As Anna spoke in turn, Clyde listened while continuing at his work. Winding a layer of d-wire all the way down the length of the staff was a bit time consuming, and required one to pay close attention to the actions of your hands. After all he did not want to say make a pair of wires overlap, he was uncertain what such a mistake might cause to happen. Perhaps nothing but... But better safe than sorry and a smoldering pile of djed melted slag. “ I see, so it would naturally go without saying that considering the hazards of crafting one would need to establish a balance of sorts during the actual crafting. What of the actual supplies? You mentioned a charging hammer, and this pedestal looks rather ornate, and you have reagents to place in the item itself. Are those all one needs then in the actual process of crafting an item?” "Well... Yes and no... I suppose your going to get tired of hearing me say that... For the basics of Magecrafting, all one needs is a area to keep the item in, preferably a pedestal, plus charging items, the basic reagents used, and a Magesmith. And a place to cool the object down when done. If that's all you want, just a basic effect, then yes that's all you would technically need. But the deeper the enchantment, the deeper the focus on a specific property of the item in question, then it is possible the normal reagents are not enough." "For instance I am planning to do 3 enhancements to the structural nature of the staff, by doing three steps of durability enhancement. But with so much focus on one area, there is a greater chance of complications occurring, and so I plan to also use a catalyst to stabilize the item. I'll be adding that later. So with a simpler enchantment only the basic items are needed, but for a more advanced one... More advanced and rare things are required." As Anna once more continued talking, Clyde kept on with the wiring of the staff. His hands were starting to get a bit tired from the repeated motion, but he kept at it as he was almost done. “Judging from the bedroll over there would it be safe to assume that this process is rather time consuming? You also mentioned having made the staff for durable in the process of your previous crafting, so what you are saying is that compared to a normal staff made the same way from the same material it would then be markedly stronger? Say if one tried to smash it with a warhammer, would it simply deflect the blow easily?” "Yes, it is very time consuming. This MC 4 item I am making, is probably going to take at least... A total of 15 days to do alone. If I had another Magesmith to assist I could cut down on that time, or if I was more skilled I could likely do the steps quicker... But the more steps you do, the more and more time it takes." "Oh, and MC means Magecraft Coefficient, it marks the number of steps of Magecrafting enchantment laid upon the specific item. So MC 4 means it has 4 steps to it." "As for the exact nature of the enchantment, of a single step, it is hard to say. It would certainly be better than a average staff, more hardy, but with a single step increase? I cannot say exactly how much. Perhaps a normal staff giving the three durability steps I plan to do could do as you say, but it is not a exact thing, I can't say exactly what it could do." "Also, the base item itself comes into question. As I said, the base staff was izentor crafted, so it is already pretty strong as compared to a normal staff... But with these three added steps, I would imagine nothing short of magic or something magically enhanced could break or damage this staff once it was done. Or at least nothing you are likely to run across on a average day." Done with the wiring, Clyde set down the roll of wire, and picked up the clamps. He applied one to each end, and then took a moment to look at the staff as it laid upon the pedestal. Clyde turned and began to head back to his tools, to pick up the next thing he needed. A jar of special mineral powder which was needed for the next step. “So tell me Mr. Sullins, what exactly shall we be doing today? I do believe you offered to allow me to try my hand at this craft, if I recall our arrangement correctly.” Picking up the jar, he headed back to Annalisa, and showed her the contents. "This is special mineral powder used in this step. Grab a pinch and start helping me rub it into the staff and the d-wire. Then, we are both going to hold onto the staff, on different ends, and attempt to use a personal magic through the staff, and have the effects issue forth from the skin of the wood. Ah... And which magic are you going to do?" Clyde took up a pinch of the powder and turned to the staff, and began to rub it in, getting it in between the wires, all over them, rubbing it in well till it was down all the way to the wood and began to rub it in there also. |