soup.

The last and final ingredient lent the whole mixture a pleasant, creamy sort of color. Nov indulged himself in a taste and grinned. They were going to love it.

Apparently, the runts outside were thinking along the same lines. They could smell dinner half a mile away and it was driving them up the walls having to wait another tick. "Come on, Nov!" they whined as they pounded against the door, "aren't you done in there yet?!"

"Alright, open it up then!" the cook bellowed. A chorus of excited squeals and whoops followed as at least five eager orphans swung open the kitchen door. All eyes were glued to the pot.

Nov stuck a lid on top and heaved the enormous vat of soup onto the ground with care. Then he dragged it out, snapping at small hands and faces not to touch the burning metal as he made agonizingly slow progress to the front of the mess hall. With another strain of effort, he managed to prop up the soup onto a wide table and tapped the side with a metal ladle. A storm of children rushed to form a single, wiggling line in front of it.

The cook removed the lid and echoes of ooh's and ahh's erupted all over the room. "Stand straight, runts. No pushing, no shoving. Bowls out, spoons under. March!"

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Eat Your Vegetables

Postby Matthew on March 15th, 2014, 7:12 am



Experience Points:

  • 3 Cooking
  • 1 Intimidation
  • 1 Leadership


  • Cooking: Basic Prep Work
  • Cooking: Basic Knife Techniques
  • Cooking: Brewing a Basic Stock
  • Jillian: Mistress of the Orphans
  • Little Thomas: Ice Cold Critic
  • Recipe: Everything Stew

Additional Notes :
Nice little solo thread. Noven should learn a bit of writing and perhaps record some of his recipes!

If you have any questions or concerns relevant to your grade, don't be afraid to send me a private message so that we can work it all out! Please remember to mark your Grading Request as Graded.

A shout-out to Ollic Rimesage, who was kind enough to make this template for me.
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