Closed Torn Hearts (Orion)

Whose shirt does Tabby repair at the end of her shift?

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

Torn Hearts (Orion)

Postby Tabitha Aryns on April 26th, 2014, 3:08 am

“Sure...” Quietly Tabitha went along with Orion’s suggestion of an ex-boyfriend, voice dropping off uncertainly on the topic, she’d rather not lie to Orion, but at the same time she really didn’t want him to meet her elderly mother. The latter beat out the former concern. Hopefully, just hopefully, Tabitha wouldn’t muck things up later, she would have to keep a special awareness of what she was about and going to say if he decided to pry further. Just stay away from her, please, please, please, just stay away. You seem like a really ni- Tabitha’s thoughts were interrupted as his next few words found her ears. What.. I thought..I thought I said to not. Light blushing followed after his comment.

Caught off guard by his actions, she became acutely aware of just how tall Orion actually was, and felt quite small in comparison. He only leant down to whisper in her ear, a simple act, nothing to get flustered about, but it made the hairs on the back of her neck rise and the skin tingle where warm breath fell. Orion’s questions as answers didn’t make sense at all, at least not to Tabitha, since to watch her work he would have had to enter a back room, and to get in there he would have had to be working at the Soothing Waters. Or, maybe, she didn’t know, not rightly anyways. Who was she to say that a civilian couldn’t just walk into the back room for whatever reason they may have?

If so, she had never seen him once there, or maybe, just maybe, he had been there but never once paid attention to her surroundings; though it could have explained why she felt he was so familiar. Had she spotted a stalker without realizing it? The sheer weirdness of his questions took most of the excitement out of them. It must have been a joke, it had to be and he was toying with her, Tabitha blushed redder more out of anger than whatever it was that other feeling was just then. “Don’t joke about that. Th-that’s so weird…” Tabby felt a little put off being near Orion now, and it showed, whereas she had been content to be closer, now she kept a distance by a couple of feet.

Mostly nice enough... Tabby corrected her previous opinion on the man she was treating to lunch, eying him suspiciously as she responded. “Yes, lets…” She crossed her arms a little awkwardly in front of her chest, wondering if perhaps she should cancel the lunch date but how would she find her way back? They were probably over half way there, she barely caught the faint whiffs of salt on the stale air, but at least she would be able to find her way back after the date was over- without Orion. Familiar or not, she did not like the thought of being stalked, especially in a place knew very little about. Though… If he was joking, maybe she’d joke back at him. “You’re not a stalker are you?” She questioned.

“Because if you are..” Her statement fell silent at the end as she looked back over to him with brows slightly raised, challenging Orion with a calm expression as she walked with him. Wondering what he would fill the blank of her statement with, if he would at all, or if he would catch on to what her ruse was. Instead she inhaled the growing stronger salty air deeply, a small smile covering the smugness that was currently in her thoughts. “Smell that air, doesn’t it smell wonderful? It reminds me so much of home.”
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Torn Hearts (Orion)

Postby Orion Michaels on April 27th, 2014, 5:57 pm


Orion immediately pulled back on his aggressive teasing when he saw the young woman tense. It was almost disappointing how little she was able to pick up on. The girl was a bit unpredictable; easily put off, but then would randomly fire back in a feisty manner. It seemed almost as though she didn't really know how she wanted to act. He knew he had a tendency to push too far on this sort of thing, and it was risky at times because it chased people away. It wasn't normally for the reasons that Tabitha would give. Or ever.

A stalker?

Orion could barely contain his laughter. Bringing his hand to his mouth, the squire glanced back over his shoulder after she asked her question. "By the Gods you're a funny one." The thought of him stalking a woman was unimaginable. Orion didn't follow, he caught. "I'm more of a fisherman, if I really wanted to attach a word to it," he said, turning his head forward. "But seriously. Don't take me serious. If you do, you won't know which up way is up."

This girl. She was something. And she was keeping her distance now. She hadn't run though, which was a good sign. Judging by the glances she had down the corridor, however, it seemed as though it was a thought. "If I were a stalker, I'd be a pretty bad one, what with me talking to you and all. I thought stalkers were more the silent type." At least they had been in his experience.

He continued leading them towards the Broken Casket as long as she continued to follow. The sea breeze only got stronger as they got closer, salty winds whipping throughout the paths near the Great Harbor. Her statement brought a small smile to his lips. He'd wait to ask her about it until they were within the Casket, eating and drinking to their heart's content. "We're almost upon it. Good thing, too, I'm famished. There's this fish and rice dish here that's simply divine."

As the Broken Casket came into view, the squire motioned to it's door, opening it for his acquaintance to enter. "Might be a little busy in there. It's mid-day. Lots of sailors looking for a meal. Let's see about finding a place to sit."

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Torn Hearts (Orion)

Postby Tabitha Aryns on May 7th, 2014, 3:47 pm

The Broken Casket

At his laughter Tabitha only smiled, she had to agree that the idea of Orion being a stalker was quite funny, he didn’t even look like one but looks could be deceiving. While Tabby had little experience with stalkers, she had her friend’s most likely grossly exaggerated tales about them, she was certain they were taller than her friend let on. “They’re suppose to be pretty ugly too.” Tabby added to Orion’s previous description of a stalker being the silent type. “You’re actually rather handsome, so you wouldn’t fit the profile anyways, Mr. Fisherman.” She stated an opinion, whilst complimenting Orion’s looks in a roundabout way.

They had come up to the Broken Casket, her date opening the door for her, she raised an eyebrow at Orion quizzically for the topic of sailormen. One small grin slid on her lips, sly in nature, but not quite there yet as she misinterpreted his statement. “I think they add to the place’s charm, don’t tell me you’re afraid of them?” In the tavern she went, the playful guise crumbling back to its former calm expression, however a content smile had replaced the previous grin. The Broken Casket was indeed busy, a wave of stimuli assaulted Tabitha’s eyes, ears, and nose as they would enter, there was gruff laughter, and hearty conversations mingling in the air whilst the sound of mugs clanked near everywheres. Sailors, foreign and Syliran sharing tales of the seas, and their recent endeavors, came in all sorts of sizes and walks of life from the most physically buff man, to the craftiest looking of women but that wasn’t what made Tabitha’s stomach growl.

Excitement was quick to take over, but Tabitha was careful to not let the midday merriment go to her head as she looked around for a table. To be grabbed would be an easy thing for any of the current occupants in the room to do so, despite her initial distance to Orion, Tabitha inched closer to him for a feeling of makeshift safety and pointed at an empty table currently being cleaned off by a barmaid. “Ah, Orion, right there.”

“This place makes the crampedness of Syliras okay.” Tabby stated as they made their way to sit down, and once seated, she propped an elbow on the table and leaned her cheek against the flat of her palm. She sniffed, the aroma of cooking food was almost drowned by the smell of ale, wine, and sweat, but it was there, faintly, but there. Another growl originated in her stomach, Tabby’s brows furrowed in light concentration to ignore it for a little while longer. I can’t believe I almost forgot how hungry I was. Glancing up at the barmaid who had just made her presence known to the two, she looked over to Orion, and then Tabitha, who also looked at Orion. “I’m not too particular on my alcohol so whatever you’re having is fine.” Tabby said after a moment, first at Orion, and then to the barmaid. “But we’re having the lunch meal, the both of us.”
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Torn Hearts (Orion)

Postby Orion Michaels on May 10th, 2014, 11:55 pm


"There. That smile is much more fitting," he said. It was a relief that she seemed to calm down. Certainly would have been a shame to ruin a nice afternoon off a misunderstood joke.. He gave a sheepish grin and turned away from her, feigning embarrassment. "Oh my. Flatterer. You'll not sweep me off my feet that easily." The truth of the matter was this: Stalkers came in all shapes and sizes and Orion was always on the receiving end.

"Petrified, my dear Tabitha. Nothing makes me want to turn tail and run quite like a drunken sailor," he replied, rolling his eyes. Sailors were more trouble than they were worth. He'd had more than one run in with them and it usually ended with unneeded injuries, a trip to the tank, and a debt of some kind for them to work off. "But no, as long as they merrily drink their drink and leave us be, we shouldn't have any problems. Careful though. Some of them get handsy." Orion couldn't help but smile as they entered. Despite his less than favorable experience with sailors, he'd spent more and more time at this particular establishment.

"Good eyes," he commented, leading the charge to their table. He made use of his broad frame to muscle smaller people out of the way and clear a path for the much smaller woman behind him. "Keep moving, don't want to lose the seat."

Fortune smiled upon them and they were able to arrive at their table with out incident. The location gave them a good view of the patrons of the tavern. Laughter, singing, arguing, and even a bit of gambling was going on as people wasted away their day. He caught the scent of a tantalizing aroma wafting from the kitchen. It had to be the fish.

Blue eyes rested on the barmaid as she walked up, a soft smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Quick service, a staple of the location. For as busy as it was within the building's walls, they rarely made a customer wait. Time was money, after all. Tabitha ordered the lunch special for them both. Simple enough. "And bring a bottle of your house wine, too. That ought to keep use busy for a bit." It wasn't the best tasting wine, but it was cheap compared to other places throughout Syliras. A hint of sweetness that would quickly be overpowered by an almost shockingly dry and bitter flavor.

It wouldn't take terrible long for their drinks to be retrieved, but Orion didn't waste the time before it arrived. "It's a boisterous place, that's for sure. Bored already?" He motioned to her arm and how she was supporting herself. "I could get up and do a little jig for you, if it would please my unpredictable acquaintance." Flashing her a grin, the squire leaned back in his chair and addressed her fully. "So when did you get into Syliras?" It seemed a fair question. The young woman didn't know her way around the city enough to have been from it.

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Torn Hearts (Orion)

Postby Tabitha Aryns on May 11th, 2014, 11:58 pm

Wine? Amanda would have gone bonkers at the alcohol, associating it with romance, and suave charm while on a date; going for days on end about how sophisticated her dinner date was, since any other alcohol was rare in the port city. Tabitha couldn’t help but chuckle quietly at the thought, she remembered the wine, it didn’t taste like romance to her. Listening as Orion spoke, Tabitha pursed her lips at his comment on her posture. “I’m not bored at all, I was just admiring the scenery.” She said nonchalantly, acting as if she didn’t care on what he said of how she sat, but she adjusted anyways so now that only her hands rested on the table top. Tabitha didn’t want to be rude or have him think she was already bored of him, but perhaps he was just teasing, she cracked a smile at his question of jigs.

“No need, its too crowded for someone to dance. Besides.” Tabitha leaned forwards just slightly, voice hovering above a whisper. “Wouldn’t want to catch the attention of those burly sailormen, eh?” She leaned back from him, teasing, instead of taking on a more serious tune as she would have if Orion hadn’t warned her earlier about ‘not taking him seriously.’ It certainly felt like a battle to her, poised in between decency, and just having fun. Though she laughed at his last question, was she really that easy to read? An ironic inquiry to what he previously said as he had called her unpredictable. “Could you really tell I’m not from here? I think-” Rhetorical question. Tabitha mused for a moment quietly, thinking back to when she had first arrived at the gates.

“I think I got here late last Autumn, just before the snows would fall.” The journey had been dangerous, she didn’t want to go into detail with a stranger on it, nor did she want to give the exact reason as to why she left another city for one such as Syliras. “I take it you’ve lived a long time here? If you can tell I’m new.”

“Oh.” Tabitha exhaled, glancing back to the returned barmaid. The wine was here, its carrier the barmaid set it on the table along with two mugs and a nonverbal wink at the two before going on her way again. What a wonderful distraction, Tabitha seized it to change the subject, as going on any further about her dwellings in Syliras was bound to lead to trouble. “Care to pour the first round, Orion?” She picked the mug up by its handle and held it out almost expectantly of him. Alcohol was dangerous in large quantities, but if she just sipped every once in awhile, she should be fine, but what of Orion? She raised a brow at her date curiously, biting her lower lip for a tick and then spoke. “Are you still up for that drinking challenge?”

Will I actually be able to hold out against him? Drinking was another challenge for Tabitha, a risk, she could never hold it down if she drank too much, or in milder cases she’d pass out before Amanda (both a best friend, and a drinking buddy in one.) Her mother definitely had Tabitha beaten as well. Either way, she didn’t think she could really beat Orion, not in reality. “If so, lets be a little classier than the sailors. Pure drinking is just boring.”
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Torn Hearts (Orion)

Postby Orion Michaels on June 13th, 2014, 12:04 am


"The scenery?" Orion gave an exaggerated scoff before folding his arms protectively across his chest. "I'll have you know I'm not just some scenery for you to gawk at, Tabitha. I do have some feelings somewhere deep in here." He kept a straight face for a few ticks before grinning at the young seamstress. She adjusted her position, despite her words. It was a curious trait, one which Orion had observed again and again. People would change based on the statements of others, even if not intentionally.

His lips parted slightly as his teeth exposed themselves in a smile. "There's always room for a jig, but you're right. Needn't attract any undue attention." At worst he would get a few dirty looks if he actually got up to do that jig, and that was only because if he had to dance to save his life, he would be dead.

She carefully chose her reply to his question. It wasn't all that unexpected as Orion had her pegged as a cautious individual. "Fortunate you arrived when you did," he said, allowing the lingering question of why she'd come to Syliras remain unsaid. "It was the worst winter in my memory." He nodded. "Yes, I was born and raised within these wonderful walls. I've been told it can be a little overwhelming to those not used to it, but it gets easier over time."

Orion offered the barmaid a soft smile and a nod as she brought the wine forth. The squire answered Tabitha's question with action, taking and pouring her a full mug before doing the same for himself. "Of course I am," he replied, "as long as you promise not to take advantage of me if I have a bit too much."

The squire took the first sip, letting the bitter fluid rest on his tongue for a moment before swallowing it. The wine was just as he described it. Cheap, and that was just fine with him. "Pure drinking not good enough, huh? Then what did you have in mind? You turned down the dancing, after all." Dancing blue eyes disappeared behind the tilt of a wooden mug, only to reappear a tick later with an expectant look about them.

The squire wasn't sure how many 'adventures' had started this way, but his past was lined with forgotten faces and names he'd never bothered to learn. It was strange, but he didn't really feel like playing that game again. "I'm all ears."

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