Name: Misty Snowsong
Birthday and Age: Season of Winter, Day 60, 496 AV (17 years old)
Gender: Female
Physical Description
Misty is 5'1", and weighs exactly 105 lbs. She has long, black hair that shimmers with the customary Vantha charm, and piercing, green eyes. She is slender and tall, but walks with the grace of a drunk monkey. She also tries to make herself look as small as possible when among large crowds, so people do not notice her. She always wears a shirt and pants of green, her favorite color.
Character Concept
Misty is easily trusting, which has gotten her harmed in the past; this did not stop her trust though, only made her afraid of near-everything. Large crowds, strangers, sudden noises, etc. where she has traveled, she has made an impression of always telling the truth, unless storytelling. Due to her natural shyness, last year, she took up traveling with a large, intimidating swordsman named Tavil, who she has traveled with since. He catches the eye of most travelers, and not many notice the small girl tailing him. She has a great love for most people (even the scary ones), and can find the good in anybody, provided she gets the chance to know them. She will even try to befriend bandits and thieves, after she catches them. She has never killed another sentient, and she hopes never to have to.
Character History
Misty was born to the Snowsong family years ago. They say that she was singing before she was walking and talking, and showed a great interest in music, as all the Snowsongs are prone to.
One of Misty's favorite things to do when she was small was to listen to the elders weave a story. The Vani language was so eloquent and beautiful; much better than the common language she had to learn, as if she would ever leave the holds. She became well versed in the stories of the elders, and memorized them chapter and verse. She grew up conforming to the Hold's rites, and never disobeyed them. She was the perfect child.
Until her arranged marriage, that is.
Her father came home and told her she was to marry the youngest of the Coolwater clan, a horrible beast of a man. She decided to run, and become a nomad. She told her mother, the only person she knew she could trust; Misty's mother gave her the old fiddle that had been passed down for generations. "My great-great-great-grandfather passed this down. It's my time to give it to you." After gathering some supplies, she ran and ran and ran.
She never looked back.
As she headed south, she was ever on the watch for bandits, thieves, slavers, and wizards. Night after night, day after day, she would flinch at the slightest noise, jump at the slightest movement. The world today was not a kind place, and she knew it. Of course, it was just her luck that she was caught by slavers.
She was among them forever. They never mistreated her, although she knew they were heading for a town where there could always be someone to mistreat her. There was always the chance of escape, of course, but the slaves that did that were.... Well, the ramifications were unpleasant. She would wait until there was a better opportunity.
Wizards! She was sold to wizards! Why? She should have tried to escape the slavers when she had the chance! Of course, they weren't at a town. Magic-users didn't usually show themselves in town. They were distrusted, and for good reason! These wizards used the slaves they got for experiments. The ones that willingly went were promoted in the ranks. Misty's experiments were never too bad; they were almost never painful, and they didn't mess with her body a lot, and whenever the wizards were done, they would put her back to normal. It was okay. Still, she had to escape.
"Hurry hurry hurry!"
Misty sits beside Tavil, her new-found ally. These particular wizards believed that the two most docile slaves would be better use to them if they became magic users themselves. Her, they initiated with.... Reimancy. An experience that she would never forget, and always wish she could have forgotten. Tavil's experience was somewhat more tolerable. He was taught glyphs, because he was quite good with his hands, and the current glypher among the wizards was getting along in the years. They thought that the two slaves that seemed happiest about their position would never escape. They may have been right, had they been the happiest. They were just the most patient.
Using his glyphs to store her Res, he would later trigger them to create air. That is, turn their chains into nothing.
"Just one more stroke...."
Training and Skill Points
Bowing and fletching - Starting Package(10pts) 10/100
Reimancy - Starting Package(10pts) 10/100
Wilderness survival - Starting Package(10pts) 10/100
Short Bow - Starting Package(10pts) 10/100
Fiddle - Starting Package(5 pts) 5/100
Storytelling - Starting Racial Bonus(10pts) 10/100
Lore of General Music
Lore of Vani Fictions
Green cloth shirt and pants+shoes and undergarments (Starting Package) [Equipped]
1 Water Skin (Starting Package) [Equipped]
1 Backpack Containing (Starting Package) [Equipped]
- 1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
Food for a week
1 eating knife
Flint & Steel
2 Sq Yd Cloth
100 Ft of Rope
Pants [Poor]
Shirt [Poor]
Sharpening Stone
Quiver (20 Fishing Arrows) [Equipped]
Composite Short Bow [Equipped]
Archer's Glove [Equipped]
Pendant Vial w/ 2 Oz. Red Ink [Equipped]
Bedroll [Equipped]
Blanket [Equipped]
100 Arrows
1 Fiddle (heirloom)
100 gold mizas [Starting Package]
+500 gold mizas [House cash in]
-75 GM [Composite Short Bow]
-5 GM [100 Short Bow Arrows]
-4 GM [20 Fishing Arrows]
-4 GM [2 Daggers]
-20 GM [Quiver]
-1 GM [2 Sq. Yd. Cloth]
-1 GM [20 Quills]
-4 GM [4 Ink Vials]
-1 SM [Bedroll]
-5 SM [Blanket]
-1 GM [Archer's Glove]
-4 GM [Two Dagger Scabbards]
-10 GM [Sharpening Stone]
-2 GM [Pendant Vial]
-6 GM [2 oz. Colored Ink]
-5 SM [Bath House]
(463 GM, 8 SM, 5 CM)
Thread List
Feels Like a Thumb in My....
The Swordsman, the Reimancer, and the Warfields