"Its certainly a powerful item if it can so augment personal magic, no doubt it requires some skill in the actual making of it. What of the staff itself? What is it made from?"
Clyde paused for a moment, looking over at the pedestal and the staff, and then back at Anna.
"Yes, it does require a reasonably skilled Magesmith. Its certainly too complex for someone without a good bit of training too do on their own, or to fully understand. I doubt you'll fully comprehend what your seeing here today. Ah, lets see... Its a staff... Made of Vian Wood, from Mura."
After that Annalisa spent some time inspecting his Glyphs, looking at the various bits and bobs. It was certainly a complex creation, doing more than one would think at first look. But then, it was a specialized series of Glyphs, a heavy warding, made specifically for the purpose of Magecrafting.
"Impressive, it takes quite a bit of time to create Wards like these as well as a fair deal of skill. I did notice you are focused mostly on containment, I would assume this is indicative of the hazards of Magecrafting in general? That what you are already working with is more dangerous than most outside stimuli?"
"Also, what are those tools if you don't mind my asking? Are they normally used in Magecraft?"
Clyde paused for a moment once more, thinking over what she said.
"Well, yes and no. And then some more no. While containment is a issue, in case things go wrong, the larger issue is interference. See these outer bits, they keep out unwanted djed from getting inside, that's what the main barrier's for. These barriers allow me to control the stream of djed so that only what I want gets in, and no random outside djed interferes, such as say... From other experiments going on nearby. With the open and general usage of these labs interference is a key concern."
"However these inner swirly whirl-ey bits, they are a fallback option, in case the first layer fails, allowing the djed to be absorbed and guided. That's why its repeated on the innermost layer, so that any excess djed from the reactions I am doing, any that is not properly used as intended, these suck up that djed so that it does not remain floating about and such, and only the specific djed I am trying to insert is being used."
"So this allows for me to both keep out unwanted external djed, but to also keep internal djed that is not properly integrated from integrating in unwanted ways, after my attempt at insertion is done."
Clyde paused for a moment, looking over the Glyphs, and then back at Annalisa, a few thoughts occuring to him.
"Hmmm... So that's why I did it like that... Honestly until I just voiced it, I did not fully realize why I did that particular set of warding. Sometimes I do things before I even fully realize the full extent of what they will do. I guess now that I say it out loud, it is a perfect ward to use in conjunction with Magecrafting."
"Ah, but my description, probably a bit confusing for one that does not know how Magecrafting works. Yes, I should probably back track and explain how Magecrafting itself works, so that you can fully understand those things I just said in explaining my Glyphing."
"So... What do you know of souls?" |