Hello all! This is the character registry for the season of Spring 514 AV in Syliras. If you plan on rping with us here in the city, and even those whom are just visiting please fill out the form below and post it. We are a friendly lot here in Syliras and we want to know who's in the city as we're all looking to make that next epic thread! It's so much easier to find people to thread with with a ready list of awesome PCs right in front of you. So come on in and let us see your super awesome PC!!
- Code: Select all
[b]Character Name:[/b] Your name!
[b]Character Occupation:[/b] How do you make money to live?
[b]Visitor or Resident:[/b] Are you a permanent fixture, or just passing through?
[b]Character Goals:[/b] What exactly are you hoping to accomplish, immediately and in the long term?
[b]Threading Interests:[/b] What is it you love to write about the most?
[b]Open for RP:[/b] Do you mind others randomly PMing you for fun RP times?
[b]Everything Else:[/b] Anything you'd like to say to the crowd, here you are.