by Julla Orrinade on June 11th, 2016, 5:16 pm
Please, Elysium, don't apologize for experiencing the one thing everyone has in common: reality.
Please don't feel like you're letting us down. You're not. In fact, you're being honest with yourself. You're telling us that you're not a god who always has time for everything. We, just like you, are human, and understand that life is going to get in the way sometimes.
If you ever feel like you're falling behind, it's okay. Take a break; gather yourself together again. There are other willing people who can step up and replace you while you take a breather. Just do us a favor and don't spread yourself thin. We want you to be healthy and strong, not holding on by a thread.
We care about you, Elysium, and only want the best. Take care of yourself, okay?