{78th day of Winter, 513}
Zuriel remembered the past seasons in an ugly light. He had attempted to follow the female he met in spring. Over the Cyphrus grasslands it wasn't a difficult task, she wasn't exactly one to tidy up after herself.
His fortune had faded quickly however, and he had lost her trail near the shores of a thin sea. He remembered weeks spent futilely searching near the shoreline both to the north and south, hoping for signs of one of her roosts or the remains of a killing, all to no avail. Finding nothing he was certain she must have crossed the water and he had set wing across the expanse in belated chase, his hopes diminished.
The landscape on the other side was vastly different to what he was used to, and her trail was long since too cold for his untrained tracking skills to follow. Scanning the landscape the zith found nothing but hunger, and he passed the weeks on scraps and small game, taking to searching more than hunting. Quickly though he became weak from the small influx of food and moved to hunting the majority of the time, Although the game was quite different he managed to remain mostly healthy.
Once the weather began to cool, though he yearned to find, well, anyone averse to killing him on sight at this point. He did not wish to be in this unknown land as the cold season grew deadly. He had made up his mind and headed back for Cyphrus to survive the cold, at least in the grasslands there was land he recognised, at least in the grasslands he could hunt properly!