[Verified by Crosspatch] Daegron

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Postby Daegron on March 1st, 2014, 9:41 pm

Daegron the Morpher

An artist of the flesh or perhaps a mind shattered...

..the undeniable facts..

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Birthday: 12th of Summer 487AV
Birthplace: Zeltiva
Height: around 5"10"
Weight: around 200 lbs
Profession: Bodyguard
Location: Ravok


.. ever shifting, ever changing, but always ugly...

Behind a multitude of guises and transformations, lies Daegron's true and natural form. Resembling a battlefield covered with scars and marks, flaky, bruised or cut skin adorned with discolourations and worse, it has become a victim of his magic and a testament of what he's done. His visage is like taking a glimpse into the blackness of his soul.
It is obvious from the first glance that this man's life has been full of trouble. Intimidating, broad shouldered, well-built and stocky, he carries himself with confidence and pride. He looks rugged and tough; though he does not really care too much about his looks, he tries his best to be at least presentable. His hair is a thick raven black mane with the occasional grey streak, his skin has a slight brownish hue and his sullen eyes are emerald green. His expression is grim and hinting of great determination. His gaze is stern and a constant angry frown hangs upon his brow. He sports an unkempt stubble. His grin is wide and sinister. His voice is raspy and deep.

Who am I ?

Behavioural Patterns

..driven by pride and other vices...

Daegron's behaviour mainly follows two distinct and very different patterns; he may change his pattern at any time without warning and in times of stress he can be rather unpredictable. On one hand, he is careful, calculating, patient, focused and insightful. On the other hand he is impatient, hasty, careless, quick to anger, mean, blunt and rude. Needless to say that this demeanour has led him into a lot of trouble. He is able to destroy in a whim what has taken him years to perfect.

Daegron does not generally get along easy with others. His bad attitude and crude manners haven't helped his social skills. He is mostly ignorant of others' feelings and usually does not care to make a good impression. He does not trust others and is suspicious of people's motives to the point of paranoia. He prefers intimidation from persuasion, yet his speech can be eloquent and sharp if such need arises.

What surprises people who actually get to know him, are the qualities hidden underneath his "primitive" and often outright hostile outer shell. He is a sharp-witted, and highly perceptive individual. He is a deep thinker and keen on intellectual pursuits. He shows great dedication if so inspired.

Daegron shows great stubbornness and is relentless in his pursuits. Adapting to adverse situations is always like a challenge for him; one he is always eager to accept, adapt and and overcome. His sheer pride often borders with arrogance. He does not avert violence; in fact he welcomes every chance to test his mettle. He never quits. His fears and doubts, if they ever appear, are swiftly suppressed.

His ethics lie in a grey amoral area. Though one would never consider him a good-natured and virtuous man, he is not utterly evil. He is self-centered and that's what motivates his every decision or action. He is known to deceive, to be vengeful, secretive and cruel. But there are times, however rare, when he is inspired to great deeds. He does everything to satisfy his own ego and pride; no sacrifices for anyone or anything else than himself.

As he delves deeper into his Morphing magic, his art and greatest pride, his behaviour is becoming more and more erratic. It slowly eats him from the inside, corrupting his very soul while bringing to the surface new personality traits...

The ensemble

..those who have awakened, as if by magic... parts of a whole...

At the end of Fall 514 AV, Daegron was struck by a terrible realization. He discovered that in the darkest recesses of his mind, he is not alone...

Image Indulgence WIP
Image Abomination WIP
Image Benevolent WIP


..a series of misfortunes and bad choices..

Daegron was born in Zeltiva, the spawn of his mother's love affair with a sailor named Odis Barnello. In their wealthy merchant family, such an affair would be a horrible scandal and was promptly silenced and covered up. Yet Daegron, was clearly unwanted and branded as the "little bastard" by both of his parents and his three siblings ever since he remembers. His childhood memories are of beatings, humiliation and borderline slavery. Unable to tolerate any more abuse, he left his house at the age of sixteen, severing all ties with his "family". He joined the crew of a ship named "Renegade" and spent a few years sailing around Mizahar, fighting pirates, getting drunk and whoring around.

It was in his twenties that he met his mentor, Valthor; A proud Symenestra mage, corrupted hedonist who would only talk to him in Symenos. Daegron was fascinated by him and his spidery race. TOgether they spent a few months, and the mage nurtured the young man into the bastard that he is today. In exchange for his sister, who was cunningly trapped and offered as a surrogate to his mentor by himself, he was initiated in the Morphing discipline. A discipline that is shaping his character as he shapes his own body.

Following for a good three or four seasons a seductive and mysterious woman named Vanya, first as her escort and later on as her lover, Daegron finds himself used as a puppet and betrayed in Ravok. Under her hypnotic charms and desperately in love, he followed her to the end of the world, making her every whim or every step of her plans come true. Unable to remember why he is there, and still confused or oblivious to his past deeds, he tries to find himself again. Inspired by Rhysol's absolute domination and protection, he decides to become a citizen of this city.

Last edited by Daegron on December 30th, 2014, 2:06 pm, edited 42 times in total.

The Art will twist you and turn you.
It will break you and tear you asunder; from your scattered remains it will shape you.
It will engulf you and spit you out.
It will fester in your mind, disfigure your body and blacken your soul.
And so on and so forth, through an endless chain of transformations till the time comes and you are everything...
Then you'll truly be nothing...

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Fleshcraft made Art
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Postby Daegron on April 30th, 2014, 4:28 am

..the things that define our very being..

Skill Name Starting Gained Total Proficiency
Morphing +26 SP +2, +1, +1, +5, +3, +1, +2, +4, +2, +4, +1, +3, +257 Expert
Weapon: Scimitar +14 SP +1 15 Novice
Brawling +15 RB +1, +2, +2, +2, +1 23 Novice
Unarmed Combat +1, +2, +1, +3, +1 7 Novice
Observation +10 SP +1, +2, +3, +3, +2, +3, +1, +3, +4, +2, +2, +1, +1, +2,+1 41 Competent
Socialization +1, +5, +2, +1, +1 9 Novice
Acrobatics +1 1 Novice
Intimidation +1, +1, +3, +1, +16 Novice
Planning +1, +1, +1 2 Novice
Rhetoric +2, +1, +1, +2, +3, +2 10 Novice
Leadership +2, +2 4 Novice
Interrogation +1, +1 2 Novice
Acting +1, +2 3 Novice
Intelligence +1 1 Novice
Seduction +1, +1 2 Novice
Meditation +1, +1, +2, +3 7 Novice
Endurance +1, +1 2 Novice
Running +2 2 Novice
Tactics +2, +1, +1 4 Novice
Logic +2 2 Novice
Negotiation +2, +2 4 Novice
Persuasion +1, +1, +1 2 Novice
Weapon: Dagger +1 1 Novice
Storytelling +1 1 Novice
Investigation +1 1 Novice
Impersonation +2 2 Novice
Subterfuge +1 1 Novice

..the things I've learned..

Ravok: Merchant's Ring
Ravok: Bridges Rare
Ravok Without Ravosalas: A Mess
Ravok: Hard to Navigate
Location: Nitrozian-Moletta Sanitary Station
The Magnificent Sight of the Black Sun Temple

Chaos at the Ebonstryfe Display
A job of Elimination
Prayer Meeting for Freedom from the Lake Monster

The Beast's Maw. (Morphing model)
Morphing: Painful Side Effects
Using Morphing to Escape Shackles
Morphing: Attaining a New Face
Morphing Chant: A Personal Signature
Morphing Model: A Handsome, Young Man
Morphing Model: A Fat, Tanned Farmer
Morphing Model: A Fierce and Well Marked Warrior
Morphing Idols: Merely Facades and Nothing Else
Morphing Model: A Narrow Jawed Man of Suspicion
Morphing Model: Raelann Glynn
Morphing Model: Nolan Parnell
The Numbness Feeling of a Morphed Face
Sweet Whisper: Forced to Create a Mask of Molten Skin
Morphing: Overgiving
Morphing: Sensation of Overgiving
Overgiving: Wrath & Bloodlust
Personality: Abomination
Personality: Benevolent
Personality: Indulgence
Recognizing Hypnotism in Others

Basic anatomy of the human body
Impressing a Potential Employer
Taking Care of a Wound
Using an Opponent's Weakness and Strength
Paranoia vs. Suspicion: Thinking Someone is Following
Not Liking what's in the Mirror
A mother's protection
The Taste of Fine Wine
Drug: Properties of “Poke”

Vanya: Traitor
Aurora: A Slave Girl with a Special Face
Kelvics: Looked Upon with Contempt
A Bounty for "Inoadar"
Elias: Companion Victim
Elias: Mage
NMSS: Dr Mazetti
MNSS: Parnell
Basso: A proposition
Phineas Moretti: Employer
Parnell's True Name is Tradino Adarius


Fluent Language: Common
Basic Language: Symenos

..to fulfill one's material needs..

1 Set of Clothing
-Grey Felt Shirt
-Black Felt Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Grey Coat
-Leather Belt
-Pouch, Belt
-Leather Boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Wood)
-Brush (Wood)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week's worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
-Studded Leather Vest
-Cold Iron Scimitar & scabbard
-Probationary Citizenship papers (Ravok)
-510 GM


Ravok, The Nitrozian Housing Commission, AKA the petching windowless hole.

..you can never have enough mizas..

Winter 514AV
Expenses / Income Cost Total
Balance from FAll +6 GM 6GM

Fall 514AV
Expenses / Income Cost Total
Balance from Summer +123 GM 123 GM
Mirrors -2 GM 121 GM
NHC small cubicle for summer -45 GM 76 GM
NHC Kitchen Service (simple meals)Because he needs to eat better than poor while cutting up on expenses. He's a big guy, he needs lots of calories :P -20 GM 56 GM
Living Expenses (poor) - 50 GM 6 GM

Summer 514AV
Expenses / Income Cost Total
Balance from Spring +346 GM, 8 SM, 6 CM 346 GM, 8 SM, 6 CM
New ClothesSimple clothing items. a few sets. I tend to destroy them while morphing :P. Please do not ask me to describe or calculate everything, I'm damn lazy. If the amount is not enough, let me know and I'll pay more. -15 GM, 8 SM, 6 CM 330 GM
NHC small cubicle for summer -45 GM 285 GM
Living expenses for Summer Season (common) -162 GM 123 GM
Spring 514AV
Expenses / Income Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
Housing cash in +500 GM 600 GM
Clothing items -5 GM 595 GM
Armor -25 GM 570 GM
Weaponry (sword & scabbard) -35 GM 535 GM
Room and meals for 6 days -25 GM 510 GM
Common Room in the Boarding House For Spring season -70 GM 440 GM
Various tips for information to the Ravosalamen -4 GM 436 GM
Spot job payment (kneecapper) +60 496 GM
Ales and food -1 SM ,- 4 CM 495 GM, 8 SM, 6 CM
Aurora's accomodation -9 GM 486 GM, 8 SM, 6 CM
Bribing a harlot -5 GM 481 GM, 8 SM, 6 CM
Living expenses for Spring (common) -135 GM 346 GM, 8 SM, 6 CM
Last edited by Daegron on March 17th, 2015, 4:52 am, edited 36 times in total.

The Art will twist you and turn you.
It will break you and tear you asunder; from your scattered remains it will shape you.
It will engulf you and spit you out.
It will fester in your mind, disfigure your body and blacken your soul.
And so on and so forth, through an endless chain of transformations till the time comes and you are everything...
Then you'll truly be nothing...

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Fleshcraft made Art
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Joined roleplay: March 1st, 2014, 4:52 am
Location: Ravok
Race: Human
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Postby Daegron on November 30th, 2014, 7:00 am

Thread List
..the things that were and should not be..

Winter 514
Title Description Awards
Room Service Is Alea really trying to clean up Daegron's mess ?
Cross Purposes Daegron and Clyde Sullins form an uneasy alliance...
A colder taste of Freedom Who likes slavers anyway ?
Fall 514
Title Description Awards
In the shadow of His mercy A mass prayer in the Temple of the Black Sun Skills:
  • Acting +2
  • Observation +1
  • Socialization +1
  • Planning +1
  • Impersonation +2
  • Morphing +2
  • Subterfuge +1
  • Unarmed Combat +1
  • Intimidation +1
  • Persuasion 1
  • Prayer Meeting for Freedom from the Lake Monster
  • The Magnificent Sight of the Black Sun Temple
  • Recognizing Hypnotism in Others
  • Morphing Model: Nolan Parnell
  • Parnell's True Name is Tradino Adarius
With fervour, unleashed Daegron and Redd are running wild...
Simulacrum pt I: Cold Mirrors Remaking what was severed bears the promise of new power... and madness Skills:
  • Meditation +3
  • Morphing +3
  • Observation +1
  • Rhetoric +2
  • Storytelling +1
  • Morphing Model: Raelann Glynn
  • Personality: Benevolent
  • Personality: Indulgence
Soup is good food Daegron receives a beating and a job offer Skills:
  • Brawling +1
  • Intimidation +1
  • Investigation +1
  • Negotiation +2
  • Observation +2
  • Unarmed Combat +3
  • Tactics +1
  • Basso: A proposition
  • Phineas Moretti: Employer
Brittle Bones and Iron Will Two mages stumble on a legacy Skills:
  • Morphing +2
  • Observation +2
  • Meditation +1
  • Unarmed Combat +1
  • Verin Rush: Has a Twin
Summer 514
Title Description Awards
Dark red, aged in a cask Daegron meets Elias Caldera just before they face a terrible end...or will they survive ? Skills:
  • Endurance +1
  • Leadership +2
  • Meditation +1
  • Morphing +4
  • Observation +4
  • Rhetoric +2
  • Running +2
  • Socialization +1
  • Tactics +2
  • Unarmed Combat +2
  • Weapon: Dagger +1
  • Elias: Companion Victim
  • Elias: Mage
  • Morphing: Sensation of Overgiving
  • The Taste of Fine Wine
Agony and Ecstasy Daegron seeks a cure. And for his sins he gets... Nolan Parnell Skills:
  • Brawling +2
  • Endurance +1
  • Intimidation +3
  • Logic +2
  • Meditation +2
  • Morphing +4
  • Negotiation +2
  • Observation +2
  • Persuasion +1
  • Rhetoric +3
  • Drug: Properties of “Poke”
  • Location: Nitrozian-Moletta Sanitary Station
  • Morphing: Overgiving
  • NMSS: Dr Mazetti
  • MNSS: Parnell
  • Overgiving: Wrath & Bloodlust
  • Personality: Abomination
Trusting the Wolf Daegron is the hunter or the hunted ? Skills:
  • Morphing +1
  • Observation +1
  • Persuation +1
  • Seduction +1
  • Tactics +1
  • Shayla: Prostitute
[Summer SQ] Captivity Breakout at the Kelvic Research Institute!
Spring 514
Title Description Awards
Rude Awakening Daegron awakens from a long hypnotic trance Skills:
  • Observation +2
  • Morphing +2
  • Brawling +1
  • Using Morphing to Escape Shackles
  • Vanya: Traitor
Without a Paddle Daegron and Anona struggle to find their way in Ravok while the Ravosalamen take the day off Skills:
  • Observation + 1
  • Socialization + 1
  • Acrobatics + 1
  • Ravok Without Ravosalas: A Mess
  • Morphing: Painful Side Effects
  • Ravok: Merchant's Ring
  • Ravok: Bridges Rare
The liquid state of things Daegron meets Verin who makes him drunk while they talk about Rhysol
The Worm in the Book A Spot job that involves extortion Skills:
  • Brawling +2
  • Intimidation +1
  • Morphing +1
  • Observation +1
  • Planning +1
  • Weapon: Scimitar +1
  • Impressing a Potential Employer
  • Ravok: Hard to Navigate
  • Taking Care of a Wound
  • Using an Opponent's Weakness and Strength
An Exercise in Escalation Hell breaks loose during an Ebonstryfe weapons display Skills:
  • Morphing +3
  • Observation +3
  • Rhetoric +1
  • Socialization +2
  • Unarmed Combat +1
  • A Bounty for "Inoadar"
  • Chaos at the Ebonstryfe Display
Two drops of silver Daegron is sent to secure a precious object Skills:
  • Observation +1
  • Morphing +1
Just gotta get out of here Daegron meets Aurora Hook... Is she really so gullible ? Skills:
  • Observation + 3
  • Socialization +5
  • Rhetoric +2
  • Leadership +2
  • Interrogation +1
  • Morphing +1
  • Acting +1
  • Intelligence +1
  • Aurora: A Slave Girl with a Special Face
  • Kelvics: Looked Upon with Contempt
  • Paranoia vs. Suspicion: Thinking Someone is Following
  • Morphing: Attaining a New Face
The mask of molten skin An experiment in Morphing with dire consequences Skills:
  • Observation + 2
  • Morphing: +5
  • Not Liking what's in the Mirror
  • Morphing Chant: A Personal Signature
  • Morphing Model: A Handsome, Young Man
  • Morphing Model: A Fat, Tanned Farmer
  • Morphing Model: A Fierce and Well Marked Warrior
  • Morphing Idols: Merely Facades and Nothing Else
  • Morphing Model: A Narrow Jawed Man of Suspicion
  • The Numbness Feeling of a Morphed Face
  • Sweet Whisper: Forced to Create a Mask of Molten Skin
The lesser of two evils Daegron is sent to take care of a harlot. But things are not always what they seem Skills:
  • Brawling +2
  • Interrogation +1
  • Intimidation +1
  • Morphing +2
  • Observation +3
  • Planning +1
  • Rhetoric +1
  • Seduction +1
  • A Job of Elimination
  • A Mother's Protection
[Left] Excursion - Spring SQ Exploration of ancient ruins!
none yet

The Art will twist you and turn you.
It will break you and tear you asunder; from your scattered remains it will shape you.
It will engulf you and spit you out.
It will fester in your mind, disfigure your body and blacken your soul.
And so on and so forth, through an endless chain of transformations till the time comes and you are everything...
Then you'll truly be nothing...

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Fleshcraft made Art
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Joined roleplay: March 1st, 2014, 4:52 am
Location: Ravok
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